esp8266, cjmcu8118+hdc1080, bmp180, ccs811, gy30, ssd1306 oled, rotated eeprom, switch interrupt handler, bmp180 custom calibration
Indoor air quality & weather station with Oled display.
- status bar - show datetime and outdoor/indoor temperature;
- indoor details frame: indoor sensors readings;
- current weather frame: weather icon, weather short description and temperature;
- weather forecast frame: forecast for 3 days - day, icon and temperature;
- frame autochange;
- display sleep timeout;
- display on/off by button onSingleClick;
- read sensors every second if display.isAwake, otherwise read sensors before uploading data to thingspeak (once in a minute);
- store CCS811 baseline into EEPROM (onLongPress) and restore (on boot & after 20 min have passed & manually onPress);
- custom calibration for bmp180 temperature sensor to fix factory calibration (or soldering overheating failure) (seek for .ods in project src lib folder)
openweather api: use onecall to fetch forecast instead of 3h forecast api (not optimal),hourly
- add forecast day/night temperatures
- add more details for current weather data (sun/moon daytime)
recalibrate bsp180 pressure sensor based on outdoor temperature or calculate pressure based on factory calibration...
- enter esp8266 powersave mode when switching display off
- where to store data for bulk data upload to thingspeak, i.e. for 10 min instead of 1m?
- CCS811 seems to be highly unpredictable...
- tocheck# it seems it's a bad idea to train CCS811 baseline outdoors at low temperature for indoor use.
- maybe it needs some more time to settle down?
- how wrong temperature compensation affects baseline training (and realtime readings)?
- Power source can affect CCS811 calculation results as seen below. (~2k variation, 1 reading in 10 sec)
- static library to use with button interrupts. Handles debounced clicks (single, double, may identify long click too and press*) and hold (short, long) events. (every click and hold starts with press which currently is not identified)
#211230 v1.1.0
- fix gap after dbl click delay and before hold delay occurs
- allow to override factory calibration variables, to fix faulty readings (faulty calibration or overheating failure)
- at the same time allow to calculate pressure using factory calibration
- NB temperature compensation works like a charm, however some time needed to be completely sure
- hide flash methods
- added resetState method to reset timers and move to the first frame
- dont draw abything if display is not awake
- added isAwake display status flag to avoid rendering when display is off
- added begin method that allows to override default resolution parameters