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WordPress Landing Pages - Plugin

=== WordPress Landing Pages ===

Contributors: David Wells, adbox Donate link: License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Tags: landing pages, inbound marketing, conversion pages, split testing, a b test, a b testing, a/b test, a/b testing, coming soon page, email list, landing page, list building, maintenance page, squeeze page, inbound now, landing-pages, splash pages, cpa, click tracking, goal tracking, analytics Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable Tag:

Create landing pages for your WordPress site. Monitor and improve conversion rates, run A/B split tests, customize your own templates and more.

== Description ==

This plugin creates landing pages (a.k.a. conversion or splash pages) for your WordPress site. It gives site owners the ability to monitor and track conversion rates, run a/b or multivariate split tests on landing pages, and most importantly increase lead flow!

The landing page plugin was specifically designed with inbound marketing best practices in mind and will help you drive & convert more leads on your site.

Landing pages are an ideal way to convert more of your passive website visitors into active leads or email list subscribers.

= Highlights =

  • Create beautiful Landing Pages on your WordPress site.
  • Visual Editor to view changes being made on the fly!
  • Track conversion rates on your landing pages for continual optimization.
  • Easily clone existing landing pages and run A/B Split tests on variations.
  • Use your current WordPress theme or choose from our library of custom landing page designs.
  • Pre-populate Forms with visitor information to increase conversion rates
  • Gather lead intelligence and track lead activity with WordPress Leads
  • Extend functionality with our growing repository of third party add ons.
  • Easily implement your own custom landing page design.

This plugin is form agnostic meaning it will work with any form system you use.

Recommended form plugins (Gravity forms, Ninja Forms or Contact form 7)

= About the Plugin =

= Developers & Designers =

We built the landing page plugin as a framework! Need A/B testing out of the box implemented for your existing designs? Use WordPress Landing Pages to quickly spin up new landing pages that have all the functionality your clients will need.

You can quickly take your existing designs and implement them using our templating framework.

The plugin is also fully extendable and has a number of actions, filters, and hooks available for use. If a hook doesn't exist, simply ask and we can implement custom changes.

== Installation ==

  1. Upload landing-pages folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions == *Can I create my own landing page designs?, *Yes! You can learn how to create your own landing page template here.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Landing Page Custom Post Type
  2. Track conversion rates and continuously improve your landing pages
  3. Manage Split Testing Page
  4. Choose from a ton of pre-made templates, use your existing design, or design your own theme!

== Changelog ==

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  • Fixed: Variation saves for custom css and custom js.
  • Fixed: jQuery error related to wysiwyg content formatting.

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  • Improved extension metabox loading for quicker load times and optimized meta data storage.
  • Phased out more 'old method' split testing components.
  • Improved .htaccess parsing.
  • Addressed issue with line breaks being removed from WYSIWYG editors.

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  • Added in tours for the edit screen and the list of landing page screen for new users to learn how to use the tool quickly and easily
  • Updated conversion tracking for wp-leads addon plugin
  • Added in option for default templates to toggle on/off navigation

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  • Removed old A/B split testing and the new system is fully in place!

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  • Added in A/B stats to the main landing page list view

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  • Release new and improved version of A/B testing!
  • Ajax saving on landing page options for faster page edits
  • Frontend Visual Editor to see what you are editing/changing
  • Enabled frontend editor for use on normal pages and posts

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Providing better conversion and impression tracking for landing pages that are set as homepage.

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Fixing activation bug

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Fixing issue with jquery submission errors.

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Added capability to activate and update license keys for premium extensions. Added ability to define white listed HTML elements for Form Standardization process.

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Fixed issue with WP_List_table causing posts to to save or edit propperly Attempt 001

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Added cookie based auto-field population & lead data collection to core.

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Fixed issue with global setting's radio buttons not holding new set values.

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Solutions for custom post type wp rewrite issue on activation.

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Introducing version control system for extensions.

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Migrating store to new location. Updating version control systems

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Added new defitions to form standardization parser. Limited .htaccess rewrites to plugin activation to try and mitigate .htaccess corruptions.

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Fixed issue with conversions not recording on some servers by forcing form submittal to wait until ajax has completely finnished loading before continuing to process form.

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Fixed issue with plugins and wp core refusing to update on some installations when landing page plugin is activated.

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Debugging cross browser impressions and conversion tracking. Implemented soltion for url-to-postid conversions that's compatible with the /slug/ removal extension for landing pages plugin. Added email validation check to prevent false positives when form standardization is turned on.

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Bug Fix: 'Clear Stats' button.

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