- Maintained by:
Heegu Park
- This is a simple matching game in which a player attempts to match the images contained on "playing cards". - Clicking to flip cards, Checking the matching cards, Checking the win condition, Shuffling cards, Resetting the game, and Dynamically creating the game board.
- There are 5 different levels and 3 different themes.
- Levels: Beginner(2 total matches), Easy(3 total matches), Intermediate(4 total matches), Hard(6 total matches), Expert(9 total matches) - Eash to add more levels
- Themes: Van Gogh style theme, Graffiti style theme, Picasso style theme - Easy to add more themes
- Images: Each theme uses 12 different images - Easy to add more images
- This dynamically creates the game board using DOM and shuffles all the card each play.
- This displays the number of player attempts, the number of games played and the accuracy(card matching success rate)
- Support most of mobile devices(iPad - Landsacpe/Portrait, iPhone X - Landsacpe/Portrait, iPhone 6s/7s/8s - Landsacpe/Portrait, iPhone 6/7/8 - Landsacpe/Portrait, and so on)
- Fun sound effects with on/off function
- Basic memory matching game with 9 pairs of cards - Click to flip cards, Check the matching cards, Check the win condition, Shuffle cards, Resetting the game
- Displaying stats - games played, attempts, accuracy
- Mobile responsibility - iPhone 6/7/8 - Landscape/Portrait, iPad - Landscape/Portrait
- Various applications and usage of JavaScript DOM functions for dynamically creation of cards
- CSS Media queries for mobile responsiveness and interactive web pages
- JavaScript Object Oriented Programming for better functionalities and to increase the re-usage of codes
- Experience from the very beginning to complete product - Planning, Development, Implementation, Deployment, Publishing
- You can see and test the live version here: omm.heegu.net
[Desktop - Chrome browser]
[iPhone 6/7/8 - Portrait]
[iPhone 6/7/8 - Landscape]