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Lilly Tempest edited this page Jan 30, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the GridSelector wiki!

What is GridSelector

GridSelector is an Add-On for Schematic Brush 2.0.

It allows to define grid cluster and select schematics directly from this grid. As an alternative plot squared worlds can be used.

Using Grid Selector

Defining a Cluster

Make a flat surface or use a flat world Use /sbrg cluster to open the cluster editor. Configure your cluster and click on create.

Repairing a cluster

You messed up your floor? Stand inside the cluster and use the /sbrg cluster repair command.

Removing a cluster

Use /sbr cluster remove while standing inside the cluster.


Use /sbrg select on any tool you want. Now right click plots(In a plot squared world) or cluster element to select or deselect them.

Make a left click to save them.

Now open a schematic brush editor with /sbr, add a new schematic set and choose the grid selector. The schematics you selected previously are now loaded into your brush.


If you want to save your currently used schematics you can use the /sbrg export <name> command to save them inside the schematic brush directory. Add the -g flag to save them globally. Otherwise they will be only available for you.


Permission Usage Select schematics and use the grid selector in schematic brush Save schematics Save schematics globally
gridselector.cluster.create Create cluster
gridselector.cluster.remove Remove cluster Repair cluster