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This is Part of my Fourth Project at Code Institute.

This is a simple Restaurant Booking System, were I can book tables based on a date and time I am also able to see the Restaurant's Menu and Chef's specials.


Live link can be found here

Table of Content

These Wireframes and UX Designs were designed on Figma



  • The message box in the middle is for where the carousel will go

Menu Page


  • The box in the middle is to represent the menu
  • breakfast, lunch, supper, alcohol or starter menu

About Page


  • The box in the middle is where I will place a section about our humble beginnings

Book a table Page


  • The big box in the middle is for all booking history
  • The top box on the left-hand side is for the last booking
  • The one under that is for vouchers
  • The voucher system has been taken out of the equation for now

Home Page


Menu Page


Book Table Page


About Page


ERD diagram


  • I have taken the voucher model out
  • as of now it became an unnecessary feature


Click here to see where I got this color pallet from

How I came by this color Pallet:

I went onto Google and googled: What would be a nice color theme for an exclusive restaurant

  • See results here
  • I had thought that a nice light gray would've worked well as some of the colors used with my UX design was already a grayish color

This Project was done in incremental stages, trying my best to follow the agile methods.


Screenshot from 2024-02-04 14-57-56.png

kanban board


Explanation of the columns on the board:

  • Backlog: this is where the issues start from when they are created
  • Ready: these issues are ready to be picked up so work can be conducted
  • In Progress: This is what is busy being worked on
  • In review: This is the stage were the testing gets done
  • Done: for all completed issues


This project was done in incremental stages, building it page by page. As such, the milestone percentage will change slightly in each iteration.


This is when I am 46% done, but only the header issue was added



  • The footer had only three issues in it, so I only labeled them as Must-have
  • There was also an issue that I created for Documentation


  • Once the footer had been completed, 84% was done.



  • There were only four issues added for this section
  • As I didn't plan on doing a lot of work here


  • The milestone was taken after the homepage was done
  • When the Menu Page and About Page were added as issues


Menu Page

  • I created 10 sticky notes to decide on what I wanted for the issues
  • Once I knew what I wanted, then created the issues for the kanban board,
  • Sorting them out into Moscow priorities sticking with 60% Must-have
  • I have also created an issue for the documentation
  • Which I will do after all required issues are done

Sticky notes on Figma to plan what sort of issues I am wanting to solve


Once the Issues were created, I gave them their labels using MOSCOW priorities


After all, planning is in place the milestone section shows percentage done


About Page

  • Screenshot of the issues board using moscow priorities


  • The kanban board in action


  • When the last section was added, this is the milestone thus far


Table booking Page

  • Screenshot of the kanban board when busy on the bookings page


  • Screenshot of the Milestone project board


  • HTML/CSS - HTML templating and CSS styling
  • Python—logic used in this project
  • JavaScript—Used for Models and other front end logic
  • Django - Python Framework for developing this project
  • PostgresSQL - using elephantSQL for database
  • Heroku - cloud deployment
  • GitHub - version control
  • Pycharm - IDE for development
  • Code always needs to be kept neat and tidy
  • As such, I have tried my best to organize my code readably

order of imports

  • standard libraries
  • third-party libraries
  • django imports
  • local imports
  • imported based on logic: like try/except or if statements


order of methods in classes

  • magic methods: def magic_method(self)
  • public methods: def public_method(self)
  • class method: class within class
  • private methods: def private_methods(self): helper functions
  • get_queryset: this is used for gathering data for get_context_data
  • get_context_data: this is for rendering data to a template file

order of classes within files:

  • follow CRUD operations for views
  • follow alphabetical order for all other files

order in test files:

  • setUp method
  • helper functions: in alphabetical order, then grouped together by relevance
  • tests: in alphabetical order


  • head over to Heroku Dashboard to Login
  • once log in, click on New for creating a new project
  • type in the new name for the app
  • click on what region you are wanting your server to be in
  • once the app has been created, locate the tab that says, "Deploy"
  • under the deployment method, connect your GitHub account to your app and search for your repo
  • when you have connected your repo manual deploy your main branch
  • once manually deployed, it will fail next would be to get the environment variables up and running
  • locate the settings tab at the top
  • scroll down until you see config Vars
  • click the purple button that says, "Reveal Config Vars"
  • make sure that you have heroku/python build pack added to the project
  • add the environment variables on the Heroku Dashboard
  • Locate this repository
  • Make sure that you are on the tab that says, "Code"
  • When on that tab, locate the tab that says, "Fork"
  • Click on the Fork tab
  • Once it has been forked
  • You need to clone it to your local machine
  • Making a local clone of this repo can either be done by ssh or http
  • make sure that ssh is set up correctly on your PC before using it
  • to ssh use the following command
git clone
  • to use http use the following command
git clone
  • once it has been cloned, make sure to look at runtime.txt to see what python version is used
  • to install all the python packages that are required for this project, use the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • to start the virtual environment, use the following command
source .venv/bin/activate
  • once started to create a file called
  • you only need to create three environment variables for local development
  • see detailed instructions down below in the environment variables section

CLOUDINARY_URL environment variable

  • Login to your cloudinary account
  • Locate your Profile image, which you should see at the bottom of the tab on the left
  • Once on your profile page, go to your API Keys section
  • At the top of that page copy the one that says, API environment variable
  • place the API Key and API Secret in the correct places in the key parameters
  • this key can now be placed in Heroku or for local development
  • on the Heroku dashboard, there are two sections of the key and the value
  • place CLOUDINARY_URL in the key section
  • and your api key in the value section
  • on local development in the file, you need to use the os module for environment variables
  • import the os module at the top
  • and create the following method:
  • os.environ.setdefault("key", "value")
  • placing CLOUDINARY_URL as the key
  • and the api key for cloudinary as the value

DATABASE_URL environment variable

  • To get this env login to ElephantSQL
  • create a new Instance (The big green button on the right-hand side)
  • fill in all the details make sure to select Postgres 13 and above
  • once the new instance has been created
  • locate the tab that says, "Details" on the left-hand side
  • once you have clicked on that tab, there is a URL that you need to copy for Heroku
  • That URL you will paste it into the Heroku environment variables section or for local development
  • on local development in the file, you need to use the os module for environment variables
  • import the os module at the top
  • and create the following method:
  • os.environ.setdefault("key", "value")
  • placing DATABASE_URL as the key
  • and the api key for elephantSQL as the value

DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC environment variable

  • This env is used for heroku it needs to be set to 1
  • If you don't have it, heroku will give you an error
  • This is used for the styling in the site
  • place this environment variable in the Heroku section or for local development

DJANGO_SECRET_KEY environment variable

  • Django secret keys should never be committed to GitHub
  • when running this project, you need to generate a new secret key
  • once you have generated the key place it in the Heroku section or for local development
  • on local development in the file, you need to use the os module for environment variables
  • import the os module at the top
  • and create the following method:
  • os.environ.setdefault("key", "value")
  • placing DJANGO_SECRET_KEY as the key
  • and the newly generated secret key for the value


When screen gets minimised all content gets reduced to hamburger menu


  • This has since been changed to the three horizontal lines
  • as it made for better UX design

When the user is not logged in, this image will be displayed


When the user is logged in, a welcome message will be displayed with a different image


  • Created a description about the restaurant
  • With its very beginnings


  • There is an arrow that you can use to scroll left and right
  • I have tried to blend it in to the rest of the site


  • The design layout has changed slightly since this image
  • I have added it as a card, giving it better styling
  • You can only book a table if you are logged in

  • The icon in the header will not be displayed if you are logged out

  • There is a section to show all history of your bookings

  • I have left out pagination, as I will be implementing it at a later date

  • Displaying all history bookings as a table

  • I have also added it to display your next booking

  • But at this time it will only display the last booking that you have booked for

  • I have not added the logic needed to work out the next booking

  • as if you had a few bookings after the current date

  • it will just display the last one

  • As I believe at this stage, it will be a performance issue, as async has not been worked out properly yet

  • What it looks like on mobile devices


  • What it looks like on desktop devices


  • Once the Delete button is clicked
  • a modal will pop up for deleting the record from the database



  • when you want to reset your password, enter your username


  • If the username is correct, it will take you to a page for a temporary password


  • There is a link on that page that takes you to the change password page
  • Which you can only access if you log in with the temp password


  • As a future feature, I would like to authenticate by email
  • As it will be more secure
  • I would like to add a dashboard for the admin logged-in user
  • I have already included a role in the database for this feature
  • Search based on Foreign Key in an admin panel:
    • I would like to search based on a foreign key in the admin panel
    • for some reason, I can't seem to search using the search_filed as it does not work on foreign keys
  • I am wanting to implement async/await for fetching data
  • As a future feature, I would like to add email for reset password

  • This is generally the cycle that I tried to follow for testing


Title Pass
Header Yes
Homepage Yes
Testing responsive of the menu page Yes
Testing responsive of the about page Yes
Testing of updating records Yes
Testing if I can navigate to table page Yes
Testing model form for booking a table Yes
HTML Validation testing Yes
CSS Validation testings Yes
Wave testing for accessibility Yes
Lighthouse testing Yes


I have tested the responsive design of the header There is a collapsable hamburger menu on devices smaller than laptop

This is what it looks like on a laptop and larger


When the navbar becomes smaller than laptop, this is what it will look like


  • The hamburger-menu has changed to the three horizontal lines

When the hamburger icon menu is open


Testing with HTML validator


The results can be found here

Testing with a CSS validator


The results can be found here

This testing was conducted on Lighthouse with Desktop in mind


This testing was conducted on Lighthouse with Mobile in mind



  • When do I have added data for the Carousel?
  • You are only allowed to add three entries per meal
  • For instance, you are only allowed three breakfasts, three lunches and three suppers
  • The carousel will auto choose which one based on the time of day
  • I have allowed for four entries, based on the fact that if you need to update one of them

If all data is correct, it will show this in the admin panel


If you are trying to enter more than three entries for breakfast


  • Was testing to see if I could get the correct meals from the database
  • Just by changing the filter variable
  • When you enter what type of meal you want, it is done as a choice based on three numbers
  • Zero being breakfast, one being lunched and 2 being supper
  • There is also a number three that means that if it doesn't correspond to any number that will then run


  • Tested responsiveness of the carousel
  • I don't test for anything below 400 pixels

Responsive on Mobile devices


Responsive on Tablet devices


Responsive on Laptop devices


  • This design has changed to a card since it was taken
  • Testing to see how responsive the menu page is
  • on different screen sizes

Responsive design on laptop


Responsive design on tablet


Responsive design on mobile


  • I have changed the background color for the headings
  • This testing section was to test it to see how the about page
  • is going to look at different screen sizes

Responsive design on mobile


Responsive design on Tablet


Responsive design on Laptop


  • When the update button is clicked
  • The modal will popup using form validation
  • I have not yet been able to pre-populate the form using JavaScript
  • That will be added as a future feature
  • However, the update does work
  • You have to update both fields at the sametime
  • Clicking the "X" or the Cancel button will exit the modal
  • When submit is clicked, it will send it to a database for updating
  • which will send you a message to say it has been updated




  • when I am logged out and I try to log in to the table page

  • it redirects me to sign in page

  • manually entering the address in address bar


  • when hit enters the address bar


  • The number of seats only allows you to select from 1 to 10
  • The validation of the timeslots only allows you to select from 1 hour of present time
  • As a logged-in user, you are only allowed to book once a day, to eliminate double booking on the same day
  • The modal is also fully responsive
  • I have not been able to work out daylight savings mode

Modal form


Modal booking message


Modal testing of incorrect time slot


  • I tested this on HTML Validator
  • Using the Heroku link of my live site
  • As the validator won't work when copying and pasting code
  • This link was tested on the about page
  • But all the pages are only giving info warnings



  • The only errors that CSS picked up were with bootstrap
  • There were no other errors with my CSS code


  • With the wave validator, there seems to be just two contrast issues on all pages
  • This is a small issue with the contrast of the developer section in footer



  • this lighthouse testing was done in incognito mode
  • As some of my extensions were messing with the results

home page on mobile


home page on desktop


menu page on mobile


menu page on desktop


table booking page on mobile


table booking page on desktop


about page on mobile


about page on desktop


The following command can be used to run tests in Parallel Auto means that it will only run tests on threads that are available python test --parallel auto

If you are just wanting to test conventionally

Title Pass
Authentication Yes
Homepage Yes
Test if correct menu gets returned based on slug Yes
Test form invalid on Booking a table page Yes
Test form valid on Booking a table page Yes
Test protected pages against anonymous user Yes
Test protected pages against users that are logged in or not Yes

What was tested in this scenario:

  • I wanted to test it if a user can be created
  • I wanted to test it if a user was able to log in

As this is the first time I have written auto tests by myself, I wanted to keep it basic


What was tested in this scenario

  • I first created a failing test for breakfast

Changing the assertEqual variable to a number that is not zero


The results of a failing test


Testing for a passing test


What was tested?

  • I purposefully made a spelling error to see if the Supper Menu fails
  • Then pass the correct test to see if it passes

Failing test


Passing test


  • First testing for a negative test

  • changed seats form data to 2

  • wanting to see what happens if the correct data is entered

  • to make sure that form validation is working correctly

  • Then changed form seats data to 20

  • wanting to see if it gives me a false reading

  • making this test, test for a false value

  • Testing form invalid failing test



  • Testing form invalid passing test



  • Tested for incorrect value changed seats data to 20

  • Just to get a negative result

  • Tested for correct value changed seats data to 2

  • To get a positive test result

  • Testing form valid failing test



  • Testing form valid passing test



  • Test for a failing test, if status code is not 302

  • For some reason this test, tests against a 302 http status code

  • 302 status codes mean resources permanently removed, in other words, it was there but then were moved somewhere else

  • Test anonymous user failing test



  • Test anonymous user passing test



  • Testing if the status code is something other than 200 if it returns an error message

  • Testing if the status code is 200, a passing test

  • Test user failing test



  • Test user passing test



Title Solved
The text is not aligned correctly to the Authentication Icon Yes
Labels are not correctly sitting next to the Icons Yes
Problem with Hamburger Menu Yes
Hamburger menu jumps as I try and open and close menu No
Operational error in database as trying to run auto test Yes
Carousel image not being aligned correctly Yes
Favicon icon not displaying Yes
Heroku auto refreshing unnecessarily Yes
Navbar not at top of screen Yes
Performance issues in page loading Yes
Too many connections to database at once Yes
Styling of homepage Yes
Carousel arrows Yes
Copyright test not showing in footer Yes
Copyright text overlapping with developer content Yes
Next booking not being displayed Yes
Not recognizing daylight savings mode No
Table over lapping on smaller devices Yes
TypeError in console Yes
Am I Responsive does not display image No

The text was not aligned correctly to the icon above it


  • This bug was solved
  • by placing it inside a container
  • then I could manipulate it with CSS


The label is sitting to far below the icons And not aligning correctly


This issue was solved with flexbox and CSS They were already in their own container class I just had to alter the CSS properties


What is the Problem?

  • When I am testing responsive design and the Hamburger menu is open
  • It doesn't want to display the page icons


How was this Problem solved?

  • I separated my code out into a services directory inside the templates directory
  • Created two div containers giving each one its own class
  • The first had a class of mobile
  • The Second had a class of tablet
  • I would then hide and un hide the two depending on what size screen it was on
  • The reason for breaking up the code is that I needed to call the icons in two different locations
  • I am attempting to practice DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) run coding style


What is the Issue?

  • The hamburger menu is jumping up and down as the menu is opened or closed
  • The bug is not visible from the screenshot below


  • I have since changed to the horizontal icon but the bug is still there


  • When I tied to run python test
  • I get the following error
  • error message "django.db.utils.OperationalError: near 'None': syntax error"



  • Destroy all data in database using the flush command
  • I used this command as I suspected that it was an issue in the database
  • I then went on to delete all migration files, but accidentally deleted directories at the same time
  • Then tried to makemigrations and migrate
  • But, for some reason it was not picking up my app like: home, menu, about, book_table models
  • so I did a bit of googling to find that I can makemigrations on a single app
  • which is what I did: python makemigrations home
  • doing that for all of my apps
  • this then created the migrations directory and the initial migration for that app
  • after running makemigrations on all my apps, I then had to migrate my db
  • then the page could load properly after that and all was sorted out
  • which I could also run python test
  • I was no longer getting that error
  • Then test files were now running as they were supposed to
  • the issue was all sorted, but now I have to create all my data again
  • re-populating my database with data from fixtures JSON files
  • I had to run the command one at a time python loaddata fixtures/fixture/chef_special.json

database_working correctly.png

Note to myself for a future reference?

  • In future don't use the flush command as it will completely wipe my db
  • try and delete my migrations directory and start from there


  • The image is not being aligned neatly to the carousel on Mobile devices
  • This was tested on the iPhone 6/7/8 display



  • This bug has been solved using cards
  • as cards were easier to keep content in a container


  • Favicon icon does not want to load on server start

favicon is not loaded in the browser tab


favicon is not loaded in the console



  • As soon as I turned some methods in the class Menu
  • To functions, as they were static methods
  • The icon loaded correctly as intended
  • Not quiet sure why or how it worked



  • for some reason, heroku is auto refreshing
  • I expected that it is a problem with django_browser_reload package
  • This package I use for in development
  • It refreshes my server on file change

Refreshes browser tab unnecessarily


Refreshing in the Heroku console logs



  • I solved this problem by adding a simple logic to and
  • If Debug == 'True' then add django_browser_reload to constant lists
  • It needed to be a string for the Debug constant for when environment variables load
  • It loads it as a string

Added logic to file


Added logic to file



  • The navbar is not quite sitting at the top of the screen



  • this bug was solved with simple CSS


  • The score that I received is too low for lighthouse testing
  • I need to bring that score up
  • I think that there is too much logic that is happening in the background
  • I might have to consider a pip package for multi threading



  • I have solved this bug by simplify some of my logic that I use



  • When trying to connect to the database on the menu page, I am getting a connection error
  • There are too many models trying to connect at once



  • with this error, I was using thread module
  • with using thread module, you sometimes might get a thread lock issue
  • the computer doesn't know what todo, or it sends to many signals to elephantSQL
  • whichever issue it was, I have now completely removed thread module
  • and made two global variables to gather data that I needed
  • then filter it out for when I need it


  • These variables have since been moved inside the class


  • The styling of the homepage does not look the same as the rest of the site



  • I have now created it as a card within the carousel
  • It is responsive from 375 pixels
  • the indicators at the bottom will disappear on screen sizes less than 400 px
  • the indicator is clickable for if you want to go to a specific item
  • with side indicators to click for left or right images






  • carousel arrows are being displayed when there is no carousel to display
  • on certain devices the arrows don't seem to want to show up properly
  • at this stage, I am not sure how to change that


  • The current year is not showing when
  • on the logout, login and sign out forms

copyright text.png


  • Overlapping text in footer



  • changed the left and right margin from 0.5em to 1 em



  • The Next booking is supposed to show the last booking in the history table




  • There was just a simple variable that I had to add
  • I also changed from next booking to last booking
  • As last booking made more sense



  • Django does not recognize daylight savings time
  • For some reason, Django does not change time zones
  • As I have just reached daylight savings mode

This is the current date and time of my computer



  • This bug has not been solved yet
  • This is also added as an extra feature for future reference

This is what was saved in the database with current model Notice that the Booking created time is an hour difference



  • The table was not responding when getting to smaller devices




  • Hide the last child element on smaller devices
  • In this case, the Delete and Update buttons


  • I have decided that delete and update buttons
  • it will only be used for screen sizes bigger than tablet


  • TypeError occurs after a few seconds of page load
  • This error occurs from the timeout section in the script.js file




  • added a try/catch block for TypeError
  • in the catch block nothing will occur
  • I didn't see anywhere on the internet were you can't do a try/catch like this



  • Am I Responsive does not want to display a screenshot of my live website



  • Not sure what this problem is it might be a loading issue


This is the Fourth Project with Code Institute






No releases published


No packages published