A bot to track and access ECD progress.
Based on DMC-II spec. It's a series of Rapidpro flows. The flows are in the rapidpro.ona.io Sofia organisation and start from the Registration flow.
- Facebook Messenger
- Telegram
Based on DMC-III spec. It's a series of borq/botkit conversations.
- Facebook Messenger
Metrics are based on questions, items and subscales.
An item
is made up of two questions. Each question has a maximum age and
a minimum age. This means that if the child doesn't lie in this bracket we skip
asking the question entirely.
The score
for each item is the sum of the two questions for that item:
Each question carries one (1) point.
- Can the child do the skill?
- Has the child been able to do this continually during the past month?
A survey is broken into different sections, these sections are called subscales. The subscale score = sum of points in each subscale. The subscales are:
- gross motor
- fine motor
- language
subscale_score = gross motor + fine motor + language
The start point for each subscale is based on the child's age.
If the child scores 0, go to the previous start point. If the child scores 1 or 2, continue to the next item. Stop after 4 consecutive scores of 0 and go to the appropriate start point for the next subscale.
Version 2 is just more questions on top of version 1.
- English
- Bahasa
Why do we want to fetch the images from facebook and not a public place?