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Aims to centralise and streamline adding aliases, functions and keybindings, across systems

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Extend Shell


Aims to centralise and streamline adding aliases, functions and keybindings, across systems

An abstraction layer for:

  • Window manager key bindings (Currently only have an SxhkdRenderer)
  • ZSH key bindings
  • Tmux key bindings
  • ZSH Aliases Support for same commands / aliases but on different operating systems by detecting and filtering commands by operating system

Aims to make a consistent, predictable and searchable experience using mnemonic keys and aliases.

Examples include:

  • Aliases
    • ffs-file-free-space
    • sr-system-restart
    • mp-music-pause
  • Window Manager Hotkeys uses chords (the semicolon is read as 'and then')
    • alt + m ; p (music-pause)
    • alt + s ; r (system-restart)

The rationale behind using the initial letter for every word is to make tab completion heavenly in the case of aliases or functions, the alias renderer also generates an alias with just the first part: alias ffs=ffs-file-free-space

There is initial support for directory specific aliases but needs to be refined Bash support has not been tested or tried, though theoretically should be ok. Let me know about your bash experience, we would like it to work everywhere.

Make the terminal great again

I love console, though the learning curve is a pain, some console commands can be really obscure and the element of least surprise is definately not considered when naming console commands. There are few conventions. This makes introducing or teaching terminal use to someone very painful. Even if you are a console veteran there are some commands that have to be looked up repeatedly. This is what it could be like: (this uses the fzf_search integration) asciicast


  • clone the repo somewhere
  • are you using rbenv or rvm? if not you should be
  • bundle install in the rails dir
  • then run integrations/
  • follow the instructions to ensure your profile sources the extend files
  • Install gem in extend-clients folder by running rake build and then gem i pkg/extend-shell-{version}.gem
  • Files are synced to /opt/extend for loading:
    • extend.zsh
    • window_manager.conf
    • extend_wm_search
    • extend_search


These are stored in the integration folder, you have to link them manually for now:

  • Rofi integration called
  • A dmenu integration wouldn't be much more work
  • fzf integration in integration/fzf_search.zsh which currently hardcodes (uegh) the search key in ZSH to Control-S (^S)
  • The window manager keys are renderer to $extend_path/window_manager.conf, you have to connect it to your chosen renderer.


Add -c $extend_path/window_manager.conf to your options when you start sxhkd.


I symlinked the file to the hammerspoon config: ln -s /opt/extend/window_manager.conf ~/.hammerspoon/extend.lua And then added this to the end of my hammerspoon init.lua: dofile("extend.lua") Note: With the hammerspoon renderer, if the hotkey is set to executes, it does a system execution. If you want to run hammerspoon code (you probably do), then it needs to be not executable. Example: extend-shell --os-only key add-wm --no-exec reload c,r="hs.reload()" Will render to bind keys alt+c ; r (alt+c and then r) to reload the hammerspoon config.


  • The current starting process is very manual, I have a script that starts things.

The Socket Server

bundle exec rails r lib/scripts/extend-server

The Rails Server

bundle exec rails s -b -p 3030 I've bound to because I use the api to execute hotkeys over the network


You can change some default settings by using environment variables:

  • Set the window manager hotkey renderer by setting EXTEND_WM_{OS}_RENDERER_ to the name of the renderer.
  • Set the database path by setting EXTEND_DB_PATH to the path you prefer.
  • Set the window manager modifier by setting EXTEND_WM_MODIFIER to the preffered modifier, default is 'alt'.


Web Admin

Open http://localhost:3030 or the port you decided to start it on above


The console is used for interacting with extend via command line Use extend-shell help for usage. The sync command writes all configuration to files that are loaded by zsh, tmux, sxhkd etc


  • autohotkey (or alternative?) renderer with chords
  • make key bindings in a category shareable / installable, for example standard git related commands
  • add descriptions to storable commands
  • extend-client (extend-shell executable) is badly implemented, should be doing the command handling on the client side and sending a structured command to the websocket instead of it being purely a command forwarder..
  • Model installed applications and multiple os paths to install them:
    • chocolatey for windows
    • brew for mac
    • apt for ubuntu
    • pacman for arch


Ideally I would like to be able to package these into categories and have it easily shared

Extend Shell aliases

Here are some examples of aliases that I've set up for extend shell

extend-shell alias add extend-shell=extend-shell
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-sync=extend-shell sync
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-update=source /opt/extend/extend.zsh
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-key-add=extend-shell key add
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-key-list=extend-shell key ls
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-key-rm=extend-shell key rm
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-function-add=extend-shell func add
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-function-remove=extend-shell func rm
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-function-list=extend-shell func ls
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-alias-add=extend-shell alias add
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-alias-list=extend-shell alias ls
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-alias-remove=extend-shell alias rm
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-run-service=extend-server &
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-hotkey-add-window-manager=extend-shell key add-wm
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-hotkey-add-shell=extend-shell key add
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-hotkey-remove=extend-shell hotkey rm
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-hotkey-remove=extend-shell hotkey rm
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-alias-add-osspecific=extend-shell --os-only alias add
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-choose=cat /opt/extend/extend_search | fzf
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-hotkey-add-tmux=extend-shell key add-tmux
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-key-add-tmux-command=extend-shell key add-tmux --command
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-key-add-tmux=extend-shell key add-tmux
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-env-add=extend-shell env add
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-env-add-only=extend-shell env add -o
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-env-list=extend-shell env ls
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-exec=extend-shell key exec
extend-shell alias add extend-shell-startup-execute=extend-shell startup exec


extend-shell alias add file-line-count=wc -l
extend-shell alias add file-compress-directory=tar cvzf \$(basename $PWD).tar.gz .
extend-shell alias add file-extract-archive=tar -xf
extend-shell alias add file-free-space=df -h
extend-shell alias add file-space-usage=ncdu
extend-shell alias add file-edit=$EDITOR
extend-shell alias add file-edit-recent=fasd -e vim -f
extend-shell alias add file-search-contents=ag
extend-shell alias add file-permission-execute=chmod +x
extend-shell alias add file-contents-follow=tail -f
extend-shell alias add file-edit-search=vim $(fzf)
extend-shell alias add file-copy-contents=xclip -sel c <
extend-shell alias add file-size-max=du --max-depth 1 | sort -n
extend-shell alias add file-explorer=ranger
extend-shell alias add file-find-name=find . -iname


Aims to centralise and streamline adding aliases, functions and keybindings, across systems






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