Yardmaster is a Hubot plugin that allows you to interact with Jenkins instance remotely. Build jobs, change branches, start builders, lock jobs... The list goes on.
- HUBOT_JENKINS_URL - Jenkins base URL
- HUBOT_JENKINS_USER - Jenins admin user
- HUBOT_JENKINS_USER_API_KEY - Admin user API key. Not your password. Find at "{HUBOT_JENKINS_URL}/{HUBOT_JENKINS_USER}/configure"
- HUBOT_JENKINS_JOB_NAME - Hubot job name on Jenkins (optional)
- GITHUB_TOKEN - Github API Auth token (optional)
- MONITOR_JENKINS - true | false : If true, hubot will monitor the jenkins queue and start nodes when job queue is greater than 2.
- hubot jenkins auth set {username} {api key} - Give Hubot your credentials to use when you issue commands.
- hubot jenkins auth - See what Jenkins username the Hubot has for you.
- hubot jenkins auth clear - Clear your Jenkins credentials.
- hubot switch|change|build {job} to|with {branch} - Change job to branch on Jenkins and build.
- hubot (show|current|show current) branch for {job} - Shows current branch for job on Jenkins.
- hubot (go) build yourself|(go) ship yourself - Rebuilds default branch if set.
- hubot list jobs|jenkins list|all jobs|jobs {job} - Shows all jobs in Jenkins. Filters by job if provided.
- hubot build|rebuild {job} [PARAM1=VALUE1 PARAM2=VALUE2 ...] - Rebuilds job, optionally with parameters.
- The parameter names must match those defined in Jenkins and currently values cannot have spaces in them.
- hubot build|rebuild {job}
- hubot enable|disable {job} - Enable or disable job on jenkins.
- hubot show|show last|last (build|failure|output) for {job} - show output for last job
- hubot show|show output|output for {job} {number} - show output job output for number given
- hubot set branch message to {message} - set custom message when switching branches on a job
- hubot remove branch message - remove custom message. Uses default message.
- hubot show|show last|last (build|failure|output) for {job} - show output for last job.
- hubot show|show output|output for {job} {number} - show output job output for number given.
- hubot {job} status - show current build status and percent compelete of job and its dependencies.
- hubot set job repos - Pulls list of jobs and repos from jenkins and places in memory to validate branch names if github token provided.
- hubot remove job repos - Will remove job repos from memory.
- hubot watch job {job-url} - Will check job every minute and notify you on completion
- hubot (show|show last|last) (build) (date|time) for {job} - shows the last build date and time for a job
- hubot (start|build) (builder|slave|node) - starts one of the available slave nodes.
- hubot send reinforcements - starts one of the available slave nodes.