“I wish someone would cut his ugly old head off!”
Cloudwatch logs tool. Jebediah as a library exposes Conduit sources and sinks for streaming to and from logs, as well as simple functions for creating and listing groups and streams.
As a cli tool, these functions are exposed with a simple interface.
jebediah ((-v|--version) | COMMAND)
Available options:
-v,--version Version information
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
list-groups List all log groups
list-streams List log streams in a log group
cat-stream Cat a stream
create-group Create a log group
create-stream Create a log stream in a group
upload-file Upload a file to a new fresh stream
upload-file-to-existing Upload a file to an existing stream
Most commands self explanatory, the two upload commands may require some clarification. One should generally
use upload-file
. This will create a new stream to write the file to, and fail if the stream already exists
or the file does not exist.
One can write to an empty, but previously created stream easily with upload-file-to-exising
. To append to
an existing stream with contents in it already (which is not really recommended) one must obtain a sequence
token for new writes. This can be done by running the job without the token and reading it from the error