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Ansible Network Utilities

Ansible Collection for Network utilities, roles and so on

Collection Name: ginigangadharan.network_utilities

Install this collection locally:

ansible-galaxy collection install ginigangadharan.network_utilities


Check the inventory file in the GitHub repo to find the connection parameters.

Testing Modules

Pass appropriate hostname or group name for nw_devices

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/network-test.yaml -e "nw_devices=asa"

Sample Playbooks

Sample playbooks are available in playbooks directory.

- name: Network Connection Test
  hosts: "{{ nw_devices }}"
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Set network os
        network_os: "{{ ansible_network_os | replace('.','-') }}"
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ network_os }}"

    - name: Check Device Connection
        name: network-connection-test

Publishing Ansible Collection



Using Ansible Playbook

The Ansible playbook will build and publish the Ansible Collection with proper version tag.

$ ansible-playbook utilities/update-collection.yaml -e "tag=1.0.10"

Manual Method

Building the collection archive

ansible-galaxy collection build command will create the collection archive with version information which you can publish to Ansible Galaxy.

$ ansible-galaxy collection build
# --force to overwrite if any existing archive with same version 

Publish the Collection to Ansible Galaxy

Make sure you have created the Ansible Galaxy API Token and exported as environment variable ANSIBLE_GALAXY_TOKEN before you call the publish command.

$ ansible-galaxy collection publish \
  ./NAMESPACE_COLLECTIONNAME-{{ tag }}.tar.gz \