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Course planning tool to distribute individual Google Sheet course plans to students and advisors based on Blackbaud registration data


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Course Planning Tool

How to Use

Annual Updates

Queries or functions that need to be updated annually are listed here:

  1. Student List, Advisor List, Course List, and Student Enrollments sheets in Course Planning Data all need to be updated to current values (recommend using Blackbaud Lists add-on)
  2. Available Courses needs to be reviewed for accuracy.
  3. Review cp-cco, cp-ao, cp-sc group memberships for accuracy.


All workflows are available from the Course Planning menu in the Course Planning Data sheet.



Create all course plans

Creates a new course plan for all students in the Advisor List sheet who do not already have a course plan registered in the Course Plan Inventory sheet, updating permissions and the Course Plan Inventory.

Create course plans by form…

Presents a dialog to choose a form by class year. Upon selection, it will create a new course plan for each student in the form in the Advisor List sheet who do not already have a course plan registered in the Course Plan Inventory sheet, updating permissions and the Course Plan Inventory.


Update all course plan enrollment histories

Updates all course plans in the Course Plan Inventory to reflect updated enrollment history. See note on Update a single course plan's enrollment history below. Note that this likely requires refreshing Student Enrollments first.

Update all course plan course lists

Updates the Courses by Department sheet of all course plans in the Course Plan Inventory to match the Courses by Department sheet of the Course Planning Data sheet. Note that this likely requires refreshing Student Enrollments first.

Assign all plans to current advisor

Compares advisor assignments from the current Advisor List and the Advisor List (Previous Year) sheet and reassigns course plans to the current advisor if different. Permissions and file shortcuts are updated and moved. Note that this likely requires Roll-over Student/Advisor Lists.

Deactivate all inactive course plans

Using the list of current students, removes shortcuts to inactive students (not enrolled this year) from their advisor folders and updates permissions. Note that this likely requires Roll-over Student/Advisor Lists.

Expand comments in all plans

Reviews all plans in the Course Plan Inventory and makes sure that there are at least as many blanks available for comments as specified for each type of comment on the Parameters sheet. For example, if number of comments is 6, and only 3 faculty advisor comment blanks are left and only 5 college counseling office comment blanks are left, the comment areas are expanded to a total of 9 (6 blank) faculty advisor comments and 7 (6 blank) college counseling office comments. Data protections are expanded to match.


Roll-over Student/Advisor Lists

Annual command to archive the current student and advisor lists into their (Previous Year) equivalent lists. This command is protected by the Roll-Over Academic Year value in Parameters and will refuse to run if that date is more recent than 11 months previous.

Single Advisors


Pick an empty advisor folder to delete. Will not delete non-empty advisor folders.

Single Course Plan


Presents a dialog to choose a student from the list of students in the Advisor List sheet. Upon selection, it will create a new course plan for that student if there is not one already registered in the Course Plan Inventory sheet, updating permissions and the Course Plan Inventory. At the end, you will be presented with a direct link to the student course plan (either pre-existing or newly created).

Update enrollment history…

Updates a specific course plan to reflect updated enrollment history. This does not expand the enrollment history beyond the original scope (i.e., if created in the spring of 2023, and then updated in spring of 2024, it will not add 2024 courses in and will not overwrite plans/comments).

Update course list…

Updates a specific course plan's Courses by Department sheet to match the Course Planning Data Courses by Department sheet.

Assign to current advisor…

Reassigns a specific course plan to the student's current advisor, updating advisor folder shortcuts and permissions.

Deactivate inactive…

Deactivates the course plan of an inactive (not currently enrolled) student by removing the shortcut from the advisor folder and updating permissions. The plan and folder remain in their respective class folders.

Expand comments…

Expand comments in a specific course plan so that there are as many blank comments as specified by Number of Comments on the Parameters sheet.

Delete a single course plan…

Select a the student whose course plan to delete. This will leave all containers (student folder, advisor folder, form folders) and shortcuts, deleting only the course plan.


Reset a single course plan permissions…

Reset student and advisor access permissions for a single course plan.

Reset Course Plan permissions

Reset student and advisor access on all course plans, including data protection access.

Reset Student Folder permissions

Reset student and advisor access permissions on all student folders.

Reset Advisor Folder permissions

Reset advisor access to all advisor folders.


Rename all student folders

Update student folders names based on the Student Folder Name Format on the Parameters sheet.

Rename a student folder…

Rename a single student folder based on the Student Folder Name Format on the Parameters sheet.


Create a single missing student folder…

Select the student who already has a course plan for whom to check for a missing student folder, and create it (if missing), updating inventories and reorganizing the existing course plan and shortcuts.

Create all missing student folders

Check all students who have course plans for a missing student folder, and create it (if missing), updating inventories and reorganizing the existing course plan and shortcuts.


Download a clean copy of Course Planning Data

Downloads an XLSX file that contains all of the formatting and functions, but none of the data in the Course Planning Data sheet. (Useful for documentation.)

Download a clean copy of Course Plan Template

Downloads an XLSX file that contains all of the formatting and unctions, but none of the data in the Course Plan Template sheet. (Useful for documenation.)

Manual Updates

Creating new student course plans midsummer

…before advisor data is entered in myGroton.

  1. In the Advisor List sheet, add the student information as known in all pink fields. (An arbitrary advisor will need to be chosen.)
  2. Use the Create a single course plan workflow to generate that student's course plan, folder, etc.

When the student's advisor is finalized, they will have to go through the A student changes adivsor workflow below.

A student changes advisor

If they change advisors at the "normal" time of year (right as the Roll-Over Academic Year workflow is started), nothing needs to happen.

If they change advisors at another time of year:

  1. Copy their current row from the Advisors List sheet to replace their row (if present -- add a row if not) in Advisors List (Previous Year.
  2. Run an update on their course plan (e.g. Update Course Listing) to automatically reset permissions, aliases, etc. for their course plan.

Technical Overview

  • The course planning tool resides in the Course Planning shared drive.
  • The data that drives it is stored in the Course Planning Data sheet.
  • The data in the sheet is pulled from Blackbaud advanced lists categorized as “Course Planning”.
  • The code runs it is an Apps Script extension attached to the sheet, with the source code managed on GitHub.
  • Any outstanding issues with the code are also tracked on GitHub.
  • Developing the code requires node to install and manage dependencies and to compile and deploy the project.


  • The project is owned by the tech account
  • The groups all-technology, cp-cco, cp-ao, and cp-sc have general access to the files.
    • cp-cco represents the College Counseling Office
    • cp-ao represents the Academics Office
    • cp-sc represents the Studies Committee
  • cp-ao, cp-sc, and cp-cco have read access to the entire shared drive.
  • Only tech and all-technology have Content Manager access to the shared drive, which means that all other users have to ask permission before re-sharing files on the drive.
  • cp-ao has limited edit access to the Course Planning Data sheet, specifically the checkboxes in the Available Courses worksheet to adjust what courses appear in the course plan drop-down menus.
  • cp-cco has read/write access to the Course Plans by Forms folder
  • cp-cco has read/write/delete access to the Student Folders by Form folder.
  • Within each course plan, areas of the main Course Plan sheet are protected such that:
    • Only advisors and the college counseling office can add comments in their respective comment sections
    • All labels and headings are not editable by any users
    • The Courses by Department sheet is not editable
  • As they are created course plans are shared (without notification) with the student and advisor
  • The advanced lists that pull the data from Blackbaud are available to all Platform Managers

File Management

  • All course plans are copies of the Course Plan Template spreadsheet.
  • The original course plans are stored by form in the Course Plans by Form folder.
  • Shortcuts to the course plans are stored in student folders by form in the Student Folders by Form folder
  • Shortcuts to the student folders are stored by advisory group in the Student Folders by Advisor, with each advisory group folder shared with the advisor (without notification).
  • Links to each course plan, student folder, course plans form folder, student folder form folder, and advisory group folder are maintained in their respective inventory sheets in Course Planning Data

Data Sources

  • Data in Course Planning Data is pulled from advanced list queries in Blackbaud
  • Student Enrollments, Student List, Faculty List, Advisor List, and Course List sheets each align with an advanced list in the Course Planning category, and can be synced using Seth’s experimental Blackbaud Lists Google Workspace Add-on. (Or manually with a lot of copying and pasting.)
  • Other sheets in Course Planning Data are generated from either these data sources or as a result of scripted workflows in the app.


To rebuild this project from scratch…

  • Create Google Groups to represent CCO and SC (ideally not receiving email, etc. Nothing matters other than membership from the perspective of this script.)

  • Create a shared drive to hold the project (CCO and SC have Viewer access)

  • Create a spreadsheet (doesn’t have to be on the shared drive) from Course Planning Data schema (includes named ranges, sheets, functions, etc.)

  • Populate the Student Enrollments, Student List, Faculty List, Advisor List, and Course Lists sheets of the Course Planning Data sheet from Blackbaud queries of the same name (easiest is to use Blackbaud to Google Lists, which requires a little setup of its own – at Groton it’s already deployed to the workspace)

  • Create a Spreadsheet from the Course Plan Template schema (includes named ranges, again, doesn’t necessarily have to be on the shared drive)

  • Update the Parameters sheet of the Course Planning data spreadsheet with…

    • CCO and SC group emails
    • URL of the Course Plan Template
  • Create a folder on the shared drive to hold all course plan form folders, giving CCO and AO Contributor access, and update the ID and URL columns of the Plan Form Folders Inventory sheet row for Form ROOT with that folder’s ID and URL.

  • Create a folder on the shared drive to hold all advisory group folders, and update the ID and URL columns of the Advisor Folder Inventory sheet row for Advisor Email ROOT with that folder’s ID and URL.

  • Create a folder on the shared drive to hold all student folder form folders, giving CCO Content Manager access, and update the ID and URL columns of the Folder Form Folders Inventory sheet row for Form ROOT with that folder's ID and URl/

  • In the Course Planning Data spreadsheet, go to Extensions > Apps Script to open the embedded script for that sheet

  • In your development workspace…

    git clone <project directory>
    cd <project directory>
    npm install
    node bin/setup.mjs
    npm run deploy
  • Force-refresh (cmd-shift-R) the Course Planning Data spreadsheet to reload the newly-deployed script, and you’re all set.


Course planning tool to distribute individual Google Sheet course plans to students and advisors based on Blackbaud registration data








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