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WIP: πŸš€ An opinionated Jamstack starter project for Huge, using Hugo's built in asset pipeline.


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Flightdeck for Hugo

An opinionated starter project for Hugo that takes advantage of Hugo's built in asset pipeline.

What it is

Flightdeck for Hugo is an opinionated starter project for Hugo that takes advantage of Hugo's built in asset pipeline.


  • Base templates using HTML with partials creating components.
  • Hugo Pipes ready to compile, minify, and MD5-hash for Scss/CSS and JavaScript with environment variables.
  • Hugo Pipes for PostCSS using Autoprefixer and PurgeCSS
  • Simple Google Analytics integration.
  • Imagemin for image optimization
    • Please note that Hugo's built in image processing does not work on images located inside of /static. This is why we chose to use Gulp and Imagemin.
  • Deployment with rsync and Flightdeck Liftoff.

What it is NOT

Flightdeck for Hugo IS NOT a Hugo theme. It CANNOT be dropped inside the /themes directory.


Make sure that Hugo is installed by checking out the Quick Start Guide on the Hugo docs... make sure you're running the extended version.


First things first, clone this repo:


Then run the Node commands

pnpm start


npm install
npm start

Adding Pages

To add main site pages run the hugo new command and create a markdown file in the pages/ directory. Then create a corresponding html template file in layouts/pages/


hugo new pages/

The header.html partial is configured to generate a main site navigation by utilizing Hugo Menu Templates. The archetype sets each page markdown file to the main menu via front matter.

Available Scripts

There are 4 available Scripts:

  • pnpm start - Runs development server with CSS sourcemaps and drafts enabled, as well as the image task with watch.
  • pnpm build:preview - Runs the server with production for the environment with asset minification and postCSS enabled, and optimized images
  • pnpm build - The same as build:preview but builds production ready site in public directory with minified/optimized assets
  • pnpm build:images - Runs gulp images task to optimize images in ./static/img/
  • pnpm deploy - uses (Flightdeck Liftoff)[] for deployments, see Liftoff for usage
    • Please note: Hugo's built in deployment options currently does not support DigitalOcean
  • pnpm clean:node - removes only Node dependencies
  • pnpm clean:site - removes the public/ directory
  • pnpm purge - removes everything and does a fresh install using pnpm.

File Structure

└──── /archetypes            - Hugo archetypes
└──── /assets                - Source files for scss, js, and images
β”‚   └─── /images             - Images INPUT directory used by Gulp
β”‚   └─── /js
β”‚   └─── /scss
└──── /content               - Hugo Content Directory
β”‚   └─── /pages              - Markdown files for main site pages
β”‚   |
β”‚   |              - Site homepage markdown file
└──── /layouts               - Template files
β”‚   └─── /_default
β”‚       |
β”‚       | baseof.html        - Base template
β”‚   β”‚
β”‚   └─── /pages              - Template files for main site pages
β”‚   β”‚
β”‚   └─── /partials
β”‚       └─── /site           - Site partials
β”‚       β”‚
β”‚       β”‚ footer.html        - Site primary <footer>
β”‚       β”‚ header.html        - Site primary <header>
β”‚       β”‚ meta.html          - Site <meta> tags
β”‚       β”‚ scripts.html       - JavaScript <script> tags before closing </body>
β”‚       β”‚ styles.html        - Stylesheets referenced before closing </head>
β”‚   β”‚
β”‚   β”‚ 404.html               - 404 Template
β”‚   β”‚ index.html             - Home page
└──── /static                - Hugo static resources
β”‚   └─── /images             - Images OUTPUT directory generated by Gulp
β”‚ config.yml                 - Hugo configuration file
β”‚ gulpfile.js                - Gulp js file
β”‚ netlify.toml               - Netlify configuration file
β”‚ package.json
β”‚                  - The README file you're reading right now

Hope you enjoy the flight. πŸš€