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Requirement Traceability Tool

This project creates a tool that identifies and visualizes the trace links for a software project given the requirements and software development repository. A short video explanining the architecture and the tool.

Used Technologies

Programming Language: Python

Graph DB: Neo4j


How to Run

The project needs Python=3.10 to operate. You can download it by clicking here.

Prepare virtual environment

It is recommended to use a virtual environment on Python using venv library.

Clone the project using the following shell command.

  git clone

Create a virtual environment,

  python -m venv /path_to_your_venv

and activate it.

For Linux:
  . path_to_your_venv/bin/activate
For Windows:

Navigate to the root directory of the project and install the required dependencies.

  cd ./Requirement-Traceability-Analysis
  pip install -r requirements.txt

Navigate to the traceGraph directory:

cd traceGraph

Create a .env file with the following content:

GITHUB_USERNAME= < your github username >
GITHUB_TOKEN= < your github token >
NEO4J_PASSWORD= password
NEO4J_URI= bolt://localhost:7687
OPENAI_API_KEY= < your openai token >
PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH= < path to your pre-trained word-vector model >
FILTER_BEFORE= < OPTIONAL, provide to filter out software artifacts before a certain date >

You can find a file named .env.example as a template in the traceGraph directory. We have chosen neo4j/password as default credentials. Please don't change neo4j credential defaults, since they are also used while creating the neo4j docker, or update the docker-compose file as well. OpenAI key token utilized for acquiring word embeddings from openai's text-embedding-ada-002 model. Also any pre-trained word-vectors can be used, providing its path. We have utilized word2vec's GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.

Prepare Neo4j server

A neo4j server is required to use our dashboard. We provide a docker compose file, assuming docker is installed, to fasten installation process. At the root directory of the project, run

  docker compose up -d

Alternative to dockerized version, Neo4j Desktop can also be used. Just don't forget to add apoc plugin.

Run the tool

Navigate to the traceGraph directory under the root.

cd ./traceGraph

BEWARE! If you want to use a repository apart from our example repositories, please provide the requirements.txt

Open a repository named data_reponame and create requirements.txt

cd data_reponame
touch requirements.txt

Then you can copy your projects requirements into it.

Run with three system arguments;

python ./ <git_repo> <search_method> <options>
  • <git_repo> repo_owner/repo_name

    • e.g. ersoykadir/Requirement-Traceability-Analysis
  • <search_method> indicates the method used for searching traces.

    • keyword: Keyword extraction method for capturing traces.
    • tf-idf vector: tf-idf vector method for capturing traces.
    • word-vector: Word-vector method for capturing traces, requires a pre-trained model.
    • llm-vector: Word-vector embeddings taken from openai.
  • <options_> run options

    • rt: requirement tree mode,

      • includes parent requirements for keyword extraction, requires a file named 'requirements.txt' in the root directory of the repository
    • rg: reset graph,

      • deletes the graph pickle to re-create the graph from scratch

We have a Config file which controls everything related to running configurations. Beware that the tool needs the requirement specifications for the repository you provided. The two repositories with their requirements is available on the repo, which were also used for development of this tool.


Navigate to to view the dashboard. From the menu, navigate to new dashboard. Provide the default neo4j credentials mentioned above. From left menu bar, navigate to load. Proceed to Select from Neo4j option on the opening page and select our pre-uploaded dashboard template. The dashboard must be ready for use. In the case that dashboard template doesn't show up, Select from File option can always be used and the dashboard template can be taken from our repository. Navigate to http://localhost:7474/ to view graph database.

Example queries for Neo4j graph database

The following query returns the traces for a specific requirement number.

MATCH p=(r)-[t:tracesTo]->(a) 
where r.number='<req_number>'

For keyword search, the following query returns the traces which have a specific keyword match.

MATCH p=(r)-[t:tracesTo]->(a) 
WHERE t.keyword='<keyword>'

The following query returns the traces between the requirement and the specific artifact type.

MATCH p=(r)-[t:tracesTo]->(a:<artifact_type>) 
where r.number='<req_number>'


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Contributors 4

