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chore: add community to docs (kyverno#190)
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Signed-off-by: Charles-Edouard Brétéché <>
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eddycharly authored Nov 6, 2024
1 parent df55fe1 commit bf1322d
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74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions
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# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

## Our Pledge

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and

## Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:

* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for our community
* Showing empathy towards other community members

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting

## Our Responsibilities

Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any
contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening,
offensive, or harmful.

## Scope

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.

## Enforcement

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team privately at The
project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a
way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an
incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted

Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.

## Attribution

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 1.4, available at [][version]

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# Contributing

Kyverno Envoy Plugin, developed by Kyverno, is an advanced end-to-end testing tool for Kubernetes. Our community plays a crucial role in shaping the project by reporting bugs, suggesting features, and improving documentation.

We aim to make our issue tracker, discussion board, and documentation well-structured and easy to navigate. By following our guidelines, you can help us address your requests efficiently.

## How you can contribute

We appreciate your efforts in reporting bugs, requesting features, and engaging in discussions. Here's how you can contribute:

### Creating an issue

<div class="grid cards" markdown>

- :material-bug-outline: &nbsp;
**Something is not working?**


Report a bug by creating an issue with a reproduction


[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Report a bug][report a bug]

- :material-file-document-remove-outline: &nbsp;
**Missing information in our docs?**


Report missing information or potential inconsistencies in our documentation


[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Report a docs issue][report a docs issue]

- :material-lightbulb-on-20: &nbsp;
**Want to submit an idea?**


Propose a change, feature request, or suggest an improvement


[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Request a change][request a change]

- :material-account-question-outline: &nbsp;
**Have a question or need help?**


Ask a question on our [discussion board] and get in touch with our community


[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Ask a question][discussion board]


### Contributing

<div class="grid cards" markdown>

- :material-source-pull: &nbsp;
**Want to create a pull request?**


Learn how to create a comprehensive and useful pull request (PR)


[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Create a pull request][create a pull request]


[report a bug]:
[report a docs issue]:
[request a change]:
[discussion board]:
[issue tracker]:
[create a pull request]:

## Checklist

Before interacting within the project, please consider the following questions to ensure you're using the correct issue template and providing all necessary information.

!!! warning "Issues, discussions, and comments are forever"

Please note that everything you write is permanent and will remain for everyone to read – forever. Therefore, please always be nice and constructive, follow our contribution guidelines, and comply with our [Code of Conduct].

### Before creating an issue

- Are you using the appropriate issue template, or is there another issue template that better fits the context of your request?
- Have you checked if a similar bug report or change request has already been created, or have you stumbled upon something that might be related?
- Did you fill out every field as requested and provide all additional information needed to comprehend your request?

### Before asking a question

- Is the topic a question for our [discussion board], or is it a bug report or change request that should be raised on our [issue tracker]?
- Is there an open discussion on the topic of your request? If the answer is yes, does your question match the direction of the discussion, or should you open a new discussion?
- Did you provide our community with all the necessary information to understand your question and help you quickly, or can you make it easier to help you?

### Before commenting

- Is your comment relevant to the topic of the current page, post, issue, or discussion, or is it better to create a new issue or discussion?
- Does your comment add value to the conversation? Is it constructive and respectful to our community and maintainers? Could you just use a [:octicons-smiley-16: reaction][reaction] instead?

[Code of Conduct]:

## Rights and responsibilities

As maintainers, we are entrusted with the responsibility to moderate communication within our community, including the authority to close, remove, reject, or edit issues, discussions, comments, commits, and to block users who do not align with our contribution guidelines and our [Code of Conduct]. This role requires us to be actively involved in maintaining the integrity and positive atmosphere of our community. Upholding these standards decisively ensures a respectful and inclusive environment for all members.

### Code of Conduct

Our [Code of Conduct] outlines the expectation for all community members to treat one another with respect, employing inclusive and welcoming language. Our commitment is to foster a positive and supportive environment, free of inappropriate, offensive, or harmful behavior.

We take any violations seriously and will take appropriate action in response to uphold these values.[^1]

**Warning and blocking policy:**
Given the increasing popularity of our project and our commitment to a healthy community, we've defined clear guidelines on how we proceed with violations:

1.1. **First warning:** Users displaying repeated inappropriate, offensive, or harmful behavior will receive a first warning. This warning serves as a formal notice that their behavior is not in alignment with our community standards and Code of Conduct. The first warning is permanent.

1.2. **Second warning and opportunity for resolution:** If the behavior persists, a second warning will be issued. Upon receiving the second warning, the user will be given a 5-day period for reflection, during which they are encouraged to publicly explain or apologize for their actions. This period is designed to offer an opportunity for openly clearing out any misunderstanding.

1.3. **Blocking:** Should there be no response or improvement in behavior following the second warning, we reserve the right to block the user from the community and repository. Blocking is considered a last resort, used only when absolutely necessary to protect the community's integrity and positive atmosphere.

Blocking has been an exceptionally rare necessity in our overwhelmingly positive community, highlighting our preference for constructive dialogue and mutual respect. It aims to protect our community members and team.

### Incomplete issues and duplicates

We have invested significant time and effort in the setup of our contribution process, ensuring that we assess the essential requirements for reviewing and responding to issues effectively. Each field in our issue templates is thoughtfully designed to help us fully understand your concerns and the nature of your matter. We encourage all members to utilize the search function before submitting new issues or starting discussions to help avoid duplicates. Your cooperation is crucial in keeping our community's discussions constructive and organized.

- **Mandatory completion of issue templates:** We need all of the information required in our issue templates because it ensures that every user and maintainer, regardless of their experience, can understand the content and severity of your bug report or change request.

- **Closing incomplete issues:**
We *reserve the right to close issues lacking essential information*, such as but not limited to [minimal reproductions] or those not adhering to the quality standards and requirements specified in our issue templates. Such issues can be reopened once the missing information has been provided.

- **Handling duplicates:** To maintain organized and efficient communication within our [issue tracker] and [discussion board], we *reserve the right to close any duplicated issues or lock duplicated discussions*. Opening multiple channels to ask the same question or report the same issue across different forums hinders our ability to manage and address community concerns effectively. This approach is vital for efficient time management, as duplicated questions can consume the time of multiple team members simultaneously. Ensuring that each issue or discussion is unique and progresses with new information helps us to maintain focus and support our community.

We further *reserve the right to immediately close discussions or issues that are reopened without providing new information* or simply because users have not yet received a response to their issue/question, as the issue is marked as incomplete.

- **Limitations of automated tools:** While we believe in the value and efficiency that automated tools bring to identifying potential issues (such as those identified by Lighthouse, Accessibility tools, and others), simply submitting an issue generated by these tools does not constitute a complete bug report. These tools sometimes produce verbose outputs and may include false positives, which necessitate a critical evaluation. You are of course welcome to attach generated reports to your issue. However, this does not substitute the requirement for a minimal reproduction or a thorough discussion of the findings. *We reserve the right to mark these issues as incomplete and close them.* This practice ensures that we are addressing genuine concerns with precision and clarity, rather than navigating through extensive automated outputs.

<!-- [minimal reproductions]: ../guides/ -->
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# Community

The Kyverno Envoy Plugin has a growing community and we would definitely love to see you join and contribute.

Everyone is welcome to make suggestions, report bugs, open feature requests, contribute code or docs, participate in discussions, write blogs or anything that can benefit the project.


The Kyverno Envoy Plugin is built and maintained under the Kyverno umbrella but decisions are
<h3><b>Community driven</b></h3>
<h3><b>Everyone's voice matters</b></h3>


## Slack channel

Join our slack channel [#kyverno]( to meet with users, contributors and maintainers.

## RoadMap

For detailed information on our planned features and upcoming updates, please [view our Roadmap](

## Contributing

Please read the [contributing guide]( for details around:

1. Code of Conduct
1. Code Culture
1. Details on how to contribute

## Adopters

If you are using the Kyverno Envoy Plugin and want to share it publicly we always appreciate a bit of support. Pull requests to the [ADOPTERS LIST]( will put a smile on our faces :smile:
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# Pull Requests

You can contribute by making a [pull request] that will be reviewed by maintainers and integrated into the main repository when the changes made are approved. You can contribute bug fixes, documentation changes, or new functionalities.

[pull request]:

!!! note "Considering a pull request"

Before deciding to spend effort on making changes and creating a pull request, please discuss what you intend to do. If you are responding to what you think might be a bug, please issue a [bug report] first. If you intend to work on documentation, create a [documentation issue]. If you want to work on a new feature, please create a [change request].

Keep in mind the guidance given and let people advise you. It might be that there are easier solutions to the problem you perceive and want to address. It might be that what you want to achieve can already be done by configuration or [customization].

[bug report]:
[documentation issue]:
[change request]:
<!-- [customization]: ../ -->

## Learning about pull requests

Pull requests are a concept layered on top of Git by services that provide Git hosting. Before you consider making a pull request, you should familiarize yourself with the documentation on GitHub, the service we are using. The following articles are of particular importance:

1. [Forking a repository]
2. [Creating a pull request from a fork]
3. [Creating a pull request]

Note that they provide tailored documentation for different operating systems and different ways of interacting with GitHub. We do our best in the documentation here to describe the process as it applies but cannot cover all possible combinations of tools and ways of doing things. It is also important that you understand the concept of a pull-request in general before continuing.

[Forking a repository]:
[Creating a pull request from a fork]:
[Creating a pull request]:

## Pull request process

In the following, we describe the general process for making pull requests. The aim here is to provide the 30k ft overview before describing details later on.

### Preparing changes and draft PR

The diagram below describes what typically happens to repositories in the process or preparing a pull request. We will be discussing the review-revise process below. It is important that you understand the overall process first before you worry about specific commands. This is why we cover this first before providing instructions below.

``` mermaid
participant upstream
participant PR
participant fork
participant local
upstream ->> fork: fork on GitHub
fork ->> local: clone to local
local ->> local: branch
loop prepare
loop push
loop edit
local ->> local: commit
local ->> fork: push
upstream ->> fork: merge in any changes
fork ->>+ PR: create draft PR
PR ->> PR: review your changes

1. Fork the Repository: Fork the upstream repository on GitHub to create your own copy.
2. Clone to Local: Clone your fork to your local machine.
3. Create a Branch: Create a topic branch for your changes.
4. Set Up Development Environment: Follow the instructions to set up a development environment.
5. Iterate and Commit: Make incremental changes and commit them with meaningful messages.
6. Push Regularly: Push your commits to your fork regularly.
7. Merge Changes from Upstream: Regularly merge changes from the original upstream repository to avoid conflicts.
8. Create a Draft Pull Request: Once satisfied with your changes, create a draft pull request for early feedback.
9. Review and Revise: Review your work critically, address feedback, and refine your changes.

### Finalizing

Once you are happy with your changes, you can move to the next step, finalizing
your pull request and asking for a more formal and detailed review. The diagram
below shows the process:

``` mermaid
participant upstream
participant PR
participant fork
participant local
activate PR
PR ->> PR: finalize PR
loop review
loop discuss
PR ->> PR: request review
PR ->> PR: discussion
local ->> fork: push further changes
PR ->> upstream: merge (and squash)
deactivate PR
fork ->> fork: delete branch
upstream ->> fork: pull
local ->> local: delete branch
fork ->> local: pull

1. Finalize PR: Signal that your changes are ready for review.
2. Request Review: Ask the maintainer to review your changes.
3. Discuss and Revise: Engage in discussions, make necessary revisions, and iterate.
4. Merge and Squash: Once approved, the maintainer will merge and possibly squash your commits.
5. Clean Up: Delete the branch used for the PR from both your fork and local clone.

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