Interface between kuka_fri and mc_rtc. It provides multi-robot support.
It also provides two robot modules:
- iiwa7
- iiwa14
This package requires:
This package can be built with kuka_fri. To do so, pass the -DWITH_KUKA_FRI=OFF
when configuring the package. In such case, only the robot modules will be provided.
- Install this project's dependencies
- Install this project (
/make install
Your mc_rtc configuration file (typically ~/.config/mc_rtc/mc_rtc.yaml
) should contain the following lines:
# General mc_rtc configuration to run a panda controller at 1kHz
MainRobot: iiwa14 # Or iiwa7
Enabled: YourController
# Timestep of the controller that will also be used for the Kuka arm(s)
Timestep: 0.005
# Set a LogPolicy suitable for real-time
LogPolicy: threaded
# KukaFRI specific configuration
iiwa14: # Name of the robot in the controller
host: # IP of the robot
iiwa7: # Name of an extra robot in the controller
port: 30200 # This is the default and can be ommited
# Actuated robots that are not controlled via mc_kuka_fri
ignored: [env/door, env/box]
Run the program:
You can also provide an additional configuration file (to swap between different network configurations easily for example):
MCKukaFRI -f conf.yaml
This work was partially supported by the Research Project I.AM. through the European Union H2020 program under GA 871899.