In this c++ project I tried to creat a full fledge Billing System. In which user can do data adjustment, adding , moditify or delete any file record.
user can also login as an Admistrator or as a Buyer with thir registered EmailID and Password
After login user get Admin Menu if they log in as Admistrator or Buyers Menu if log in as a Buyer.
If login as an Administrator -> After successfully Login user can do following process as shown bellow.
- Add the product
- Modify the product
- Delete the product
- List of the Product
- Back to the Main Menu
If login in as a Buyer user can add Products to his cart and get his Billing Recipt with all the details like Product number, Product Name,Product Quantity, Price, Amount, Amount with discount, etc. as you can seen bellow for your refrence.
Run billing_system.cpp
to see it working.
Supermarket Main Menu
| 1.) Admistrator |
| |
| 2.) Buyer |
| |
| 3.) Exit |
| |
Please enter your choice :
Supermarket Main Menu
| 1.) Admistrator |
| |
| 2.) Buyer |
| |
| 3.) Exit |
| |
Please enter your choice : 1
-----| Login |-----
Enter Email :
Password : ********
-----| Admin Menu |-----
| |
|_______1) Add the product___________|
| |
|_______2) Modify the product________|
| |
|_______3) Delete the product________|
| |
|_______4) List of the Product_______|
| |
|_______5) Back to the Main Menu_____|
| |
Please enter your choice :
-----| Buyer |-----
1) Buy Product
2) Go back
Enter your choice :
PRESS-'1' For Buying Product
----------| Product List|-------------
proNo Name Price
1 Apple 50
2 Mango 40
3 Orange 60
4 cherry 70
Please Place the order
Enter Product Code : 1
Enter the Quantity : 2
Do you want to buy another product? if yes then press y or else n : n
Finally , the Billing Receipt is formed .
==============================| RECEIPT |==============================
Product no Product Name ProductQuantity Price Amount Amount with discount
1 Apple 2 50 100 90
Total Amount : 90
Press any key to go back to Buyer Main Menu....
Your laptop with C++ installed.
NOTE: Those with Linux and MacOSX would have C++ installed by default, no action required.
Windows: Download the version for your laptop via
NOTES In your preferred editor, make sure indentation is set to "4 spaces".
- Clone or download repositiory:
- In source folder, run
to start program, optionally, run with--help
argument to see other runtime options.