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eevents module

Sharon Grant edited this page Jul 15, 2024 · 28 revisions

What does an eevents record represent?

An Event record represents a discrete Field Museum operation, exhibit, work task, or project. Events have time and space boundaries (eg. commencement date, geographic/internal location/virtual), and may have Master/Sub relationships. Event records may have supporting collections objects, parties, venues, transactions/loans, and multimedia.

When an Event occurs in multiple locations over time, the Event record can include multiple venues as Party record attachments, each venue with a corresponding commencement date. The final venue may lack a conclusion date (for example, an exhibit installed as a ‘permanent’ display). Venues can include internal or geographic locations as Location record attachments. Venue, Location, and Commencement/Conclusion data are displayed in the Venues table.

If an Event record represents a Travelling Exhibit, each venue the exhibit travels to is considered a different instance of the exhibit. Each venue will thus have an Exhibit record specific to that instance, attached to a Master Exhibit record for the show as a conceptual whole. These venue-specific Sub-Events may have transactions or parties attachments particular to that instance. Changes in objects between venues will be managed via the Master Exhibit record Exhibition Objects’ rotations.

Current Sub class Status

Subclassed?: Yes

Tab Switching:

  • Column Name: EveTypeOfEvent,
  • Lookup List: Event Type
  • Tab switching: Yes

Record Types:


  • Production of an animated digital entity.

Community Science

  • A public engagement project or event whose purpose is specifically to generate data e.g. A zooniverse project. Formerly “Citizen Science”


  • Legacy CL project codes and discrete collections-related projects such as intern projects, collections care projects, reference photography projects, inventory projects.



  • Legacy curatorial projects. This type is no longer actively being used but to be kept for legacy only


  • Use this to document records created by the elemental analysis facility.


  • Event held by or primarily featuring Field Museum Education/Learning department.


  • Non Field Museum exhibition where FM specimens are shown/displayed. Generally short-term e.g. ESCONI.

Exhibit - Permanent

  • In house exhibition that will never travel and at time of creation has no end date e.g. China Hall 2018.

Exhibit - Temporary

  • Exhibition that at time of creation has a start and end date e.g. Greeks.

Exhibit - Travelling

  • Exhibition created by the Field Museum which will be re-used at one or more other venues e.g. Mammoths and Mastadons.

Expedition/Field Trip

GIS Project

  • An archivable Field Museum project which produces spatial data products such as shapefiles. This may be a sub-event of a Research Project event.

Incident Report Non-Personnel

  • Use this to document/report incidents with potential to affect collections objects. If there is an insurance claim, attach to this record. [Event No. is IR-irn] Not to be used for DPS Incident Reports for personal injury.


  • Use this type to archive the creation and use process and/or records related to digital or mechanical interactives (usually permanent or travelling exhibit elements, but sometimes used for other FM events or purposes). Things to archive include reference files, copies of the codebase, and bundled assets. May be nested as a Sub Event to an Exhibitions Event record.

Import Log

  • Use this record type to hold on groups of records modified or updated as part of a bulk import action. There should always be an attached group or records which has the zipped files attached. See the also Documenting Imports in EMu workflow


  • A media production/archiving project involving a series of photography, audio, video, interactives, and/or other media-types, e.g., MM-2805.1 "vPlants multimedia asset upload" or MM-6475 "What the Fish? Podcast Series"


  • A public engagement event, with a start date and end date which occurs away from the Field Museum. Use consultations for visits TO the Museum.


Photo Shoot

Research Project

  • An archivable Field Museum project with a known start date and end date but not restricted to having a funding source.

Social Media

  • Includes: Facebook series. May be a sub-event of a Social Media Series e.g. Bird of the Week. Use narratives for the actual content (images, text, authors).

Special Event


  • A video production (which may involve multiple video shoots) resulting in a final edited video, e.g. - MM-100.205 "Episode 2.05 - Bat Calls from Kenya"

Video Footage

  • A footage log to document a specific video shoots, .e.g - "MI-FL.280 - Kenya_KWS Director Interview"

Web Project

  • A set of EMu data that is collated for use in a Field Museum website. Has a field museum URL.

Web Submission

  • A set of EMu data that is collated for submission to a non-Field Museum website or online project eg Google Cultural Institute

Record Structure:

Parent/Child; linking to an event in the EveMasterEvent (Master Event) field will place an event above the current one. All events with the same Master Event will show in the EveSubEvents_tab (Sub Event) field.



  • EveEventNumber
  • EveEventTitle
  • EveTypeOfEvent
  • EveEventDescription
  • DatCommencementDate

Security Record Status


Ditto Skip

Insert Defaults

Query Defaults

Software Dependencies

Resources -> Tools


Reason(s) for Change Request [version 3]

Standardise the use of the module to make it more efficient and reflect consolidation of internal processes and workflows. Prepare for newer versions of EMu by not transferring bad data structures and dirty data.


  • Version 5.1
  • Funded - In Live
  • FMNH Specific customisation


  • Consolidate feature set, functionality and links for all departments. Expand for use by Non-Exhibitions departments.
  • Make it eaiser to duplicate a new event from an existing one. New "Clone Events" tool includes copy over of exhobjects data.
  • Include more refined image associations with notes (New Media Tab)
  • Allow read-through of child event exhobjects information
  • Fix exiting bugs: ** multi-valued table rearrange bug where changes to the objects table in events breaks data in the exhobjects module.
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