When you create the middleware, it will immediately scan the requested directory, gzip all the files, and save the cache into memory, where it will forever remain. When a request hits the middleware it never touches the file system. If gzipping a file results in >= 95% of the file size of the original file size, connect-static discards the gzipped data and instead serves the file directly.
Are you looking for the middleware that used to ship with express and connect? That project is called serve-static
var createStatic = require('connect-static');
// These are all defaults. If you leave any options out, this is what they
// will be.
var options = {
dir: "public",
aliases: [
['/', '/index.html'],
ignoreFile: function(fullPath) {
var basename = path.basename(fullPath);
return /^\./.test(basename) || /~$/.test(basename);
followSymlinks: true,
cacheControlHeader: "max-age=0, must-revalidate",
createStatic(options, function(err, middleware) {
if (err) throw err;
app.use('/', middleware);