Course project for Softuni - ASP.NET Core and Vue JS 2020
This is a web page that gives information about characters in World of Warcraft and news related to the game. It provides the following information: news, characters, character items, character progress in mythic dungeons, detailed information about characters. Search bar to find characters. Shows the details for each character item.
- MSSQL server
- Mediator by Jimmy Bogard to implement CQRS (Mediator pattern)
- FluentValidation library to control client-side validations (similar to DataAnnotations attributes).
- MongoDB to collect Blizzard API calls
- Vue
- Vuetify and Bootstrap
- Vuex
- Vue router
- Jquery and other minor libraries based on Jquery
- WoWhead plugin to display tooltips
email: TBA
password: TBA
password: Ghostd0g_87
password: Ghostd0g_87
password: Ghostd0g_87
- DisplayName (string)
- Posts (List of Posts)
- Id (Integer)
- Title (string)
- Description (string)
- PostedOn (datetime)
- Image (string)
- User (WoWUser)
- Id (Integer)
- Level (Integer)
- Items (List of Items)
- Price (Decimal)
- Dungeons (List of accomplished mythic dungeons)
- Id (Integer)
- Name (string)
- ItemType (Enum head,chest,shoulders etc.)
- Id (Integer)
- Name (string)
- AccomplishedLevel (integer - best accomplished level)