A repository served as a template repository with coding conventions of different programming languages saved in a folder for later references.
[Start with a clear and concise project title.]
[Provide a brief description of what the project does and its main features.]
[Include a table of contents with links to various sections in your README
to make it easy for readers to navigate.]
No installation is required.
[Explain how to install and set up the project, including any prerequisites or dependencies.]
[Provide clear, step-by-step installation instructions for different environments (e.g., development, production).]
As mentioned in the beginning.
[Describe how to use the project, including code examples and usage scenarios.]
[Provide code snippets or command examples to illustrate common use cases.]
[Include configuration options and explanations, if applicable.]
[Clearly state the project's license and any terms of use or distribution.]
[Include a link to the full text of the license.]
[Acknowledge contributors and cite any external libraries or resources used in your project.]
[Mention any related projects or sources of inspiration.]
[Address common questions, issues, or concerns that users might have.]
[Include troubleshooting tips and solutions for known problems.]