this is an unofficial library wrapper for the steam API
steam-wrapper-api simplifies the use of the API, making it easier to use
pip install -r requirements.txt
you can install using pip
pip install steam-wrapper-api
here are some usage examples
a json file will be generated with your api_key named API_steam.json
import steam_api
import steam_api
api_key = steam_api.load_auth_json()
import steam_api
steam = steam_api.Steam('YOUR_API_KEY')
profile_data = steam.get_player_summaries('steam_id')
you can change the default format of response of the API to xml
the default is json
import steam_api
steam = steam_api.Steam('YOUR_API_KEY', 'xml')
from steam_api import Steam
steam = Steam('YOUR_API_KEY')
player_achievements = steam.get_player_achievements(steam_id='xxxxxxxxxxx', app_id=000000)
steam.write_content(content=player_achievements, file_path='./player_achievements.json')
the documentation of api can be found in:
all contributions are welcome, the repository in github is: