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granny edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 8 revisions

File Structure

├─── colors.yml
├─── config.yml
├─ 📁layers
│    ├── players.yml
│    ├── spawn.yml
│    └── worldborder.yml
├─ 📁locale
│    └── lang-en.yml
├─ 📁markers
│    └── 📁 <world directories>
│           └── <custom marker> <-- you are here
└─ 📁web
     └── <webmap files>

How to create your own custom markers


This section covers an advanced feature of Pl3xMap and assumes a good understanding of how JSON works. If you are not familiar with JSON, it is recommended to gain some knowledge before proceeding with custom markers configuration.

All your custom markers live in the markers/ directory. It automatically gets populated with folders that correspond to the "worlds" or "dimensions" that are available in your server. Each JSON file is treated as it's own "layer" that can hold multiple markers.

You can run /map reload to update the map with your new markers anytime you make any changes.


Keys that end with a question mark indicate an optional key/object. Types that end with a question mark indicate that they can be set as null.

Layer JSON file

Layer object

Key Type Description
key string Key for the layer. This is a unique identifier.
label string Label of the layer.
updateInterval? integer Layer's update interval (in seconds).
showControls? boolean Whether to show the layer in the control box.
defaultHidden? boolean Whether the layer is hidden by default in the control box.
priority? integer The indexed order for this layer in the control box. Falls back to alphanumeric ordering based on label if there are order conflicts.
zIndex? integer The z-index for this layer. Used in determining what layers are visually on top of other layers. Falls back to alphanumeric ordering based on name if there are order conflicts. Defaults to priority value.
pane? string The map pane for the layer.
css? string The custom CSS to add for this layer.
markers? Marker[] Array of markers to display in the layer

Marker object

Key Type Description
type (string)Marker type identifier The type identifier of the marker.
data Data Marker data object.
options? Options Marker options object.

Type identifiers

Marker type Identifier
Circle circ
Ellipse elli
Icon icon
MultiPolygon multipoly
MultiPolyline multiline
Polygon poly
Polyline line
Rectange rect

Data object

The data object differs depending on the marker type.

Key Type Description
key string Key for the marker. This is a unique identifier.
center Point Center for the circle.
radius float Radius of the circle.
pane? string The map pane for the marker.
Key Type Description
key string Key for the marker. This is a unique identifier.
center Point Center for the ellipse.
radius float Radius of the ellipse.
tilt? float The tilt of the elipse, in degrees, clockwise. Defaults to 0.
pane? string The map pane for the marker.
Key Type Description
key string Key for the marker. This is a unique identifier.
point Point Point on the map for the icon.
image string The image to use for the icon. This is the filename of a png image in /web/images/icon/ (without the extension).
retina? string The retina sized image to use for this icon. This image will be used on retina devices. Defaults to image value.
size? Vector The size of the image.
anchor? Vector The anchor point of the image relative to its top-left corner.
shadow? string The shadow image to use for the icon. This is the filename of a png image in /web/images/icon/ (without the extension).
shadowRetina? string The retina sized shadow image to use for this icon. This image will be used on retina devices. Defaults to shadow value.
shadowSize? Vector The size of the shadow image.
shadowAnchor? Vector The anchor point of the shadow image relative to its top-left corner.
rotationAngle? float The rotation angle, in degrees, clockwise.
rotationOrigin? string The rotation origin, as a transform-origin CSS rule.
pane? string The map pane for the marker.
Key Type Description
key string Key for the marker. This is a unique identifier.
polygons Polygon[] The list of polygons in this multi-polygon. See Polygon below.
pane? string The map pane for the marker.
Key Type Description
key string Key for the marker. This is a unique identifier.
polylines Polyline[] The list of polylines in this polygon. See Polyline below.
pane? string The map pane for the marker.
Key Type Description
key string Key for the marker. This is a unique identifier.
points Point[] The list of points in this polyline. The last point does not need to be the same as the first point added for a polygon.
pane? string The map pane for the marker.
Key Type Description
key string Key for the marker. This is a unique identifier.
point1 Point The first point of this rectangle.
point2 Point The second point of this rectangle.
pane? string The map pane for the marker.

Options object

Key Type Description
stroke Stroke Stroke (line thickness)
fill Fill Fill
tooltip Tooltip Tooltip: on mouse hover
popup Popup Popup: on click
Stroke object
Key Type Default Description
enabled boolean true Whether to draw the stroke.
weight integer 3 The weight of the stroke.
color integer 4281567487 (blue) The color of the stroke in argb. Use decimal system. Example: red (#ffff0000) would be -65536.
lineCap (string)LineCapShape round The shape to be used at the end of the stroke.
lineJoin (string)LineJoinShape round The shape to be used at the corners of the stroke.
dashArray string N/A The stroke dash pattern. Doesn't work in some old browsers.
dashOffset string N/A The distance into the dash pattern to start the dash. Doesn't work in some old browsers.
Stroke LineCapShape enum

See MDN stroke-linecap.

Value Description
butt The stroke for each subpath does not extend beyond its two endpoints. On a zero length subpath, the path will not be rendered at all.
round At the end of each subpath the stroke will be extended by a half circle with a diameter equal to the stroke width. On a zero length subpath, the stroke consists of a full circle centered at the subpath's point.
square At the end of each subpath the stroke will be extended by a rectangle with a width equal to half the width of the stroke and a height equal to the width of the stroke. On a zero length subpath, the stroke consists of a square with its width equal to the stroke width, centered at the subpath's point.
Stroke LineJoinShape enum

See MDN stroke-linejoin.

Value Description
miter A sharp corner is to be used to join path segments. The corner is formed by extending the outer edges of the stroke at the tangents of the path segments until they intersect.
round A round corner is to be used to join path segments.
bevel A bevelled corner is to be used to join path segments.
Fill object
Key Type Default Description
enabled boolean true Whether to fill the path with color. Setting to false will disable filling on polygons or circles.
type (string)Type evenodd The fill type of the fill rule.
color integer <Stroke>.color The fill color of this fill rule. Use decimal system. Example: red (#ffff0000) would be -65536.
Fill Type enum

See MDN fill-rule.

Value Description
nonzero The value nonzero determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction, and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.
evenodd The value evenodd determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.
Tooltip object
Key Type Default Description
content string N/A The content of the tooltip. HTML is valid here. If null, the tooltip is effectively disabled.
pane string tooltipPane The map pane where tooltip will be added.
offset Point {x: 0, z: 0} The offset of the tooltip from the marker point.
direction (string)Direction auto The direction where to open the tooltip
permanent boolean false Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover.
sticky boolean false Whether the tooltip is sticky or not. A sticky tooltip will stick to and follow the mouse.
opacity float 0.9 The tooltip opacity percent.
Tooltip Direction enum
Value Description
right Opens the tooltip to the right of the anchor.
left Opens the tooltip to the left of the anchor.
top Opens the tooltip above the anchor.
bottom Opens the tooltip below the anchor.
center Opens the tooltip centered on the anchor.
auto Opens the tooltip either to the right or left according to the tooltip position on the map.
Popup object
Key Type Default Description
content string N/A The content of the popup. HTML is valid here. If null, the popup is effectively disabled.
pane string popupPane The map pane where the popup will be added. If the pane does not exist, it will be created the first time it is used.
offset Point {x: 0, z: 7} The offset of the popup from the marker point.
maxWidth integer 300 The maximum width of the popup.
minWidth integer 50 The minimum width of the popup.
maxHeight integer N/A The maximum height of the popup. If set, creates a scrollable container of the given height inside the popup if its content exceeds it.
autoPan boolean true Whether the map should automatically pan to fit the opened popup.
autoPanPaddingTopLeft Point N/A The margin between the popup and the top left corner of the map view after auto panning was performed. If set, overrides the top left values of autoPanPadding.
autoPanPaddingBottomRight Point N/A The margin between the popup and the bottom right corner of the map view after auto panning was performed. If set, overrides the bottom right values of autoPanPadding.
autoPanPadding Point {x: 5, z: 5} The margin between the popup and the map view after auto panning was performed. This is the equivalent of the same values in both autoPanPaddingTopLeft and autoPanPaddingBottomRight.
keepInView boolean false Whether the popup should stay in view. If set to true, it will prevent users from panning the popup off the screen while it is open.
closeButton boolean true Whether the popup has a close button.
autoClose boolean true Whether the popup automatically closes when another popup is opened.
closeOnEscapeKey boolean true Whether the popup closes with the escape key.
closeOnClick boolean true Whether the popup closes when the map is clicked.

Point object

Key Type Description
x int The x coordinate of the point.
z int The z coordinate of the point.

Vector object

Key Type Description
x float The x value of the vector.
z float The z value of the vector.



# Pl3xMap/markers/world/custom_square.json
    "key": "custom_square",
    "label": "Custom Square",
    "updateInterval": 30,
    "showControls": true,
    "defaultHidden": false,
    "priority": 10,
    "zIndex": 500,
    "markers": [
            "type": "line",
            "data": {
                "key": "custom_square",
                "points": [
                        "x": -500,
                        "z": -500
                        "x": 500,
                        "z": -500
                        "x": 500,
                        "z": 500
                        "x": -500,
                        "z": 500
                        "x": -500,
                        "z": -500
            "options": {
                "stroke": {
                    "weight": 3,
                    "color": -65536
                "tooltip": {
                    "content": "Square",
                    "direction": 2,
                    "sticky": true


Shows an image of a custom square marker that appears on the webmap