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Research Track I - second assignment

In this second assignment, we were asked to develop a software architecture for controlling a robot within a specific environment. More in details, our software will rely on two different packages:

  1. the move_base pakage
  2. the gmapping package

The first one, will take care of the localization of our robot within the enviroment, whereas the second one will plan the motion.

User request

The architecture will provide a way to get the user request, and will make the robot capable of executing one of the following behaviors (depending on the user’s input):

  1. Move randomly in the environment, by choosing 1 out of 6 possible target position

    Position Coordinates
    Position 1 (-4,-3)
    Position 2 (-4,2)
    Position 3 (-4,7)
    Position 4 (5,-7)
    Position 5 (5,-3)
    Position 6 (5,1)
  2. Directly ask the user for the next target position (checking that the position is one of the possible six) and reach it)

  3. Start following the external walls

  4. Stop in the last position

  5. (optional) change the planning algorithm to dijkstra (move_base) to the bug0

How the architecture is structured

Please, find in the following sections a brief summary of the various ROS messages, services, parameters, and other sub-structures used to realise this project


Published messages

In the list below, the published messages of the whole architecture are reported:

  • actionlib_msgs/GoalID: It publishes the messages to the /move_base/cancel topic in order to remove a target as it is considered reached. Indeed, it allows to easily avoid the inadvertent overlying of robot distinct behaviours

  • geometry_msgs/Twist: It publishes the messages to the /cmd_vel topic. Moreover, it is used:

    1. for setting both the robot linear and and angular velocity
    2. for halting the robot.
  • move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal: It publishes the messages to the /move_base/goal topic. Moreover, it is used for setting the move_base goal that the robot has to achieve

Subscribed messages

In the list below, the subscribed messages of the whole architecture are reported:

  • geometry_msgs/Point: It defines the robot position, expressed as a Point

  • nav_msgs/Odometry: It provides the current robot position by means of the /Odom topic

  • sensor_msgs/LaserScanl It provides the real-time laser output through the /scan topic


As far as services are concerned, I have here-reported a quick explanation of their purposes:

  1. Within the script, there is the /random_srv service. Its purpose is to choose between six different coordinate positions

  2. Within the script, there is the /go_to_point_switch service. Its purpose is to activate/deactivate the go-to-point behaviour

  3. Within the script, we find the /ui service. its purpose consists in providing a tool for selecting one out of the five possible robot states. In the table below, it is possible to spot what, the different states implement:

state Coordinates
state 1 move randomly
state 2 target position
state 3 walls following
state 4 stop
state 5 bug algorithm

REMARK: When state 5 is chosen, I have implemented a 20 secs timer which allows the user to exit from bug algorithm if the target is not yet reached (then it is assumed to be not reachable). Once the time has expired, the user has the possibility to re-enter in state 5 and pick up another new target by means of a user-interface.

  1. Within the script, we find the /user_interface service. Its purpose basically consists in providing a tool for selecting the x,y coordinates of the next desired robot target position, once the previous target has been reached. Moreover, this is the user-interface exploited by the bug algorithm

  2. Within the script, we find the /wall_follower_switch service. Its purpose is to activate/deactivate the wall-follower behaviour

  3. Within the script, we find the /wall_follower_bug service.
    Its purpose is to activate/deactivate the wall-follower behaviour.

REMARK: This is the service exploited by the bug algorithm!

  1. Within the script, we find the /bug_alg service. Its purpose is to activate/deactivate the bug algorithm behaviour (through a boolean value)


Within the scripts folder, the following nodes are available:

  1. It implements the structure of the entire architecture. It handles the simulation structure and it provides a way for checking the robot state. Then, it triggers the required service.

  2. As its name suggests, It provides a service, exploited by the bug algorithm,for letting the user choose which target position the robot should achieve.

  3. It provides a user-interface in which the user has to select 1 out of 5 available states. Then, once inserted the chosen state, a "valid state" message appears, so that the user can save his/her choice by typing the string "done"

REMARK: When entering the "done" string or other strings, remember to add the quote marks ""

  1. It provides a service for avoiding the collision between our robot and the neighboring walls while performing the target achievement

REMARK: We need to distinguish between and because even if they share the same code structure, when calling the latter service, both 'bug algorithm' and its wall_follower_service_m are disabled!

  1. As its name suggests, it provides a service for simulating the wall following behaviour

  2. It provides a service for making the bug algorithm* capable of implementing the go-to-point behaviour

  3. It provides a straightforward service, for setting a random position which the robot will achieve

  4. It provides a service for carrying out the bug algorithm behaviour


They are contained in the launch folder. More specifically:

  • Within the node_master.launch file, I have initialised:
    • des_pos_x and des_pos_y for allocating the x,y coordinates of the target the user has chosen (so that the robot can reach them)
    • state for individuating the current state (between 1 and 5) of the robot
    • change_state for initialising at zero the current state of our robot. It has been proven very useful during the implementation of the bug algorithm

Rqt-graph (ROS tool)

By running the following command:

rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph

it is possible to show a dynamic graph, depicting what is going on within the System.


How to launch

  1. Firstly, create a folder named "final_assignment"
  2. Within the aforementioned folder, open the terminal and run:
git clone
  1. Then, to launch the 3D visualizer Rviz and the 3D simulator Gazebo please run the command
roslaunch final_assignment simulation_gmapping.launch
  1. To launch the move_base.launch, digit:
roslaunch final_assignment move_base.launch

  1. To conclude with, digit:
roslaunch final_assignment node_master.launch


The documentation of this project, obtained by means of DoxyGen is visible, within the docs folder

System limitation's and possible Improvements

The state 1 behaviour can be implemented so that the move_base should be capable of publishing continuously random position without blocking.

Release History

  • 0.1.0

  • The first proper release

  • 0.0.1

  • Work in progress


Federico Civetta– s4194543 –

Distributed under none licence


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Second assignment for the RT course






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