It automatically detects if you have balance on Exchange with buy Orders. For this buy Orders the bot sets a stoploss. In Intervall the bot checks current market price and if stoploss is hit, it automatically sets a sell order on Kraken-Exchange.
change .env.example to .env and put your keys thier
You provide APIKey and APISign from your Kraken-Account and put in .env.example
APIKey='' APISign=''
You can set stoploss in Percent. With default 0.98 it means the stoploss will be 2% below your buy price.
You can set a step by which the market goes up, so you can calculate new stoploss.
StoplossStepsInProcent=0.05 It means if market goes up by 5%, your stoploss will ajust to = marketprice * StoplossProcent
- TypeScript
- node
- mongodb
MIT license.