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[1] Core

Jan Sigrist edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 3 revisions

Core module in DOPE Query Builder

The Core module includes all the implementations for functions that replicate SQL++ functions.


With DOPE Core, you can build an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) consisting of various Clauses and Expressions. The AST can be built using the build() function, which returns a DopeQuery. The DopeQuery contains a string with the query and a map with all the parameters used in the query.



NumberExpressions are expressions that produce a numeric result. These are useful for performing arithmetic operations within your query. For example, you can add a constant to a field, multiply a field by a constant, or combine multiple operations. // -> "person.age + 3"
2.mul(personAge).sub(5) // -> "2 * person.age - 5"


StringExpressions are expressions that produce a string result. These expressions are handy for string manipulation within your queries. You can concatenate strings, trim whitespace, or perform other string operations.

concat("_", personName, "_") // -> "CONCAT("_", person.age, "_")"
ltrim(personName) // -> "LTRIM("


BooleanExpressions are expressions that produce a boolean result. These expressions are useful for making comparisons and logical operations within your query. You can check for equality, pattern matching, or null checks.

personAge.isEqualTo(18) // -> "person.age = 18"
personName.isLike("A%") // -> " LIKE "A%""
personName.isNotNull() // -> " IS NOT NULL"


A Field in DOPE represents a property in a JSON document and can have the same ValidTypes as some Expressions.

Here's how you can create a Field:

val personName = Field<StringType>(name = "name", path = "person")
val personAge = Field<NumberType>(name = "age", path = "person")
val isPersonEmployed = Field<BooleanType>(name = "isEmployed", path = "person")

In this example, we have a String property, a Number property person.age and a Boolean property person.isEmployed.


The build() function also returns Parameters, which are stored in a map with names or positions as keys and values. To create a Parameter, you can use the asParameter() extension function, which works with Numbers, Strings, Booleans and Collections.

Named Parameters

You can create a Named Parameter by passing a name to the asParameter()-function.

7.asParameter("number") // -> "$number"

Positional Parameters

If you don't pass a name, DOPE creates a Positional Parameter.

7.asParameter() // -> "$1"


val parameter1 = 2.asParameter()
val parameter2 = 5.asParameter("param")
val parameter3 = "peter".asParameter()

val result = QueryBuilder()

// result.queryString = "SELECT $1 = $param WHERE != $2"
// result.parameters = { "$1": 2, "param": "5", "$2": "peter"}



DOPE has several Select Clauses for different purposes. All of them can be created using the QueryBuilder. The basic Select Clause takes multiple Expressions and looks like this:

val result = QueryBuilder()
    .select(personName, personAge) // personName and personAge are the Fields created above

// result.queryString = "SELECT, person.age"

Other Selects include Select Raw and Select Distinct.

You can chain multiple Clauses like this:

val personBucket = UnaliasedBucket("person")

val result = QueryBuilder()
        onCondition = personCityId.isEqualTo(cityId),

// result.queryString = "SELECT person.* FROM person WHERE person.isEmployed JOIN city ON person.cityId = GROUP BY ORDER BY person.age LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5"

In DOPE we support currently these Clauses:

  • Select
  • Select Raw
  • Select Distinct
  • From
  • Join
  • Unnest
  • Where
  • OrderBy
  • GroupBy
  • Limit
  • Offset
  • Delete
  • Returning