Blatently ported, warts and all from
A Go library for logging into Steam with SteamGuard support.
Currently, like the original, this library can:
- Generate login codes for a given shared secret
- Login to a user account
- Link and activate a new mobile authenticator to a user account after logging in
- Remove itself from an account
- Fetch, accept, and deny mobile confirmations
If you already have a SharedSecret
just instantiate a SteamGuardAccount
and call GenerateSteamGuardCode()
To remove the authenticator from your account you will need a working session (so log in with UserLogin
or load a saved SteamGuardAccount json blob)
auth := steamauth.NewUserLogin("username", "password")
res, err := auth.DoLogin()
// err usually means something went wrong in the library or connecting to steam
switch res {
case steamauth.NeedCaptcha:
fmt.Printf("Requires captcha: %s\n", userLogin.CaptchaURL())
case steamauth.Need2FA:
fmt.Println("Need two factor code, get this from SteamGuard on your phone (or SteamGuardAccount if it's registered)")
case steamauth.NeedEmail:
fmt.Println("Code was sent to your email")
case steamauth.LoginOkay:
fmt.Println("Logged in!")
linker := steamauth.NewAuthenticatorLinker(userLogin.Session)
linkres, err := linker.AddAuthenticator()
// Again err usually means something went wrong in the library or connecting to steam
switch linkres {
case steamauth.MustProvidePhoneNumber:
fmt.Println("Account doesn't have a phone number associated with it and you didn't provide one")
case steamauth.MustRemovePhoneNumber:
fmt.Println("Account already has a phone number associated with it and you provided one")
case steamauth.AwaitingFinalization:
fmt.Println("A message has been sent to the given mobile number, call FinalizeAddAuthenticator(smscode)")
finres, err := linker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(code)
switch finres {
case steamauth.BadSMSCode:
fmt.Println("You done typoed son")
case steamauth.UnableToGenerateCorrectCodes:
fmt.Println("Steam doesn't like us, even after 30 tries")
case steamauth.Success
fmt.Println("Everything is awsome")
Once you've finalized your registration you should absolutly save a copy of the SteamGuardAccount
Go nativly supports proxy from environment for http requests with no code modification
export HTTP_PROXY="http://proxyIp:proxyPort"
os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http://proxyIp:proxyPort")
Will do exactly what you expect it to do.
Look in examples
for an example that should authenticate and register itself with a given account