The project extends its reach by incorporating Grover's Algorithm, Quantum bell states showcasing exponential speedup in search operations. With potential integration of IBM contributions via Qiskit, the project gains access to quantum hardware and cloud services.
Explore the intricate world of quantum mechanics and algorithmic design as we delve into the fundamental building blocks of quantum circuits. Witness the power of Hadamard and CNOT gates creating superposition and entanglement states, and experience the efficiency of Grover's Algorithm in search operations.
- Quantum Logic Gates: Meticulously implemented Hadamard and CNOT gates.
- Grover's Algorithm: Integration of a quantum search algorithm for exponential speedup.
- IBM Quantum Experience: Potential integration for access to quantum hardware and cloud services.
Follow these steps to get started with the project:
- Clone the repository:
git clone [repository_url]
- Install dependencies:
- Explore the project files:
- Run simulations: