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295 lines (212 loc) · 14.5 KB


$apiInstance = new Fastly\Api\TlsSubscriptionsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),



All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
createGlobalsignEmailChallenge() POST /tls/subscriptions/{tls_subscription_id}/authorizations/{tls_authorization_id}/globalsign_email_challenges Creates a GlobalSign email challenge.
createTlsSub() POST /tls/subscriptions Create a TLS subscription
deleteGlobalsignEmailChallenge() DELETE /tls/subscriptions/{tls_subscription_id}/authorizations/{tls_authorization_id}/globalsign_email_challenges/{globalsign_email_challenge_id} Delete a GlobalSign email challenge
deleteTlsSub() DELETE /tls/subscriptions/{tls_subscription_id} Delete a TLS subscription
getTlsSub() GET /tls/subscriptions/{tls_subscription_id} Get a TLS subscription
listTlsSubs() GET /tls/subscriptions List TLS subscriptions
patchTlsSub() PATCH /tls/subscriptions/{tls_subscription_id} Update a TLS subscription


createGlobalsignEmailChallenge($options): object // Creates a GlobalSign email challenge.

Creates an email challenge for a domain on a GlobalSign subscription. An email challenge will generate an email that can be used to validate domain ownership. If this challenge is created, then the domain can only be validated using email for the given subscription.


    $options['tls_subscription_id'] = 'tls_subscription_id_example'; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
$options['tls_authorization_id'] = 'tls_authorization_id_example'; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
$options['request_body'] = {"data":{"type":"globalsign_email_challenge","attributes":{"preferred_email":""}}}; // array<string,object>

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->createGlobalsignEmailChallenge($options);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TlsSubscriptionsApi->createGlobalsignEmailChallenge: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Note: the input parameter is an associative array with the keys listed below.

Name Type Description Notes
tls_subscription_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
tls_authorization_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
request_body array<string,object> [optional]

Return type


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createTlsSub($options): \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscriptionResponse // Create a TLS subscription

Create a new TLS subscription. This response includes a list of possible challenges to verify domain ownership.


    $options['force'] = true; // bool | A flag that allows you to edit and delete a subscription with active domains. Valid to use on PATCH and DELETE actions. As a warning, removing an active domain from a subscription or forcing the deletion of a subscription may result in breaking TLS termination to that domain.
$options['tls_subscription'] = {"data":{"type":"tls_subscription","attributes":{"certificate_authority":"certainly"},"relationships":{"tls_domains":{"data":[{"type":"tls_domain","id":"DOMAIN_NAME"}]},"tls_configuration":{"data":{"type":"tls_configuration","id":"t7CguUGZzb2W9Euo5FoKa"}}}}}; // \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscription

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->createTlsSub($options);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TlsSubscriptionsApi->createTlsSub: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Note: the input parameter is an associative array with the keys listed below.

Name Type Description Notes
force bool A flag that allows you to edit and delete a subscription with active domains. Valid to use on PATCH and DELETE actions. As a warning, removing an active domain from a subscription or forcing the deletion of a subscription may result in breaking TLS termination to that domain. [optional]
tls_subscription \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscription [optional]

Return type


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deleteGlobalsignEmailChallenge($options) // Delete a GlobalSign email challenge

Deletes a GlobalSign email challenge. After a GlobalSign email challenge is deleted, the domain can use HTTP and DNS validation methods again.


    $options['tls_subscription_id'] = 'tls_subscription_id_example'; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
$options['tls_authorization_id'] = 'tls_authorization_id_example'; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
$options['globalsign_email_challenge_id'] = gU3guUGZzb2W9Euo4Mo0r; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a GlobalSign email challenge.

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TlsSubscriptionsApi->deleteGlobalsignEmailChallenge: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Note: the input parameter is an associative array with the keys listed below.

Name Type Description Notes
tls_subscription_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
tls_authorization_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
globalsign_email_challenge_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a GlobalSign email challenge.

Return type

void (empty response body)

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deleteTlsSub($options) // Delete a TLS subscription

Destroy a TLS subscription. A subscription cannot be destroyed if there are domains in the TLS enabled state.


    $options['tls_subscription_id'] = 'tls_subscription_id_example'; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TlsSubscriptionsApi->deleteTlsSub: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Note: the input parameter is an associative array with the keys listed below.

Name Type Description Notes
tls_subscription_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.

Return type

void (empty response body)

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getTlsSub($options): \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscriptionResponse // Get a TLS subscription

Show a TLS subscription.


    $options['include'] = tls_authorizations; // string | Include related objects. Optional, comma-separated values. Permitted values: `tls_authorizations`, `tls_authorizations.globalsign_email_challenge`, `tls_authorizations.self_managed_http_challenge`, and `tls_certificates`.
$options['tls_subscription_id'] = 'tls_subscription_id_example'; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getTlsSub($options);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TlsSubscriptionsApi->getTlsSub: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Note: the input parameter is an associative array with the keys listed below.

Name Type Description Notes
include string Include related objects. Optional, comma-separated values. Permitted values: tls_authorizations, tls_authorizations.globalsign_email_challenge, tls_authorizations.self_managed_http_challenge, and tls_certificates. [optional]
tls_subscription_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.

Return type


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listTlsSubs($options): \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscriptionsResponse // List TLS subscriptions

List all TLS subscriptions.


    $options['filter_state'] = 'filter_state_example'; // string | Limit the returned subscriptions by state. Valid values are `pending`, `processing`, `issued`, `renewing`, and `failed`. Accepts parameters: `not` (e.g., `filter[state][not]=renewing`).
$options['filter_tls_domains_id'] = 'filter_tls_domains_id_example'; // string | Limit the returned subscriptions to those that include the specific domain.
$options['filter_has_active_order'] = True; // bool | Limit the returned subscriptions to those that have currently active orders. Permitted values: `true`.
$options['filter_certificate_authority'] = 'filter_certificate_authority_example'; // string | Limit the returned subscriptions to a specific certification authority. Values may include `certainly`, `lets-encrypt`, or `globalsign`.
$options['sort'] = '-created_at'; // string | The order in which to list the results.
$options['include'] = tls_authorizations; // string | Include related objects. Optional, comma-separated values. Permitted values: `tls_authorizations`, `tls_authorizations.globalsign_email_challenge`, `tls_authorizations.self_managed_http_challenge`, and `tls_certificates`.
$options['page_number'] = 1; // int | Current page.
$options['page_size'] = 20; // int | Number of records per page.

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->listTlsSubs($options);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TlsSubscriptionsApi->listTlsSubs: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Note: the input parameter is an associative array with the keys listed below.

Name Type Description Notes
filter_state string Limit the returned subscriptions by state. Valid values are pending, processing, issued, renewing, and failed. Accepts parameters: not (e.g., filter[state][not]&#x3D;renewing). [optional]
filter_tls_domains_id string Limit the returned subscriptions to those that include the specific domain. [optional]
filter_has_active_order bool Limit the returned subscriptions to those that have currently active orders. Permitted values: true. [optional]
filter_certificate_authority string Limit the returned subscriptions to a specific certification authority. Values may include certainly, lets-encrypt, or globalsign. [optional]
sort string The order in which to list the results. [optional] [one of: 'created_at', '-created_at', 'tls_certificates.not_after', '-tls_certificates.not_after'] [defaults to '-created_at']
include string Include related objects. Optional, comma-separated values. Permitted values: tls_authorizations, tls_authorizations.globalsign_email_challenge, tls_authorizations.self_managed_http_challenge, and tls_certificates. [optional]
page_number int Current page. [optional]
page_size int Number of records per page. [optional] [defaults to 20]

Return type


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patchTlsSub($options): \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscriptionResponse // Update a TLS subscription

Change the TLS domains or common name associated with this subscription, update the TLS configuration for this set of domains, or retry a subscription with state failed by setting the state to retry.


    $options['tls_subscription_id'] = 'tls_subscription_id_example'; // string | Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
$options['force'] = true; // bool | A flag that allows you to edit and delete a subscription with active domains. Valid to use on PATCH and DELETE actions. As a warning, removing an active domain from a subscription or forcing the deletion of a subscription may result in breaking TLS termination to that domain.
$options['tls_subscription'] = {"data":{"type":"tls_subscription","attributes":{"state":"retry"},"relationships":{"common_name":{"data":{"type":"tls_domain","id":"DOMAIN_NAME"}},"tls_domains":{"data":[{"type":"tls_domain","id":"DOMAIN_NAME"}]},"tls_configuration":{"data":{"type":"tls_configuration","id":"t7CguUGZzb2W9Euo5FoKa"}}}}}; // \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscription

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->patchTlsSub($options);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TlsSubscriptionsApi->patchTlsSub: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Note: the input parameter is an associative array with the keys listed below.

Name Type Description Notes
tls_subscription_id string Alphanumeric string identifying a TLS subscription.
force bool A flag that allows you to edit and delete a subscription with active domains. Valid to use on PATCH and DELETE actions. As a warning, removing an active domain from a subscription or forcing the deletion of a subscription may result in breaking TLS termination to that domain. [optional]
tls_subscription \Fastly\Model\TlsSubscription [optional]

Return type


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