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Terraform Provider for managing JIRA. (View on

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Data Sources

  • Issue Keys from JQL
  • Custom Fields


  • Comments
  • Filters & Filter Permissions
  • Groups
  • Group Memberships
  • Issues
  • Issue Links
  • Issue Types
  • Issue Link Types
  • Projects
  • Project Categories
  • Project Roles
  • Roles
  • Users
  • Webhooks

This can be used to interlink infrastructure management with JIRA issues closely.

terraform-provider-jira demo


Version Status
Latest Tested in CI
7.x Untested
Cloud Untested


Terraform v0.13

Copy this code into yout terraform configuration file (for example

terraform {
  required_providers {
    jira = {
      source = "fourplusone/jira"
      version = "0.1.14"

Run terraform init

Terraform v0.12

  • Download terraform-provider-jira binary from Github
  • Unzip the zip file
  • Then move terraform-provider-jira binary to $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins directory
mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins
mv terraform-provider-jira $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-jira
  • Run terraform init in your terraform project
terraform init

Used to initialize the plugin

Example Usage

Set JIRA URL, Username and Password using environment variables

export JIRA_URL=http://localhost:8080
export JIRA_USER=username
export JIRA_PASSWORD=password

It's also possible to use an API-Token from JIRA cloud. In this case, set

export JIRA_URL=

Create terraform config file

provider "jira" {
  url = "" # Can also be set using the JIRA_URL environment variable
  # user = "xxxx"                      # Can also be set using the JIRA_USER environment variable
  # password = "xxxx"                  # Can also be set using the JIRA_PASSWORD environment variable

// The types will be globally available in JIRA
resource "jira_issue_type" "task" {
  description = "A Task.",
  name = "Task",
  avatar_id = 10318

resource "jira_issue_link_type" "blocks" {
  name = "Blocks"
  inward = "is blocked by"
  outward = "blocks"

resource "jira_issue" "example" {
  issue_type  = "${}"
  project_key = "PROJ"
  summary     = "Created using Terraform"

  // description is optional
  description = "This is a test issue"

  // (optional) Instead of deleting the issue, perform this transition
  delete_transition = 21

  // (optional) Make sure, the issue is in the desired state
  // using state_transition
  state = 10000
  state_transition = 31

resource "jira_comment" "example_comment" {
  body = "Commented using terraform"
  issue_key = "${jira_issue.example.issue_key}"

resource "jira_issue" "another_example" {
  issue_type  = "${}"
  summary     = "Also Created using Terraform"
  labels      = ["label1", "label2"]
  project_key = "PROJ"

data "jira_field" "epic_link" {
  name = "Epic Link"

resource "jira_issue" "custom_fields_example" {
  issue_type  = "${}"
  summary     = "Also Created using Terraform"
  fields      = {
    ( = jira_issue.example_epic.issue_key
  project_key = "PROJ"

resource "jira_issue_link" "linked" {
  inward_key = "${jira_issue.example.issue_key}"
  outward_key = "${jira_issue.another_example.issue_key}"
  link_type = "${}"

resource "jira_filter" "filter" {
  name = "Simple Filter"
  jql = "project = PROJ"

  // Optional Fields
  description = "All Issues in PROJ"
  favourite = false

  // All Members of project with ID 13102
  permissions {
    type = "project"
    project_id = "13102"

  // All Members of Group "Team A"
  permissions {
    type = "group"
    group_name = "Team A"

  // Any authenticated user
  permissions {
    type = "authenticated"

resource "jira_project_category" "category" {
  name = "Managed"
  description = "Managed Projects"

resource "jira_project" "project_a" {
  key = "TRF"
  name = "Terraform"
  project_type_key = "business"
  project_template_key = "com.atlassian.jira-core-project-templates:jira-core-project-management"
  lead = "bot"
  // For JIRA Cloud use lead_account_id instead
  lead_account_id = "xxxxxx:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  permission_scheme = 10400
  notification_scheme = 10300
  category_id = "${}"

// Create a Project with a shared configuration
resource "jira_project" "project_shared" {
	key = "SHARED"
	name = "Project (with shared config)"
	lead = "bot"
	shared_configuration_project_id = "${jira_project.project_a.project_id}"

// Create a group named "Terraform Managed"
resource "jira_group" "tf_group" {
  name = "Terraform Managed"

// User "bot" will be a Member of "Terraform Managed"

resource "jira_group_membership" "gm_1" {
  username = "bot"
  group = "${}"

resource "jira_role" "role" {
  name = "Project Manager"
  description = "The Project Managers"

// Grant Project Access to user "bot"
resource "jira_project_membership" "member" {
  project_key = "${jira_project.project_a.key}"
  role_id = "${}"
  username = "bot"

// Grant Project Access to group "bot"
resource "jira_project_membership" "group_member" {
  project_key = "${jira_project.project_a.key}"
  role_id = "${}"
  group = "${}"

resource "jira_user" "demo_user" {
  name = "bot"
  email = ""
  display_name = "The Bot"

resource "jira_webhook" "demo_hook" {
  name = "Terraform Hook"
  url = "https://demohook"
  jql = "project = PROJ"

  // See for supported events
  events = ["jira:issue_created"]

data "jira_jql" "issues" {
  jql = "project = ${jira_project.project_a.key} ORDER BY key ASC"

Run terraform init

terraform init
Initializing provider plugins...

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

Run terraform plan

terraform plan

Check if the terraform plan looks good

Run terraform apply

terraform apply


If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine.

Note: This project uses Go Modules making it safe to work with it outside of your existing GOPATH. The instructions that follow assume a directory in your home directory outside of the standard GOPATH (i.e $HOME/development/terraform-providers/).

Clone repository to: $HOME/development/terraform-providers/

$ mkdir -p $HOME/development/terraform-providers/; cd $HOME/development/terraform-providers/
$ git clone

Enter the provider directory and run make build to build the provider

$ make build


In order to run tests you need to run them against Jira Server. First follow the steps in Run Jira Locally to have a working local instance.

After that open new terminal, cd into project-root and run:

project-root$ make test JIRA_URL=http://localhost:8080 JIRA_USER=<USERNAME> JIRA_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD>


Makefile contains helper functions used to build, package and install the provider locally on your system. It's currently written for MacOS, but you can change the variables at the top of the file to match your OS_ARCH. You can find a full list of supported GO_ARCH here.


Just run:

project-root$ make install

Jump to Local Run


Build the provider binary:

project-root$ go build -o terraform-provider-jira

Retrieve your system's OS and ARCH:

project-root$ export OS_ARCH="$(go env GOHOSTOS)_$(go env GOHOSTARCH)"

Create the appropriate subdirectory within the user plugins directory for the jira provider if it doesn't exist already:

project-root$ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$OS_ARCH

Move the binary to the appropriate subdirectory within your user plugins directory:

project-root$ mv terraform-provider-jira ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$OS_ARCH

Local Run

First follow the steps in Run Jira Locally to have a local instance.

Cd into examles/local-run/

Init Terraform:

examples/local-run$ terraform init

Apply the plan:

examples/local-run$ JIRA_USER=<USERNAME> JIRA_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> terraform apply

Verify that resources have been created and are in a desired state.

Destroy the plan:

examples/local-run$ JIRA_USER=<USERNAME> JIRA_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> terraform destroy

Run Jira Locally

Run local docker instance:

$ docker run --publish 8080:8080 --name jira --rm -i -t frogbis/jira-software bash

Open your browser at: localhost:8080

jira welcome screen

choose Set it up for me and hit Continue to MyAtlassian

jira license

Choose settings as indicated above (Server ID is auto-generated) and hit Generate License. Confirm with a popped up window that you want to install license for localhost.

jira user setup

Set up a new user that you'll be using to run your tests with and hit Next.

Hit Let's get started in the next window.

Login and create new project of any type.

You are all set!!!


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