A Container plugin (aka sidecar) to connect kueue to interlink
You can install the interlink endpoint in a kubernetes cluster using the helm chart in this repository.
Here is the minimal values.yaml
to configure it.
# Deployment hostname with full domain, but without protocol
hostname: ## Insert here the hostname of the deployment, for example ``
# certManagerEnabled if true, provides a certmanager for TLS termination
# IMPORTANT!!! Disable it if installing the chart in a already certified cluster
certManagerEnabled: true
# certManagerEmailAddress is the email address of the certificate owner
certManagerEmailAddress: ## Insert your email here
# Indigo IAM Client configuration
iamClientId: ## Insert the IAM Client ID here
iamClientSecret: ## Insert the IAM Client secret here
### Note: make sure the client expects the callback from `https://<your hostname>/interlink/callback`
iamAllowedGroup: ## Insert here the IAM group allowed to access the interLink endpoint
oauth2ProxyCookieSecret: ## Insert here a random string
jobsNamespace: ## Choose a name for the namespace where the jobs will be executed
## Define the quota for cpu, memory and gpus provisioned via this interlink
totalCpuQuota: 0
totalMemoryQuota: 0
totalGpuQuota: 0