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VM based (local) demo and testing tool for the IRATI stack. Documentation in


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This repository contains a command-line tool ( which allows the user to easily try and test the IRATI stack in a multi-node scenario.

The purpose of the tool is twofold:

  • Allow people interested in RINA to trial the IRATI stack, which includes the PRISTINE Software Development Kit;
  • Help IRATI developers and software release engineers to carry out integration and regression tests;

For the first kind of users, no knoweledge about how to compile and install IRATI is required. Everything the user need is self-contained in this repository and is explained in this document.

Each node is emulated using a light Virtual Machine (VM), run under the control of the QEMU hypervisor. All the VMs are run locally without any risk for your PC, so you don't need a dedicated machine or multiple physical machines.

All the user has to do is to prepare a configuration file which describes the scenario to be demonstrated. This requires the user to specify all the Layer 2 connections between the nodes and all the DIFs which lay over this L2 topology. A DIF can be stacked over other DIFs, and arbitrary levels of recursion is virtually supported by the tool (be aware that the IRATI stack may place restrictions on the recursion depth, so the scenario bootstrap may fail if you use too many levels of recursion).

The syntax of the configuration file is detailed in section 4.

Using the -g option, the tool is able to generate an image depicting the graph of all normal DIFs, showing the lower-level DIFs connecting them.


$ ./ -h

to see all the available options.




Once the configuration file has been prepared, the user can invoke the tool

$ ./ -c /path/to/config/file

which will generate two bash scripts: and

Running the script will bootstrap the specified scenario, which involves the following operations:

  • Create TAP interfaces and linux software-bridges to emulate the specified L2 topology.

  • Run the VMs emulating the nodes.

  • Bootstrap the IRATI stack on each node, with proper configuration (IPCM configuration, DIF templates, DIF Allocator map, ...)

  • Perform all the enrollment, at all DIF layers, respecting the dependency order.

The script reports verbose information about ongoing operations. If everything goes well, you should be able to see the script reporting about successful enrollment operations right before terminating.

Once the bootstrap is complete, the user can access any node an play with them (e.g. running the rina-echo-time test application to check connectivity between the nodes).

The tool can work in two different modes: buildroot (default) and legacy. The way you access the nodes depends on the modes. In any case, unless you know what you are doing, you want to use the default buildroot mode. More information about the legacy mode can be found in section 6.

To undo the operations carried out by the, the user can run the script. Once the latter script terminates, all the VMs have been terminated.

The user can run multiple times, and use only when she wants to modify the scenario. If you run, make sure you run before generating a new scenario, otherwise a PC reboot may be necessary in order to clean-up leftover artifacts.

By default, every VM is assigned 128 MB of memory, so with 4GB or memory you can run topologies with up to 32 nodes. You may even try to reduce the per-VM memory more, to achieve higher density.




  • [HW] An x86_64 processor with hardware-assisted virtualization support (e.g. Intel VT-X or AMD-V)

  • [SW] Linux-based Operating System.

  • [SW] QEMU, a fast and portable machine emulator.

  • [SW] brctl command-lilne tool (usually found in a distro package called bridge-utils or brctl).




The configuration file for contains a list of declarations, with one declaration per line. Lines starting with '#' are ignored by the tool so that they can be used for comments.

There are a few types of declarations or directives:

  • eth, to specify Layer 2 connections between nodes;
  • dif, to specify how normal DIFs stack onto each other;
  • policy, to specify non-default policies for normal DIFs;
  • appmap, to specify static application-to-DIF mappings for normal DIFs;
  • overlay, to specify a per-node directory to be overlaid on the node file system;
  • netem, to specify a per-node, per-shim-dif link emulation features (delay, loss, duplicate packets, etc.)
  • enroll, to specify manual enrollment, in case the automatic enrollment strategies do not meet the user requirements

Each type of declaration may occur many times. Note that nodes are implicitely declared by means of eth and dif lines: there don't have an separate explicit declaration type.

The repository contains some example of scenario configuration files:

gen.conf, examples/star.conf, examples/two-layers.conf, ...

with comments explaining the respective configuration.

4.1 eth declarations

An eth declaration is used to specify an L2 (Ethernet) connection between two or more nodes. A star topology - one with a central L2 switch - is used to connect together the specified nodes. Consequentely, each eth declaration corresponds to a separate Ethernet L2 broadcast domain.

Each L2 domain is identified by a different VLAN number, which will be used by the IRATI stack as a name for the Shim DIFs over 802.1q, and that will be used to configure the VLAN on the nodes' interfaces.

The syntax for the eth declaration is as follows:



  • VLAN_ID is an integer between 1 and 4095, identifying the L2 domain.

  • LINK_SPEED indicates the maximum speed for this L2 domain (e.g. 30Mbps, 500 Kbps, 1Gbps, ...), which is implemented by rate-limiting the TAP interfaces, outside the VMs. If 0Mbps is specified, no rate-limiting is used.

  • NODE_NAME is an identifier for a node, which can by any non-space character. Two or more node can be specified, separated by spaces.

4.2 dif declarations

A dif declaration gives information about how a single node partecipates in a specific N-DIF. It is used to specify what N-1 (lower) DIFs are used by the node to partecipate in the N-DIF.

Consequently, for each normal DIF there will be a separate dif declaration for each node taking part in that DIF.

The syntax for the dif declaration is as follows:



  • DIF_NAME is the name of the N-DIF under specification.

  • NODE_NAME is the name of the node that takes part in DIF_NAME.

  • LOWER_DIF_NAME is the name of an N-1-DIF (either Shim or normal) which is used by NODE_NAME to connect to its neighbors in the N-DIF. One or more N-1-DIFs can be specified, separated by space. Having more N-1-DIFs usually happens when a node has multiple neighbors.

4.3 policy declarations

A policy declaration is used to instruct the the tool to setup a particular non-default policy-set for a single IRATI component in a specific DIF. The policy-set is an IRATI-specific object that groups together all the policies belonging to a certain IRATI component (which maps to a component of the RINA architecture). A policy-set is logically associated with an instance of an IPCP component in a certain DIF.

Consequently, for each normal DIF there will be a separate policy declaration for each IRATI DIF component that needs a non-default policy-set.

The syntax for the policy declaration is as follows:



  • DIF_NAME is the name of the DIF under specification.

  • The second argument can be '*' or a list of comma-separated node names. In the former case, the policy is deployed on all nodes in the DIF, while in the latter the policy is deployed only in the listed nodes.

  • COMPONENT_PATH is a string identifying the DIF component under specification. The string syntax is the same one used by the PRISTINE SDK to identify components (e.g. "rmt.pff" to indicate the PDU Forwarding Function component).

  • POLICY_SET_NAME is the name of a policy set to use for the specified component in the specified DIF. The name must correspond to the one declared in some plugin's manifest file.

  • A list of name/values couples is used to specify policy-set parameters.

4.4 appmap declarations

An appmap declaration is used to specify a static mapping of an application name to a normal DIF. This static configuration is used by the DIF allocator during the flow allocation procedure.

The syntax is as follows:



  • DIF_NAME is the name of the DIF that the applications name maps to
  • AP_NAME is the application process name of the mapped application
  • AP_INSTANCE is the application process instance of the mapped application

4.5 overlay directive

An overlay directive is used to specify a directory on the host file system to be overlaid on the file system of a specific node. This directive overrides the behaviour of the --overlay option, because the --overlay option is processed (i.e. the files copied on the node file system) before the directive is processed.

The syntax is as follows:



  • NODE_NAME is the name of the node to which the overlay applies
  • OVERLAY is the path (absolute or relative to the path of the demonstrator command line tool) of the overlay directory tree on the host file system

4.6 netem directive

An netem directive allows link emulation, using the netem features of the Linux traffic control framework. Any valid netem command can be used (e.g. see However, don't use the netem rate command unless you know what you are doing. The recommended way to add rate limiting is to specify a non-zero link speed value in the eth directive.

The syntax is as follows:



  • SHIM_NAME is the name of the Shim DIF where link emulation applies
  • NODE_NAME is the name of the node for which the link must be emulated for the specified link

Example to add delay and packet loss to node xyz in shim wan.DIF

netem wan.DIF xyz delay 100ms loss random 0.1%

4.7 enroll directive

A list of enroll directives may be specified when the user does not want to use the automatic enrollment strategies supported by the demonstrator (e.g. minimal, full-mesh, ...). If you are not sure about what are you doing, don't use the enroll directive and rely on the automatic (default) strategies.

The syntax of a directive is as follows:



  • DIF_NAME is the name of the DIF where the enrollment should happen
  • NODE_NAME is the name of the enrollee node
  • NEIGH_NODE_NAME is the name of the enroller node
  • N_1_DIF is the name of the N-1-DIF in common between enrollee and enroller, to be used for the enrollment procedure




When using the tool in buildroot (default) mode, things are straightforward.

Once you have run, you can access the node named "XYZ" using

$ ./ XYZ

Each node runs in a minimal VM environment, which is an RAM filesystem (initramfs) created using the buildroot framework ( All the IRATI software and its dependencies (except for the kernel image) are packed into about 30 MB.

A snapshot of both the kernel image and the file system the are available in the buildroot directory of this repository. The SHA identifier of the IRATI stack built into the current image is 11b684eaed18b6f12c1888031b4a2fc7ea29123d.

Be aware that any modifications done on the VM filesystem are discarded when the scenario is torn down.

5.1 IRATI mini-tutorial

This document is not a tutorial on how to use the IRATI stack. However, this section describes some basic tests you can do in order to check that things are working as they are supposed to work.

Generate a simple three-node scenario, with two Shim DIFs over 802.1q and one normal DIF laying over those:

$ ./ -c gen.conf

Run the script to boostrap the scenario

$ ./

waiting for it to finish (it may take tens of seconds).

Access node "a" and run rina-echo-time in server ping mode

$ ./ a
# rina-echo-time -l

Using a different terminal, access node "c" and run rina-echo-time in client ping mode, sending 10 packets to the server.

$ ./ c
# rina-echo-time -c 10

Once the experiment terminates, use CTRL-C to stop the rina-echo-time server, and issue the "exit" command on both terminals to exit from the nodes.

Run the script to tear down the scenario

$ ./

That's it, you successfully ran a ping application in the RINA world!




In short, don't use this mode unless you know what you are doing.

When using legacy mode, you are not using the buildroot-generated kernel and filesystem, already available in the repository. Instead, you must build your own VM disk image, which must contain the IRATI kernel and user-space software.

The disadvantage of this approach is that it is hard to build such an image using less than 4 GB. See section 5 for a better approach.

In addition to the requirements specified in section 3, you need a QEMU VM image containing:

  • The IRATI stack installed

  • Python

  • sudo enabled for the login username on the VM (referred to as ${username} in the following), with NOPASSWD, e.g. /etc/sudoers should contain something similar to the following line:

    % wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

6.1 Instructions, to be followed in the specified order

  1. Edit the gen.env file to set the IRATI installation path (on the VM filesystem), the path of the QEMU VM image (on your physical machine file system) and the login username on the VM (${username})

  2. Specify the desired topology in gen.conf

  3. Run ./ to generate bootstrap and teardown script for the topology specified in (2)

  4. Use ./ to bootstrap the scenario

  5. VMs are accessible at localhost ports 2223, 2224, 2225, etc. e.g. ssh -p2223 ${username}@localhost

  6. Perform your tests on the VMs using ssh (5)

  7. Shutdown the scenario (destroying the VMs) using ./

  8. VMs launched by ./ have a non-persistent disk --> modifications will be lost at shutdown time (7). To make persistent modifications to the VM image (e.g. to update PRISTINE software), run ./ and access the VM at ssh -p2222 ${username}@localhost

Don't try to run ./ while the test is running (i.e. you've run ./ but still not run ./

6.2 Automatic login to the VMs

It's highly recommended to deploy SSH keys, so that the demonstrator scripts can login to the VMs without the user to manually insert the password (again and again):

$ ... # Run the VM with ssh service remapped on the host port 2222
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa  # e.g. save the key in /home/${username}/.ssh/pristine_rsa
$ ssh-copy-id -p2222 ${username}@localhost
$ shutdown the VM


Now you should be able to run ./ without the need to insert the password




This tool has been developed on behalf of FP7 PRISTINE and H2020 ARCIFIRE EU-funded projects.


  • Vincenzo Maffione, v DOT maffione AT nextworks DOT it


  • Eduard Grasa, I2CAT
  • Leonardo Bergesio, I2CAT


VM based (local) demo and testing tool for the IRATI stack. Documentation in







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  • Python 92.6%
  • C 4.2%
  • Dockerfile 1.4%
  • Shell 1.4%
  • Makefile 0.4%