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Achim edited this page Mar 29, 2019 · 3 revisions


The preferences page is used to setup general preferences like shop name, currency, units and so on.


This tab enables you to set several captions, the shop currency and it's format, the weight unit and if and how a userclass should be assigned after a purchase.


Use this tab to define your shipping options. You can en-/disable the shipping calculation and define quite flexible your shipping costs based on verious options.


The contents of this tab are used on various places (Emails, Invoices, etc.). You need to enter your name or the name of the sales department, the email address and your physical address.

How to order

This text will be used on the product details page as a tab. Enter here some text explaining how to order, e.g. which payment options you provide. This field is not required.

Admin area

You can define here the number of products and categories display in the admin area (Products, Categories list).


Use this tab to define additional fields that should be displayed during the check-out process. If you have no need for additional fields, you have nothing to do here.

Custom CSS

If you have the need to style some elements using CSS, you can enter it here, without the need to change any files. Please make sure to enter valid CSS, as it may break your site. You should know what you do...


The Tax menu is used to define if any tax should be calculated. When enabled, you need to define the Business country! If you have business customers and need to check the VAT id (EU Only!), you should enable this too. Check the Tax classes, as at least the 3 default classes (none, reduced and standard) should be defined with the tax values of your country.


This itab is for configuring the Vstore menu. You can define from which category the products should be displayed and how many.

In this menu, you can configure and edit the emails used for "Order confirmation", "Order completed", "Order cancelled" and "Order refunded". There are several placeholders that can be used in the templates. To find out which placeholders are available, click on the "Field options" button on the bottom right. If you want to reset the template to it's intial value, click on the button "Reset template" in the top right corner.

In order to make the invoices work, you MUST install the PDF plugin!

You can find the latest version here:

  1. Required settings
  2. Other settings
  3. [Templates][#Templates]
  4. Various

A few settings have to be done by the shop admin after installation to make sure the invoices are correctly created.

  1. Make sure you have a merchant address entered (Preferences -> Emails -> Merchant Name/Address). This is used on the invoice at various places.

  2. Check/Update the content of the footer (Invoice settings -> Footer content -> footer0, footer1, footer2, footer3). This elements (footer0 to footer3) will be rendered at the footer of your invoice in 4 boxes.
    footer0 contains usually the merchant information. You may have to format it to your liking. Be aware that the space is limited to 5 rows.
    footer1 may contain direct contact information like phone number, email adress or website.
    footer2 can be used to tax information like your VAT-ID (if you're from the EU or your tax code).
    footer 3 can be used to display bank information (e.g. Bank name, Account owner, IBAN, BIC/SWIFT codes).
    Of course, it is up to you (and your local regulations), which information you enter and into which footer box.

This is a brief descriptions of the settings for invoices:

  • Title: Is the title used on the invoice. By default it is INVOICE.
  • Information section caption: This is the caption of the block on the top right, which contains information like Invoice nr., Order-Nr. and so on.
  • Subject: This sentence is rendered right below the "Title" and above the list of purchased items. Usually it's something like "This is the invoice vor order #HGJ0981 from 2015-05-15 : 16:20"
    You can use shortcodes like {ORDER_DATA: order_ref} or {ORDER_DATA: order_date} here.
  • Invoice number prefix: All invoice nr will start with this prefix. e.g. IN will render as "IN0123456".
  • Next invoice number: This shows you the next invoice number that the system will use. But in case you come from a different shop system and do not want to start your invoice nr at 1 you can overwrite it with your desired number.
    If you enter a number, smaller than current last used invoice number, it will be ignored! And the next invoice nr generated will be in sequence to the last used number!
  • Invoice date format: As you usually do not need the time in your invoice date, you should specify your date format here. Default is %m/%d/%Y
  • Default payment deadline (days): Defines a number of dates, till when the invoice should be payed. Default is 7, but you can change it to your liking.
    It is rendered in the "Information section".
  • Hint: Here you can enter and format some text that you want to render right below the items list. maybe something like Please checkout also our other products. or something like that.
  • Finishing phrase: This will be rendered right below the "Hint" and is by default something like
Thanks for your business!  
Yours faithfully
<your name>
  • Footer content: This define 4 boxes, which will be rendered on the bottom of the page (on every page!).

The invoice is based on a template template_invoice.php that can be found in the templates folder. you can change the template to your liking, but make sure to test the resulting invoice pdf extensingly as the html to pdf converter doesn't support all html5 tags or css rules!

  • Invoices will be created when the order is saved to the database.
  • Invoices will be saved to the e107 Media datastore
  • Invoices will be attached to emails that are send and are in one of the following states: New, Complete, Processing, Refunding
  • Invoices are online accessible via the following scheme:<invoice_nr>
    Only admins and the customer can access the invoice via that link.
  • In case, an invoice must be recreated, you can do this via the admin area:
    Open the order in edit mode, mark the checkbox near to the invoice nr. and click update.
    This will delete the current invoice from the media datastore and create a new one. It will NOT be automatically send anywhere!

Here you can configure the payment gateways you want to provide to your customers. Currently PayPal Express,PayPal REST, Mollie and a normal "manual" Bank Transfer are available. All serices require a registration on their site to be able to access their web api's.

PayPal Express

  • First, you need a PayPal account that has NVP/SOAP-API-Integration. You can find it in your PayPal account in the "Tools"->"All tools" menu and from there on the "API-access" page.
  • Copy the generated values for Username, Password, Signature from PayPal in the corresponding fields on the "Paypal Express" tab.
  • Do not forget to enable the payments.
  • To use the testmode, you need to create the values for Username, password and signature using the [PayPal Developers}( website.
  • Refunding can be done automatically.
  • For prices and fee's visit the payPal website!


  • First, you need a PayPal account that has REST-API apps. You can find it in your PayPal account in the "Tools"->"All tools" menu and from there on the "API-access" page.
  • Copy the generated values for Client Id, Secret from PayPal in the corresponding fields on the "Paypal Express" tab.
  • Do not forget to enable the payments.
  • To use the testmode, you need to create the values for Client Id and Secret using the PayPal Developers website.
  • Refunding can be done automatically.
  • For prices and fee's visit the payPal website!


  • Mollie is a payment service providing several payment gateways like SOFORT banking, iDeal, etc. and accepts only € payments. You need to setup an account on their site to be able to process the payments.
  • Once you have registered on their site, you need to enable the payment gateways you want to use on the their site first, before enabling them in Vstore!
  • Refunding can be done automatically (if the used payment method supports this).
  • For prices and fee's visit their website!

Bank transfer

  • This is the only payment option, that not automatically marks an order as paid.
  • Using this payment method means, the customer will get your bank information you provided in the corresponding field and you need to check your bank account manually if the money has been transfered.
  • Once the money has been received, you have to update the order manually to be paid and/or complete.
  • Refunding must also be done manually.