- NLP Course exam codealgorithm
- The python implementation of some famous algorithms.data
- Dataset- 80k news corpus - 80k news corpus
- Cities coordinate dataset - China cities coordinate dataset
- titanic dataset
- zhwiki - Zh wiki sample dataset
- chinese-novels - 中国古典小说,包括四大名著
- Pratise jupyter notebooks- Linear regression - LR practise notebook
- Dynamic programming - Dynamic programming notebook
- Metro exchange - Metro exchange notebook
- A* algorithm - A star algorithm notebook
- Some algorithm and practice codes written with Common LISP- paip-ex1.lisp - PAIP book chapter 1 exams
- tower.lisp - The tower of Hanoi problem from
Concrete mathematic
- class related project- metro_exchange
- amap_metro_api.py - AMap Metro API to download metro data
- metro_crawler.py - Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou/Shenzhen metro data crawler
- metro_exchange.py - Metro exchange A* algorithm
- wiki_word2vec
- train.py - Zh-wiki Word2Vec model trainning program
- news_option_extraction
- cut_news.py - Cut the news corpus into word tokens
- train.py - Train news corpus with word2vec
- extraction.py - Extract people options from the news corpus, and save the results into csv
- mini search engine
- crawler_chinese_classic_novels.py - Crawl novels from website
- bool_search.py - Use bool search to search keywords in Chinese novels
- metro_exchange
- News option extraction model notebook
- News option extraction model - Need further optimize