This project aims to be a complete volunteer management system for the Nowhere event. As much as possible the functionality is implemented in a general purpose Meteor module, the intention of which is to be a reusable dependency for other volunteer run events and projects.
When running, the volunteer facing site is at http://localhost:3000/
The admin password is / testtest A normal user account is created with / testtest
It was originally written in Coffeescript using Blaze as the view layer. In order to increase the pool of potential contributors and to escape the poor development experience of Blaze it is currently being ported to React and Javascript. This leads to some odd behaviour at the moment as it's currently using both technologies at the same time.
To run this project you must install meteor and checkout all additional modules. This can be done in one step by using git submodules, though it may require you to have a Github and Gitlab accounts set up with SSH keys set up (all the code is public but since we use SSH urls for the repositories hosted on Github and Gitlab you need an account, an alternative install method exists if you don't want to set this up):
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd volunteers-nowhere
cp server/env.example server/env.json
# If you missed the '--recurse-submodules' above, then add this step to get them:
# git submodule update --init
meteor npm install
If for some reason you don't want to use submodules, you'll need to clone each dependency in turn and tell Meteor where to find them when you run it:
mkdir nowhere-volunteers
cd nowhere-volunteers
git clone
# main meteor-volunteers dependency
git clone
# dependencies
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
# install npm dependencies and run
cd volunteers-nowhere
meteor npm install
update all submodules to master
git submodule foreach 'git pull origin master'
restore all the backup data for testing
run meteor mongo
in a shell and then run the following command to replate the existing database with a copy from backups/mongo__mongodb_20180512-000008/volunteers/
mongorestore -h --port 3001 -d meteor --drop backups/mongo__mongodb_20180512-000008/volunteers/