Forked from GitHub Repository original author Solumin. Due to Inactive maintenance, I decided to added some style, and make it look more great, also made some changes in the actual code...
Visit Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Database on GH Pages and then you can swap from search cards from the database or check decks and drops from other duelists in the game.
- Steve Kalynuik, Dylan Birtolo and Miguel Balauag, for the Fusion FAQ, an invaluable resource
- The Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia, for the list of cards that I turned into the card database
- CathodeRaymond for work with CSS and making the project actually look good
- duke1102 for providing
, without which this project would be very innacurate. - marcos0000 for Forbidden Memories Logo in HD devianart profile and Carlos123321 for vrains background devianart profile
- Giver336 for the .gif
Feel free to fork and send pull requests.