- Graduate student 🎓
- ☕ fanatic, comicphile, Engineer 😎, nerd 🤓, gamer 🎮,
- Enthusiast of suckless software & ones that truly respect user privacy
- looking to collaborate on open-source projects 🌟 and hackatons
- Implement & optimize Spark ⚡ jobs on multi-node clusters (standalone/Hortonworks alike)
- Build data/ETL pipelines with big data tools like Spark, Kafka, Hbase, Hive, OpenTSDB
- Develop, deploy & maintain REST APIs,services with Django & heroku
- Setup environments for microservice architectures & debug them
- Automate daily tasks and simplify platform maintenance with shell scripts
- Write SQL procedures and queries to solve complex business problems
- Develop basic front end apps with HTML, CSS Javascript (JQuery)
- Everything else with some time, practice and lots of ☕ 😜
Wanna collab on a hackaton/talk about coffee, comics, tech or anything in general ?