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github-actions[bot] committed Aug 23, 2023
1 parent 7187975 commit ba5d5da
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Showing 5 changed files with 246 additions and 96 deletions.
83 changes: 79 additions & 4 deletions translation_build/csv/Polish/dfint_dictionary.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@
"the army of ","armia "
" marched on "," maszerowa�a na "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@
"Really retire? The world will be saved but","Naprawd� od�o�y�? �wiat b�dzie zapisany, ale"
"you will need to unretire the fort to play","b�dziesz musia� powr�ci� do fortu aby gra�"
"here again.","tu ponownie."
"Really quit without saving?","Wyj�� z gry bez zapisania?"
"All of your progress since the last","Ca�y tw�j post�p od ostatniego"
"save will be lost.","zapisu zostanie utracony."
Expand All @@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@
"Save and return to title menu","Zapisz i przejd� do menu g��wnego"
"Save and continue playing","Zapisz i kontynuuj gr�"
"Retire the fortress (for the time being)","Od��� fortec� (na jaki� czas)"
"Retire the fortress (for the time being)","Pozostaw fortec� (na jaki� czas)"
"Abandon the fortress to ruin","Porzu� fortec� na zrujnowanie"
"Quit without saving","Wyjd� z gry bez zapisania"
"Succumb to the invasion","Ulegnij inwazji"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@
"And remember: [C:2:0:1]Losing is fun![C:7:0:0]","I pami�taj: [C:2:0:1]Przegrywanie jest fajne![C:7:0:0]"
"Your settlement has been abandoned.","Twoja osada zosta�a porzucona."
"Your fortress has settled into the rhythm of day-to-day living, beyond your meticulous concern.","Twoja forteca wpad�a w rytm codziennego �ycia, poza twoim skrupulatnym zainteresowaniem."
"Your strength has been broken.","Twoja si�a zosta�a z�amana."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -7474,7 +7474,82 @@
"I hold the relationships I've forged myself over family ties I had no part in creating.","Postrzegam wy�ej relacje, kt�re stworzy�em sam od rodzinnych, na kt�re nie mia�em wp�ywu."
"We cannot choose our families, but we can choose to avoid them.","Rodziny si� nie wybiera, ale mo�na wybra� unikanie jej."
"I was always irritated by family.","Rodzina zawsze mnie irytowa�a."
"You can't always rely on your family, but it's good to know somebody is there.","Nie zawsze mo�esz polega� na rodzinie, ale dobrze wiedzie�, �e kto� tam jest."
"Family is complicated and those ties be both a boon and a curse. Sometimes both at once!","Rodzina jest skomplikowana i te wi�zi to zar�wno b�ogos�awie�stwo, jak i przekle�stwo. Czasami oba!"
"When all other bonds wither, friendship will remain.","Kiedy wszystkie inne wi�zi uschn�, przyja�� pozostanie."
"Surround yourself with friends you can trust and you will be unstoppable.","Otocz si� przyjaci��mi, kt�rym ufasz, a b�dziesz niepowstrzymany."
"There's nothing like a good friend.","Nie ma nic lepszego od dobrego przyjaciela."
"Building friendships is a waste. There is no bond that can withstand distance or a change of circumstance.","Budowanie przyja�ni nie ma sensu. Nie istnieje wi��, kt�ra przetrwa odleg�o�� albo zmian� okoliczno�ci."
"Friends are future enemies. I don't see the difference. People do as they must.","Przyjaciele to przyszli wrogowie. Nie widz� r��nicy. Ludzie robi� to, co musz�."
"Be careful of your so-called friends.","Uwa�aj na twoich tak zwanych przyjaci��."
"Friends are nice, but you should keep your priorities straight.","Przyjaciele s� przyjemni, ale powiniene� pami�ta� o swoich priorytetach."
"You can be powerful or powerless. The choice is yours, until somebody makes it for you.","Mo�esz by� pot��ny albo bezsilny. Wyb�r nale�y do ciebie, dop�ki kto inny go za ciebie nie zrobi."
"Power over others is the only true measure of worth.","W�adza nad innymi jest jedynym prawdziwym wyznacznikiem warto�ci."
"Strive for power.","D�� do pot�gi."
"It is abhorrent to seek power over other people.","D��enie do w�adzy nad innymi lud�mi jest odra�aj�ce."
"There's nothing admirable about bullying others.","Nie ma niczego godnego podziwu w prze�ladowaniu innych."
"The struggle for power must be balanced by other considerations.","D��enie do pot�gi musi by� r�wnowa�one przez inne rzeczy."
"Everything is so much easier when you just tell the truth.","Wszystko jest takie prostsze, kiedy po prostu m�wisz prawd�."
"There is nothing so important that it is worth telling a lie.","Nie ma nic tak wa�nego, by by�o warte k�amania."
"You should always tell the truth.","Powiniene� zawsze m�wi� prawd�."
"Don't think about the truth, whatever that is. Just say what needs to be said.","Nie my�l o prawdzie, jakakolwiek ona jest. Po prostu m�w to, co jest potrzebne."
"Is there ever a time when honesty by itself overrides other considerations? Say what is right, not what is true.","Czy kiedykolwiek jest czas, kiedy szczero�� sama w sobie jest wa�niejsza od innych rzeczy? M�w to co w�a�ciwe, nie to co prawdziwe."
"There is no value in telling the truth thoughtlessly. Consider the circumstances and say what is best.","Bezmy�lne m�wienie prawdy nie ma sensu. Rozwa� okoliczno�ci i powiedz, co jest najlepsze."
"Sometimes the blunt truth just does more damage. Think about how the situation will unfold before you speak.","Czasami sama prawda po prostu czyni szkod�. My�l o tym, jak sytuacja si� rozwinie zanim cokolwiek powiesz."
"It is best not to complicate your life with lies, sure, but the truth also has its problems.","Najlepiej nie komplikowa� sobie �ycia k�amstwami, jasne, ale prawda r�wnie� przynosi problemy."
"There are times when it is alright not to tell the whole truth.","S� momenty, kiedy jest w porz�dku nie m�wi� ca�ej prawdy."
"I do admire a clever trap.","Podziwiam m�dr� pu�apk�."
"There's no value in all of this scheming I see these days.","Nie ma warto�ci w tych wszystkich intrygach, kt�re dzisiaj widuj�."
"Be shrewd, but do not lose yourself in guile.","B�d� przebieg�y, ale nie popadaj w podst�p."
"I can appreciate the right turn of phrase.","Doceniam w�a�ciwy zwrot frazy."
"I do admire a clever turn of phrase.","Doceniam m�dry zwrot frazy."
"They are so full of all those big words.","S� tacy pe�ni tych wielkich s��w."
"Who are these mealy-mouthed cowards trying to impress?","Komu ci k�amliwi tch�rze pr�buj� zaimponowa�?"
"There is a time for artful speech, and a time for blunt speech as well.","Jest czas zar�wno na kwiecist� mow�, jak i na ostre s�owa."
"Always deal fairly.","Zawsze post�puj uczciwie."
"Don't be afraid to do anything to get ahead in this world.","Nie obawiaj si� zrobi� cokolwiek, byle pozosta� na g�rze."
"Life isn't fair, and sometimes you have to do what you have to do, but working toward a balance isn't a bad thing.","�ycie nie jest sprawiedliwe i czasem robisz to co musisz, lecz d��enie do r�wnowagi nie jest z�� rzecz�."
"Please maintain your dignity.","Prosz� zachowaj godno��."
"What do you care how I speak or how I live?","Co ciebie obchodzi jak m�wi� lub jak �yj�?"
"I can see a place for maintaining decorum, but it's exhausting to live that way.","Dostrzegam miejsce na zachowanie przyzwoito�ci, ale �ycie w ten spos�b jest wyczerpuj�ce."
"It's admirable when the traditions are upheld.","To godne podziwu, gdy tradycje s� kultywowane."
"Some things should never change.","Pewne rzeczy nie powinny si� zmienia�."
"We need to move beyond traditions.","Musimy pozostawi� za sob� tradycje."
"We need to find a better way than those of before.","Musimy znale�� lepsze drogi od tych przed nami."
"Some traditions are worth keeping, but we should consider their overall value.","Pewne tradycje s� warte podtrzymywania, ale powinni�my rozwa�y� ich og�ln� warto��."
"The creative impulse is so valuable.","Impuls tw�rczy jest niezwykle cenny."
"Art is life.","Sztuka to �ycie."
"Art? More like wasted opportunity.","Sztuka? Bardziej jak zmarnowana okazja."
"What's so special about art?","Co jest takiego niezwyk�ego w sztuce?"
"Art is complicated. I know what I like, but some I can do without.","Sztuka jest skomplikowana. Wiem, co lubi�, ale bez niekt�rych mog� si� obej��."
"We should all work together.","Powinni�my wszyscy pracowa� razem."
"It's better to work alone when possible, I think. Cooperation breeds weakness.","Lepiej mo�liwie zawsze pracowa� samemu, tak my�l�. Wsp��praca rodzi s�abo��."
"You should think carefully before embarking on a joint enterprise, though there is some value in working together.","Powiniene� si� zastanowi�, zanim podejmiesz wsp�lne przedsi�wzi�cie, ale jest pewna warto�� w pracy razem."
"I treasure my freedom.","Ceni� sobie moj� wolno��."
"Nobody is free, and it is pointless to act as if you are.","Nikt nie jest wolny i to bez sensu udawa�, �e jest inaczej."
"Personal freedom must be tempered by other considerations.","Osobista wolno�� powinna by� �agodzona innymi warto�ciami."
"One should not complain or betray any feeling.","Nikt nie powinien podwa�a� lub zdradza� �adnych uczu�."
"Do not hide yourself behind an unfeeling mask.","Nie chowaj si� za swoj� mask� braku emocji."
"There are times when it is best to keep your feelings to yourself, but I wouldn't want to force it.","S� czasy, gdy najlepiej zachowa� swoje uczucia dla ciebie, ale nie zmusza�bym si� do tego."
"The quest for knowledge never ends.","Misja poszukiwania wiedzy nigdy si� nie ko�czy."
"All of that so-called knowledge doesn't mean a thing.","Ca�a ta tak zwana wiedza nie znaczy niczego."
"Knowledge can be useful, but it can also be pointless or even dangerous.","Wiedza potrafi by� u�yteczna, ale mo�e by� r�wnie� bezu�yteczna albo nawet niebezpieczna."
"It is important to discover yourself.","Jest wa�ne, by odkry� siebie."
"Why would I waste time thinking about myself?","Czemu mia�bym marnowa� czas my�l�c o sobie?"
"Some time spent in reflection is admirable, but you must not forget to live your life.","Po�wi�canie troch� czasu na refleksje jest godne podziwu, ale nie mo�esz zapomina� o �yciu."
"I think self-control is key. Master yourself.","My�l�, �e samokontrola jest kluczem. Panuj nad sob�."
"Why deny yourself your heart's desire?","Czemu odmawia� pragnieniom twojego serca?"
"People should be able to control themselves, but it's fine to follow impulses that aren't too harmful.","Ludzie powinni kontrolowa� siebie, ale jest w porz�dku pod��a� za impulsami, kt�re nie s� szkodliwe."
"The mind thinks best when the world is at rest.","Najlepiej si� my�li, gdy �wiat jest w spoczynku."
"Give me the bustle and noise over all that quiet!","Daj mi gwar i ha�as ponad t� cisz�!"
"I like a balance of tranquility and commotion myself.","Sam lubi� r�wnowag� spokoju i zamieszania."
"We should all be as one. Why all the struggling?","Wszyscy powinni�my by� jedno�ci�. Po co te ca�e zmagania?"
"We grow through debate and struggle, even chaos and discord.","Wzrastamy poprzez dysputy i trudno�ci, a nawet chaos i niezgod�."
"Some discord is a healthy part of society, but we must also try to live together.","Pewna niezgoda jest zdrowym elementem spo�ecze�stwa, ale musimy r�wnie� pr�bowa� �y� wsp�lnie."
"It's great when we all get a chance to be merry together.","To wspania�e, gdy wszyscy mamy szans� by� szcz��liwi razem."
"Be merry!","Rozwesel si�!"
"Merriment is worthless.","Rado�� jest bezwarto�ciowa."
"Bah! I hope you aren't celebrating something.","Bah! Mam nadziej�, �e nie �wi�tujesz czego�."
"The amount of practice that goes into mastering a skill is so impressive.","Ilo�� �wicze�, kt�re trzeba w�o�y� w perfekcyjne opanowanie umiej�tno�ci jest, jest imponuj�ca."
"I'm feeling randy today!","Czuj� si� dzi� napalony!"
"Did you hear the one about the ","Czy s�ysza�e� o "
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