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geosummly - Geographic Summaries from Crowdsourced Data

geosummly is as a framework that creates geographic summaries using the whereabouts of Foursquare users. Exploiting the density of the venue types in a particular region, the system adds a layer over any typical cartography geographic maps service, creating a first glance summary over the venues sampled from the Foursquare knowledge base. Each summary is represented by a convex hull. The shape is automatically computed according to the venue densities enclosed in the area. The summary is then labeled with the most prominent category or categories. The prominence is given by the observed venue category density. A set of summaries are provided in the public demonstration.

Architectural Overview

The prototype is composed of 6 stages:

  • sampling: it performs the sampling of Foursquare venues that are surrounded by a bounding box, and it records this information on a matrix;
  • import: it generates a multidimensional tensor matrix, given the sampled data, where each dimension reports the magnitude of the Foursquare category venue, and each object shapes a portion (cell) of the original bounding box;
  • discovery: it estimates the parameter minpts;
  • clustering: it performs the clustering algorithm;
  • evaluation: it computes the SSE and the Jaccard as evaluation means of the obtained clustering output;
  • optimization: it performs two multi objective functions: linear and Pareto.

Please refer to our paper for a detailed description.


Setting Up

git clone
cp props/ props/ 
vim props/ (add ClientID, and ClientSecret)
mvn clean
mvn package


For a full list of commands, please refer to:

geosummly -H –help  (print the command list)


-L –coord   <n,e,s,w>       set the input grid coordinates
-I –input   <path/to/file>  set the geojson input file or cixtyjson input file
-O –output  <path/to/dir>   set the output directory
-g –gnum    <arg>           set the number of cells of a side of the squared grid. Default 20.
-r –rnum    <arg>           set the number of cells, taken randomly, chosen for the sampling.
-s –social  <arg>           set the social network for dynamic meta-data collection. So far foursquare and 3cixty is activable, this option only can be set to "3cixty"
-z -sleep   <arg>           set the milliseconds between two calls to social media server. Default 0.
-C –cache                   cache activation. Default deactivated.
-c -city    <arg>           set the city from social network for meta-data collection
-p -publisher <arg>         set the publisher from social network for meta-data collection, like googleplaces, facebook

The options coord, input (only if coord is not specified), output are mandatory. The options input and coord are mutually exclusive. The options input and gnum are mutually exclusive. The options input and rnum are mutually exclusive. The output consists of a file of single venues for each of the two levels of the Foursquare categories taxonomy, a log file with the sampling informations.

geosummly sampling –input path/to/file.geojson –output path/to/dir –ctype missing
geosummly sampling –coord 45,8,44,7 –output path/to/dir –gnum 40 –rnum 100
geosummly sampling -social 3cixty -city nice -publisher googleplaces -output path/to/dir


-I –input   <path/to/file>  set the csv input file
-L –coord   <n,e,s,w>       set the bounding box coordinates
-g –gnum    <arg>           set the number of cells of a side of the squared grid. Default 20.
-O –output  <path/to/dir>   set the output directory
-l –ltype   <arg>           set the type of coordinates (latitude and longitude) normalization. Allowed values: norm, notnorm, missing. Default norm.

The options input, coord, gnum, output are mandatory." Input file has to be a .csv of single venues, output of the sampling state. The output consist of a file of grid-shaped aggregated venues, a file of density values of the previous aggregates, a file with intra-feature normalized density values shifted in [0,1].

geosummly import -input path/to/file.csv -coord 48,8,44,7 \
 -gnum 100 -output path/to/dir -ltype notnorm


-I –input        <path/to/file>  set the csv input file
-O –output       <path/to/dir>   set the output directory
-c -combination  <arg>           set the number of categories combinations for minpts estimation. Default 5.
-r –rnum         <arg>           set the number of cells, taken randomly, chosen for the discovery operation.

The options input, output are mandatory. Input file has to be a .csv of grid-shaped density values. The output consists of a file of standard deviation values for the categories combinations.

geosummly discovery –input path/to/file.csv –output path/to/dir –combination 3


-D –density     <path/to/file>  set the input file of density values
-N –normalized  <path/to/file>  set the input file of normalized density values
-S –deltad      <path/to/file>  set the input file of deltad values
-V –venues      <path/to/file>  set the input file of single venues
-L -coord       <n,e,s,w>       set the bounding box coordinates
-O –output      <path/to/dir>   set the output directory
-M -method      <arg>           set the clustering algorithm. So far only geosubclu is activable. Default geosubclu.
-e -eps         <arg>           set the eps value of clustering algorithm. Default sqrt(2) * (1/ sqrt( size(density_values) )).

The options density, normalized, deltad, venues, coord, output are mandatory. Density file has to be a .csv of grid-shaped density values, output the import state. Normalized file has to be a .csv of grid-shaped normalized density values, output of the import state. Deltad file has to be a .csv of deltad values, output the discovery state. Venues file has to be a .csv of single venues, output the sampling state. The output consists of a .geojson file expressed as a feature collection whose features are the clusters, a set of RDF Turtle file (one for each cluster), a log file with the clustering informations.

geosummly clustering -coord 45,8,44,7 -density path/to/file1.csv \
 -normalized path/to/file2.csv -deltad path/to/file3.csv \
 -venues path/to/file4.csv -output path/to/dir


-E –etype      <arg>            set the operation to do. Allowed values: correctness, validation.
-I –input      <path/to/file>   set the log input file
-F -normalized  <path/to/file>  set the input file of the normalized matrix
-V -venues     <path/to/file>   set the input file of single venues
-O –output     <path/to/dir>    set the output directory
-m –mnum       <arg>            set the random matrix number to create. Default 500.
-f –fnum       <arg>            set the fold number to create for the cross-validation. Default 10.

The options etype, input, normalized (only if etype is equal to correctness), venues (only if etype is equal to validation), output are mandatory. The input file has to be the log file returned by the clustering state. If etype argument is equal to correctness, the normalized option (csv file of normalized density values) is mandatory and, for each of the mnum matrices, the output is a grid with intra-feature normalized density values shifted in [0,1]. In addition to the output a SSE log and a R script (visualization of SSE values) are provided. Moreover venues and fnum options cannot be used. If etype argument is equal to validation, the venues option (csv file of single venues) is mandatory and, for each fold, the output is a file of density values and a file with intra-feature normalized density values shifted in [0,1]. In addition to the output a Jaccard log is provided. Moreover frequency and mnum options cannot be used.

geosummly evaluation –etype correctness –input path/to/file.log \
 -normalized path/to/file.csv –output path/to/dir –mnum 300
geosummly evaluation –etype validation –input path/to/file.log \
 -venues path/to/file.csv –output path/to/dir


-T -type     <function>      set the optimization function to use
-I -input    <path/to/file>  set the geojson input file
-O -output   <path/to/dir>   set the output directory
-t -top      <arg>           set the number of clusters to hold in the fingerprint. Default 10.
-w -weight   <w1,w2,w3>      set the weights to assign to each optimization function. Default 0.3.

The options type, input, output are mandatory. Two optimization methods are provided: pareto, linear (alternatively). Input file has to be a geojson file, output of the clustering state. The output consists of a log file, a geojson file with the clustering result after the optimization.

geosummly optimization -type pareto -input path/to/file.geojson -output path/to/dir 

Web UI

A web interface can be instantiated to visualize on a map the output of the geosummly.

java -cp /path/where/geosummly/jar/is/located it.unito.geosummly.Server 8080

A set of pre-computed fingerprints will be shown. To add new ones, just copy the geojson of the clustering stage into the webroot/app/data folder, and then add the new location to webroot/app/js/config/config.js.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. The license is applicable to the modules developed in this project.


If you want to cite this work, please use the following citation.

Rizzo G., Falcone G., Meo R., Pensa R., Troncy R., Milicic V. (2014), 
Geographic Summaries from Crowdsourced Data. 
In 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'14) Poster Demo Session, Hersonissou, Crete, Greece