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Eaton FYI migration scripts

A cluster of kludgy migration tools and content transformers to move all of my old crap to new, unified digs. For the first pass, it's spitting out a staggering number of markdown files for use on an Eleventy site; the presence of an a embryonic key/value and graph data framework in the storage folder of this project betrays my long-term ambitions, though, so this is all set up to be re-runnable with different endpoints as needed.

What's in-scope? An awful lot of stuff. Long term this will likely be split out into a few different forms. Twitter posts, for example, don't make a lot of sense sandwiched into my personal site.

Really, most of this just grew out of an earnest if compulsive desire to figure out how much written crap I've actually pushed out onto the internet over the years. If you want to count shit, well, you have to organize it. And if you want to organize it, you need test harnesses, and now you're debating the merits of different Typescript document storage abstractions. It's an ugly cycle, but progress is made.


Posts and entries from the assorted places I've written over the years. These are being imported as post content in Eleventy.

Textfiles and Livejournal in particular will probably need some post-migration curation and careful consideration. Many of those posts were never intended to be publicly published, are extremely full of teen and post-college cringe, or contain snippets of personal information about folks who probably didn't anticipate their melodrama spilling out.

These will be exposed as BlogPosting, or ShortStory entities linked to a parent Blog entity, depending on the nature of the content. Comments will naturally be exposed as Comment entities. I toyed around with primarily-link-related posts being a custom Bookmark type and using Review for stuff talking about a book, but after some consideration I think they'll stay vanilla, and rely on the sharedContent and isAbout properties to handle relationships to those things intead.

  • TypePad
  • Livejournal (minus Textfiles reprints)
  • MovableType
    • Viapositiva
    • Reading Life
  • Tumblr
    • PLF
    • Govertainment
    • CMS Whoops
    • To My Former Self
  • Medium (minus Growing Up Goddy reprints)
  • Drupal
    • Via Positiva
    • ALT
    • Growing Up Goddy
    • Kirkegaard Lips (Looks like most of the posts were by other users; mine went to Growing Up Goddy.)
  • Jekyll (Angry Little Tree)
  • Disqus comments spread across both iterations of the AngryLittleTree site

Social Media

The destination format for these varies. Twitter/Mastodon threads are turned into post content, as are LinkedIn posts. Usenet is kind of a weird beast, and MetaFilter is probably just there for accurate calculation of stats, though select posts and comments will likely be reprinted.

  • Twitter
  • Mastodon
  • Bluesky
  • Facebook
  • Usenet
  • Metafilter (the import itself is done, but chewing on how to separate the wheat from the chaff.)
  • Linkedin


Places I've written, presented, been quoted, and so on.

  • Talks and presentations
  • Podcast appearances
  • Citations and quotes
  • Article reprints
    • Lullabot
    • Pastry Box
    • Mac Action
    • Inside Mac Games
    • Misc freelancing and one-offs


This is a very, very wacky grab bag and covers things I've done for funsies as well as work projects. Some of these will end up as line-item entries while others will get a dedicated page, or even multiple pages. At least for the time being I have a nonstandatd Project entity type that hangs onto a placeholder for each of these things, and also optionally tracks project-specific employers and clients.

  • Insert Content Here
  • Christian Rightcast
  • A Very Special Episode
  • Quarantoons
  • Web Sites
  • The Icebox (my extremely old sites)
  • Software
  • Kidstuff
  • Worlds
    • Hope Station / Phoenix
    • Havana Mod
    • One Hundred Words
    • Tainted Networks
    • Landscape
    • Eclipse Phase
  • Brambleberry Workshop

Work / Role History

Employment timeline; this is less of a primary focus and more splashover data from the project archive. Each of these will also be exposed as one or more Role entities, linking me to a particular Organization.

  • Kidstuff
  • America Online
  • Freelance Writer, Developer
  • Robis
  • Willow Creek
  • Geneer
  • Retail Vision Systems
  • Lullabot
  • Drupal Association
  • Buzzr (AKA Project Codename)
  • Nerdhaus
  • Eaton FYI
  • Autogram


Saved and shared links over the years. Accurately capturing the dates/times, and distinguishing between "bookmarks" and "links that happened to be mentioned" is tricky. Some of these will also need to be removed from the dataset as they were only meant to be personal/local bookmarks and contain links to client staging sites, work intranets, etc. These are unlikely to be exposed as entities. (Note: In the process of moving most of the 'mentioned in a post' stuff to live in normal BlogPosts etc rather than dedicated Bookmarks.)

  • Browser Bookmarks
  • Old sites (MDB files & HTML extraction)
  • Delicious
  • Pinboard
  • Twitter (Restricted to single-link non-reply posts with URLs that aren't tweets)
  • Instapaper
  • Blogrolls
  • Autogram Links
  • Omnivore
  • Links mentioned in blog posts, which might necessitate separate storage from the 'Bookmark' concept.
  • Link deduplication, 404/30x/dead-domain handling. This is the big one.
  • Media indirection. I'm centralizing my shit and changing all links to my own media to media:// urls, which I can either transform into local URLs or map to an S3 bucket as desired. We'll see how monstrously huge it all gets; Right now the 'static' directory weighs in around 10 gigs, though that's inflated by the six jillion permutations of each presentation.


Whenever possible I'll lean on hotlinking to Flickr for the large photos; keeping them local is likely to be horrifyingly bandwidth intensive.

  • Livejournal photo posts
  • Instagram selections
  • Flickr selections
  • iCloud Photo selections
  • Potentially shift some photoblogging to and see how it works out.

Weird Oldschool Stuff

A number of these will most likely be manual; interesting Kidstuff articles can be extracted and turned into reprints, for example, but most others don't lend themselves to atomic content elements and should just be treated as opaque WebSite wrappers with a pointer to my cold storage subsite.

  • Textfiles covering the mid-late 90s
    • Including a cluster of very bad fiction
  • The era
    • The Kumquat Kuriosity's Home Page Of Fun
    • Mac Reviews Digest
    • home page permutations and redesigns
    • Hope Station, Hope Station Phoenix
    • Cornerstone: Off The Beaten Path
  •, when it was my personal site
  •, when it was a pseudo-aggregator


Arbitrary but interesting stuff I'll be doing some dataviz and explanitory posts about.

  • Travel
  • Email patterns
  • Words / Topics / Language
  • Linkrot
  • Twitter Engagement


These will be used to populate 'on this day/week' and other contextual cues around my own posts.

  • Conferences
  • Technology
  • Politics
  • Content management
  • Content encoding and transmission
  • Personal hardware
  • Rapture media


These are basically a database of supporting facts that can be used to populate data and used to cross-link entris and other content that mentions them. Books in particular will be used to construct a reading room view of my library, and People will be used to deduplicate references to folks I know in tweets, old posts, and so on.

For the time being these being stored in the 'products', 'events', and 'things' buckets — with people, places, and organizations forming the bulk of the stuff in the 'things' bucket.

  • Books
    • TTRPG books
    • Comics/Graphic Novels
  • Games (Sparse ATM, but should probably resemble the Books system)
  • Films (Sparse ATM, but should probably resemble the Books system)
  • Music (Sparse ATM, but should probably resemble the Books system)
  • People (currently being populated via book creator data; nothing else feeds into it yet)
  • Organizations (Need to revisit this and distinguish organizations from web sites they live it)
  • Events
  • Places (Currently only contains Event Locations)


No description or website provided.







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