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Header-only library for reading/saving configuration files with schema defined in sources

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License: MIT

Library for reading and writing configuration files (cfgfile).


This is header-only library. But if you want to build examples and tests just use CMake.

To build with Qt support define CFGFILE_QT_SUPPORT. To build with XML support define CFGFILE_QT_SUPPORT and CFGFILE_XML_SUPPORT. XML supported only with Qt.

To disable STL strings define CFGFILE_DISABLE_STL. It can be useful in collaboration with defined CFGFILE_QT_SUPPORT on Android.


How can I add cfgfile to my project?

  • The simplest way is just copy cfgfile directory with headers to any location in your project. With CMake you can clone entire cfgfile project somewhere in your project and just do add_subdirectory(), if you will do so you have to add include directory path to your project with include_directories( ${cfgfile_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} ).


Configuration file format is a set of tags, which are surrounded by curly brackets, with values. Tags can be without values, can have one, and can have several values. A sample configuration file is shown below:

  {stringValue string}
  {listOfStringValues str1 str2 str3}
  {intValue 100}

    {stringValue string1}
    {intValue 100}

    {stringValue string2}
    {intValue 200}

String tag's values can be framed in quotation marks if it contains white space or special characters. The special characters are: \n, \r, \t, \", \\, is the line breaks, tabs, quotes and backslash.

Parsing of the configuration file is based on a specialized class that inherits from cfgfile::tag_t or any derived class. For each tag in this case, define a class member that is the object of a class derived from cfgfile::tag_t. There are finished classes in cfgfile for:

  • tag_scalar_t< T, Trait > - tag with a single value,
  • tag_scalar_vector_t< T, Trait > - tag with a set of values,
  • tag_no_value_t< Trait > - tag with no value,
  • tag_vector_of_tags_t< T, Trait > - tag with multiple entries of subordinate tag.

Each tag can have nested tags. Nesting is not limited, except your needs for this. You must inherit from the appropriate class tag and provide the required number of members representing the nested tags.


Let's say we need ability to read and write configuration file of the following format:

  {ourCoolValue <std::string>}

I.e. we want to have parent tag {configuration} and child tag {ourCoolValue} that will have one value of type std::string. It's very simple to define such configuration with cfgfile. Let's see:

#include <cfgfile/all.hpp>

// Configuration

//! This is data class that will store our configuration in the application.
class Configuration {

  explicit Configuration( const std::string & value )
    :  m_ourCoolValue( value )


  //! \return Our cool value.
  const std::string & ourCoolValue() const
    return m_ourCoolValue;

  //! Our cool value.
  std::string m_ourCoolValue;
}; // class Configuration

// TagConfiguration

//! This is cfgfile tag, uses to read and write configuration.
class TagConfiguration
  :  public cfgfile::tag_no_value_t<>
    :  cfgfile::tag_no_value_t<>( "configuration", true )
    ,  m_ourCoolValue( *this, "ourCoolValue", true )

  explicit TagConfiguration( const Configuration & cfg )
    :  cfgfile::tag_no_value_t<>( "configuration", true )
    ,  m_ourCoolValue( *this, "ourCoolValue", true )
    m_ourCoolValue.set_value( cfg.ourCoolValue() );



  //! \return Configuration read from file.
  Configuration cfg() const
    return Configuration( m_ourCoolValue.value() );

  //! Our cool value.
  cfgfile::tag_scalar_t< std::string > m_ourCoolValue;
}; // class TagConfiguration

We need some struct/class to store data of configuration in the application, so we defined class Configuration. But this is only data class. To work with files (i.e. read and write configuration from/to file) we need to define class derived from cfgfile::tag_t. As our parent tag {configuration} doesn't have any values we derived our tag class from cfgfile::tag_no_value_t. Our parent tag should have child tag with one value of type std::string, so we can use cfgfile::tag_scalar_t< std::string > for it.

Child tags must receive parent tag as argument in constructor. Second argument is the name of the tag, and third is the flag required our child tag or not.

Second constructor uses to save configuration, and first - for reading.

We defined method for constructing Configuration from parsed tag. As all tags are required we did not do any checks. But if you have not required tag in the configuration then you can use cfgfile::tag_t::is_defined() method to check if tag was defined.

When we have data class and tag class, so it's very simple to read and write configuration. Let's see:

Configuration cfg;

std::ifstream stream( "fileName.cfg" );

try {
  TagConfiguration readTag;

  cfgfile::read_cfgfile( readTag, stream, "fileName.cfg" );


  cfg = readTag.cfg();
catch( const cfgfile::exception_t<> & x )

  std::cout << x.desc() << std::endl;


Configuration cfg( "value" );

std::ofstream stream( "fileName.cfg" );

try {
  TagConfiguration writeTag( cfg );

  cfgfile::write_cfgfile( writeTag, stream );

catch( const cfgfile::exception_t<> & x )

  std::cout << x.desc(); << std::endl


To simplify development with cfgfile was implemented cfgfile generator.

cfgfile generator this is generator of C++ header file from declarative description of the configuration file. By configuration file assumes configuration file in cfgfile format. In generated header will be declared all necessary classes of data and configuration tags.

For generation generator uses input configuration file in cfgfile format with following format:

Let's say you need data class with one std::string field then you should write following configuration file, for example:

{forGeneration ifndefMacro
  {namespace NamespaceName
    {class NameOfTheClass
      {base tagNoValue}

        {valueType std::string}
        {name fieldWithString}

Each configuration file for generator must has one {forGeneration} tag and all nested tags must be defined in this tag. {forGeneration} tag require string for #ifndef directive (include guard). There you can use {namespace} tag for generation data classes and tags in the specified C++ namespace. Namespaces can be nested. To declare data class and tag you should use {class} tag. {class} tag can has {base} tag to define base class of the configuration tag. {base} tag can has following values: tagNoValue, tagScalar, tagScalarVector. tagNoValue is not mandatory in this case. To define field in data class you can use following tags: {tagScalar} for scalar tag, {tagNoValue} for no-value tag, {tagScalarVector} for vector of scalar values, {tag} for already defined tag, {tagVectorOfTags} for vector of already defined tags.

{tagScalar}, {tagScalarVector} require C++ type defined in {valueType} tag. In this situation C++ type should be defined as string, that mean that, for example, unsigned int C++ type should be declared as "unsigned int".

{tag} and {tagVectorOfTags} require class name with namespace if it is exist. Class name should be defined in {valueType} tag. Namespace and class name should be separated with ::

All of field tags must have {name} tag with name of the field as value. If {base} defined with tagScalar or tagScalarVector then {valueType} and {name} must be defined. {base tagNoValue} is not necessary, if {base} is not defined then tagNoValue will be used as base class.

Fields can have {required} tag to mark field as required.

All of field tags can have {minMaxConstraint} or {oneOfConstraint} to define constraint for the field's value. {minMaxConstraint} require two tags {min <string>} and {max <string>}, and {oneOfConstraint} require list of values. For example, {minMaxConstraint {min 0} {max 100}}, {oneOfConstraint one two three}.

{base} and fields can have {defaultValue} tag to specify default value.

In the above example will be generated similar to the following header file.

namespace NamespaceName {

// NameOfTheClass

class NameOfTheClass {

  //! \return fieldWithQString value.
  const std::string & fieldWithString() const;
  //! Set fieldWithString value.
  void set_fieldWithString( const std::string & value );
}; // class NameOfTheClass

// tag_NameOfTheClass

template< typename Trait >
class tag_NameOfTheClass
  :  public cfgfile::tag_no_value_t< Trait >

  //! \return Configuration.
  NameOfTheClass get_cfg() const;
}; // class tag_NameOfTheClass

} // namespace NamespaceName

Additionally you can use custom data structures and tags in the generator. For this you can use {globalInclude <string>} and {relativeInclude <string>} tags. When using such includes in C++ code will be added corresponding include directives. And checking of classes' and namespaces' names will be turned off. And one more restriction is that that class's name for tag must be equal to tag_ + Name, i.e. if data structure names Data then class for tag must be named tag_Data and be placed in the same namespace as Data class/ structure.


Look at example/generator and tests/auto/Generator

Why to use cfgfile?

... whereas there are a lot of another solutions with less coding for example ...

Very good question. As you can see cfgfile uses non-standard format of file, I use curly braces for each tag in the file. I have XML support with Qt, but it's non-standard too. So why people should have a look at cfgfile? Look for example at json_dto by Stiffstream. It's JSON, it's standard, so little coding is necessary, just one method in struct and serialization/deserialization is done, just a few line of code... I position cfgfile as for configurations that can be read by human, that easy to navigate and look at the text files. What about very verbose coding necessary with cfgfile I can say that I implemented generator for cfgfile, so coding comes down to simple config file for generator.

Look at the example of configuration file for cfgfile generator in a real project. This file describes very complicated configuration of the project for some kind of vector graphics editor.

Look at this file that include a lot of images, look how it's simple to see the block of data of the image.

I want to say that my main idea was to make configuration files easy to read by human.