Python (flask) implementation of our REST-API.
- room status (for SpaceAPI etc.)
- extended information about our hackspace
- audio announcement system via long polling
- LED ticker via long polling (see ledticker)
- traffic light via long polling and normal request (see traffic light)
- Mate-O-Meter (measures our Club-Mate stock) (see Mate-O-Meter)
- MUC (xmpp) status
- wiki status (just some redirects)
- flask
- gevent
- simplejson
- python-xmpp (see /helper)
- bash, espeak, sox, lame (see /data/espeak/
- enable WSGIPassAuthorization to pass through authorisation headers:
- scripts in /helper update the API via http calls and must be called via cron or something similar (calls from other servers are supported)