A simple command for basic sqlite data handling
slit is a simple command to insert, delete, and extract data from basic sqlite3 databases, following some minimum conventions and a unix-like, regular syntax that abstracts the user from the bore of dealing with SQL for the most simple tasks.
Dox here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vruz/slit/master/slitdoc.txt
slit [options] command <parameters>
Available commands:
new use dbs tables schema def add get set del row state
slit new <database> # create new database
slit use <database> # use existing database
slit dbs ["pattern"] # list databases
slit tables ["pattern"] # list tables in database
slit schema [tablename] # list structure of a table
slit get <lookupfield>=<value> # fetch rows that match
slit get <lookupfield>=<value> [ / <fieldlist> ]
slit row <rownumber> # fetch one row
slit add <data1>[,data2,data3] # add data to table
slit set <lookupfield>=<value> / <field1>=<v1>[,<field2>=<v2>,...]
slit del <rownumber> # delete a row
Options that don't take a value are flags.
When a flag is specified, it means that its value is on.
When you need to turn it off use its --no-<option>
counterpart. For example: --no-rownumbers
-p, --path=<s> Directory path where the database resides (default: $HOME/.slit)
-t, --table=<s> Table name where data is stored (default: slitdata)
-f, --format=<s> Output data format. One of: [txt|tab|ascii|json|csv] (default: txt)
-c, --columnlabels Output column names in csv and txt formats
-r, --rownumbers Output row numbers for every row
-m, --maxrows=<i> Maximum number of rows to output (default: 20)
-q, --query Display query that is being executed
-s, --silent Don't display any status messages
-v, --version Print version and exit
-h, --help Show this message