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Work with Query String Parameters in VBA easily


Microsoft Scripting Runtime

How to use

After import the file (download here) to your VBA project, let's go to the examples.

Create a Object:

Dim objQueryStr as QueryStringParameters

Set objQueryStr = New QueryStringParameters

Importing a query string to object

Dim objQueryStr as QueryStringParameters

Set objQueryStr = New QueryStringParameters

objQueryStr.parseQueryStringParameters "foo[bar]=value1&foo[menu]=value2"

The below examples has based in above command

Getting value in string

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[bar]=value1&foo[menu]=value2

Adding new field in query string

objQueryStr.add "myValue", Array("foo", "top")

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[bar]=value1&foo[menu]=value2&foo[top]=myValue

Adding new field in query string as first field

objQueryStr.add "mySecondValue", Array("foo", "bottom"), objQueryStr.addAsFirstValue

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[bottom]=mySecondValue&foo[bar]=value1&foo[menu]=value2&foo[top]=myValue

Adding new field in query string after a field

objQueryStr.add "mySecondValue2", Array("foo", "bottom2"), "bottom"

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[bottom]=mySecondValue&foo[bottom2]=mySecondValue2&foo[bar]=value1&foo[menu]=value2&foo[top]=myValue

Note: If the field doesn't exist, the new value will be inserted in last field

Adding new sequential field

Set objQueryStr = New QueryStringParameters

objQueryStr.add "value1", Array("foo", "")
objQueryStr.add "value2", Array("foo", "")

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[]=value1&foo[]=value2

Adding new value after sequential field

objQueryStr.add "newValue", Array("foo", "new"), .getSequentialKeyByIndex(0, array("foo"))

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[]=value1&foo[new]=newValue&foo[]=value2

Removing fields

objQueryStr.remove Array("foo", "new")
objQueryStr.remove Array("foo", .getSequentialKeyByIndex(0, array("foo")))

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[]=value1

Updating fields

objQueryStr.update 2, Array("foo", "menu")                                      '' Auto add
objQueryStr.update 1, Array("foo", .getSequentialKeyByIndex(0, array("foo")))   '' Update sequential key

Debug.Print objQueryStr.toString()
' >output: foo[]=1&foo[menu]=2

Getting value

Dim objDictionary as Dictionary
Set objDictionary = objQueryStr.getValue Array("foo")

For Each Item in objDictionary
  Debug.Print Item
' >output: 1
' >output: 2

Getting value nonexistent

value = objQueryStr.getValue Array("foo", "new")

Debug.Print IsError(Value)
' >output: True