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BokkyPooBah's Token Teleportation Service Smart Contract


ERC20 token smart contract that implement the BokkyPooBah's Token Teleportation Service (BTTS) interface provides Ethereum accounts with the ability to transfer the ERC20 tokens without having to pay for the Ethereum network transaction fees in ethers (ETH). Instead, the account pays for the token transfer fees in the token being transferred.

Account Creates Signed Message

Any ERC20 token contracts that implement the BTTS Interface with their own BTTS Implementation will be transferable using this BTTS Service. An account holding BTTS enabled tokens use the implemented functionality to create a message signed with the account's private key with the token transfer instructions, including the fees specified in the token being transferred.

BTTS Service Provider Executes Token Transfer

The account provides the transfer details and the signed message to the BTTS Service Provider. The BTTS Service Provider then executes the appropriate function to execute the token transfer, paying the transaction fees in ETH. On successful execution of the transfer, the fee in tokens will be transferred to the BTTS Service Provider's account.

The signed message is used to validate the account and parameters for the transfer, and guarantees that the service provider cannot move more (or less) tokens that the signing account instructed.

Use Cases

Application wallets that implement the message signing technology will be able to cryptographically sign the token transfer messages, and send the signed messages to the BTTS Service Providers.

Users of the application will not even need to know about the cryptographic methods that secure their tokens.

The application will have to include cryptographic libraries that support the message signing functionality. The user will install the application and create an account. The account will be secured by a 12 or 24 word mnemonic phrase. This mnemonic phrase can be used in MyEtherWallet or the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet to unlock the same set of accounts.

Table Of Contents


Bug Bounty Scope And Donations

Details of the bug bounty program for this project can be found at BokkyPooBah's Hall Of Fame And Bug Bounties. Please consider donating to support the bug bounty, and the development and maintenance of decentralised applications.

The scope of the bug bounty for this project follows:

How It Works

This example will explain the results from the testing script and testing results. Note that the computed hashes will differ in the testing results because new token contract addresses are created in each testing session.

In the testing script and results:

  • The account 0xa33a wants to transfer 1 token to account 0xa55a and pay a 0.01 token fee

  • The parameters for the signed transfers are:

    • from = 0xa33a
    • to = 0xa55a
    • tokens = 1 or the natural number 1000000000000000000 with 18 decimal places
    • fee = 0.01 or the natural number 10000000000000000 with 18 decimal places
    • nonce = 0 - this is an incrementing number for each new transaction
  • The account 0xa33a creates a hash of the parameters above, and in addition includes:

    • functionSig = 0x7532eaac - this is the same function signature scheme that Ethereum uses
    • token contract address = 0xa1b42c6ad2e1d69eee56532557480c20697aa3b5
  • The hash of the parameters is calculated using var signedTransferHash = token.signedTransferHash(from, to, tokens, fee, nonce);

    Here is the function:

    function signedTransferHash(address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens,
        uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash)
        hash = keccak256(signedTransferSig, address(this), tokenOwner, to,
            tokens, fee, nonce);
  • The hash of the parameters can also be manually constructed using:

    var hashOf = "0x" + bytes4ToHex(functionSig) + addressToHex(tokenContractAddress) + addressToHex(from) + addressToHex(to) + uint256ToHex(tokens) + uint256ToHex(fee) + uint256ToHex(nonce);

  • Any small difference in the parameters will result in a totally different hash

  • In this example, the hash is computed to be 0x8ffe42d6c4bbfb872eed6996414cf6d0084a701c0b8681573c8f75989ee1ce0a

  • The token owner 0xa33a then uses their private key to sign the hash computed in the previous step using the function var sig = web3.eth.sign(from, signedTransferHash);.

    The resulting signature is sig=0xd563e5d5e0ace9e2f6ebc11fd7f2888a9289cdf9e2e44a148a72a14cc3a77c445e35d8abdbd499779c7d2d5081785beee092de14c7dcc6dc6e2aa653f3b4d1d51b

    The token owner then provides the data from, to, tokens, fee, sig plus the function signature and the token contract address to the service provider 0xa11a

  • The service provider 0xa11a can then execute the function var signedTransfer1Check = token.signedTransferCheck(from, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount); to check whether the signedTransfer(...) function will succeed or fail if executed. In this case, the check returned signedTransfer1Check=0 Success

  • The service provider 0xa11a then executes the function var signedTransfer1Tx = token.signedTransfer(from, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount, {from: contractOwnerAccount, gas: 200000}); and supplies the from, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig values originally provided by the token owner 0xa33a. The service provider also nominates their feeAccount

  • The BTTS smart contract function signedTransfer(...) will recover the original signing account 0xa33a from the hash of the parameters and supplied signature, and compare this to the from account. If the from address matches the signing account 0xa33a, the transfer of tokens can proceed.

    The relevant lines of code from the BTTS smart contract function signedTransfer(...) follow:

    // Check owner is the message signer
    bytes32 hash = signedTransferHash(owner, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
    require(owner == ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig));

    If ecrecoverFromSig(...) returnes the same account as the token holder, the require(...) check passes. BTTS smart contract function signedTransfer(...) will continue executing the transfers. If any of the parameters are not exactly the same parameters using the the hashing and signing process, ecrecoverFromSig(...) will return a different account to the token holder account.

  • 1 token is transferred from the owner 0xa33a to the account 0xa55a - the log of the transfer follows:

    Transfer 0 #166: from=0xa33a6c312d9ad0e0f2e95541beed0cc081621fd0 to=0xa55a151eb00fded1634d27d1127b4be4627079ea tokens=1
  • 0.01 tokens is transferred from the owner 0xa33a to the service provider 0xa11a to compensate the service provider for the ETH transaction fee costETH=0.001749906 costUSD=0.66564674334 - the log of the transfer follows:

    Transfer 1 #166: from=0xa33a6c312d9ad0e0f2e95541beed0cc081621fd0 to=0xa88a05d2b88283ce84c8325760b72a64591279a2 tokens=0.01

Some references on the use of signatures and the ecrecover(...) function:

In Solidity, the ecrecover(....) function takes the signature as 3 separate parts - r (sigR), s (sigS) and v (sigV).

The signature 0xd563e5d5e0ace9e2f6ebc11fd7f2888a9289cdf9e2e44a148a72a14cc3a77c445e35d8abdbd499779c7d2d5081785beee092de14c7dcc6dc6e2aa653f3b4d1d51b can be broken into the 3 parts:

  • sigV=0x1b (last 2 hex chars of signature)
  • sigR=d563e5d5e0ace9e2f6ebc11fd7f2888a9289cdf9e2e44a148a72a14cc3a77c44 (first 64 hex chars of signature)
  • sigS=5e35d8abdbd499779c7d2d5081785beee092de14c7dcc6dc6e2aa653f3b4d1d5 (second 64 hex chars of signature)

The ecrecoverFromSig(...) is supplied with the full length signature, splits the full length signature into the component [v, r, s] and calls the ecrecover(...) function

Following are the relevant snippets from the testing script test/ :

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var signedTransferMessage = "Signed Transfers";
var from = account3;
var to = account5;
var tokens = new BigNumber("1000000000000000000");
var fee = new BigNumber("10000000000000000");
var feeToken = token;
var nonce = "0";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

console.log("RESULT: " + signedTransferMessage);
console.log("RESULT: from=" + from);
console.log("RESULT: to=" + to);
console.log("RESULT: tokens=" + tokens + " " + tokens.shift(-decimals));
console.log("RESULT: fee=" + fee + " " + fee.shift(-decimals));
console.log("RESULT: nonce=" + nonce);
var signedTransferHash = token.signedTransferHash(from, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
console.log("RESULT: signedTransferHash=" + signedTransferHash);
var sig = web3.eth.sign(from, signedTransferHash);
console.log("RESULT: sig=" + sig);

var signedTransfer1Check = token.signedTransferCheck(from, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
console.log("RESULT: signedTransfer1Check=" + signedTransfer1Check + " " + signedTransferCheckResultString(signedTransfer1Check));
var signedTransfer1Tx = token.signedTransfer(from, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount,
  {from: contractOwnerAccount, gas: 200000, gasPrice: defaultGasPrice});
while (txpool.status.pending > 0) {
printTxData("signedTransfer1Tx", signedTransfer1Tx);
failIfTxStatusError(signedTransfer1Tx, signedTransferMessage + " - Signed Transfer ");
console.log("RESULT: ");

Following are the relevant snippets from the testing results test/test1results.txt from the execution of the testing script above:

Signed Transfers
tokens=1000000000000000000 1
fee=10000000000000000 0.01
signedTransfer1Check=0 Success
signedTransfer1Tx status=0x1 Success gas=200000 gasUsed=99336 costETH=0.000099336 costUSD=0.030567773256 @ ETH/USD=307.721 gasPrice=1 gwei block=166 txIx=0 txId=0xce11bafd68777e44964716daed0801948a0466b22c549f1fea7a1cae47dcb4c3
 # Account                                             EtherBalanceChange                          Token Name
-- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------
 0 0xa00af22d07c87d96eeeb0ed583f8f6ac7812827e       84.010982023000000000           0.000000000000000000 Account #0 - Miner
 1 0xa11aae29840fbb5c86e6fd4cf809eba183aef433       -0.010982023000000000    10000000.000000000000000000 Account #1 - Contract Owner
 2 0xa22ab8a9d641ce77e06d98b7d7065d324d3d6976        0.000000000000000000           0.000000000000000000 Account #2 - Wallet
 3 0xa33a6c312d9ad0e0f2e95541beed0cc081621fd0        0.000000000000000000      999998.980000000000000000 Account #3
 4 0xa44a08d3f6933c69212114bb66e2df1813651844        0.000000000000000000     1000000.000000000000000000 Account #4
 5 0xa55a151eb00fded1634d27d1127b4be4627079ea        0.000000000000000000           1.000000000000000000 Account #5
 6 0xa66a85ede0cbe03694aa9d9de0bb19c99ff55bd9        0.000000000000000000           0.000000000000000000 Account #6
 7 0xa77a2b9d4b1c010a22a7c565dc418cef683dbcec        0.000000000000000000           0.000000000000000000 Account #7
 8 0xa88a05d2b88283ce84c8325760b72a64591279a2        0.000000000000000000           0.020000000000000000 Fee Account
 9 0x545b861c70089afcbee7c3e8ff00e1ab9e5be210        0.000000000000000000           0.000000000000000000 Lib SafeMath
10 0xb3c7d39fdd2e7dcd02b660b1a317ae06c7c915cc        0.000000000000000000           0.000000000000000000 BTTSTokenFactory
11 0xa1b42c6ad2e1d69eee56532557480c20697aa3b5        0.000000000000000000           0.000000000000000000 Token 'GZETest' 'GazeCoin Test'
-- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------
                                                                             12000000.000000000000000000 Total Token Balances
-- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------

PASS Signed Transfers - Signed Transfer
token.symbol=GZETest Test
Transfer 0 #166: from=0xa33a6c312d9ad0e0f2e95541beed0cc081621fd0 to=0xa55a151eb00fded1634d27d1127b4be4627079ea tokens=1
Transfer 1 #166: from=0xa33a6c312d9ad0e0f2e95541beed0cc081621fd0 to=0xa88a05d2b88283ce84c8325760b72a64591279a2 tokens=0.01

How Do I Deploy My Own BTTS Token

BTTSTokenFactory Information

On Mainnet, v1.10 of the BTTSTokenFactory has been deployed to 0x14AabC5adE82240330e5BE05D8ef350661AEbB8a On the Ropsten testnet, v1.10 of the BTTSTokenFactory has been deployed to 0xB62Af19795eF9208d368A98bBb0E5B5EB93ed2f3

The Application Binary Interface for both version follow:


The methods below show how the BTTSToken can be deployed using the BTTSTokenFactory. Post an issue on this GitHub repository if you cannot add the verified source code on EtherScan for your new BTTSToken contract.

Deploy the BTTSToken from Ethereum Wallet

In Ethereum Wallet / Mist, select the Contracts tab and click on Watch Contract. Enter the following information:

  • CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x14AabC5adE82240330e5BE05D8ef350661AEbB8a


  • JSON INTERFACE: Copy and paste the Application Binary Interface information above

  • Click OK

Click on the newly created entry "BTTSTOKENFACTORY". Under WRITE TO CONTRACT, select Deploy BTTSToken Contract:

Enter the following information:

  • Symbol: {Your token symbol}

  • Name: {Your token name}

  • Decimals: {number of decimal places, 0 to 18}

  • Initial supply: {the initial supply of your tokens}

  • Mintable: {check the box if you want to deploy and link a minting contract to your token, uncheck the box}

  • Transferable: {check the box if you want the tokens to be transferable, uncheck otherwise}

  • Execute from: {select the account that will pay the ETH transaction fees - this will be the owner of the deployed BTTS token}

  • Click EXECUTE and search for the newly deployed BTTSToken by viewing the last transaction from your account:

Deploy the BTTSToken from Go-Ethereum Command Line

Execute the following instructions from the go-ethereum (geth) JavaScript console:

var bttsTokenFactoryAbi=[{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"symbol","type":"string"},{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"decimals","type":"uint8"},{"name":"initialSupply","type":"uint256"},{"name":"mintable","type":"bool"},{"name":"transferable","type":"bool"}],"name":"deployBTTSTokenContract","outputs":[{"name":"bttsTokenAddress","type":"address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"numberOfDeployedTokens","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"tokenContract","type":"address"}],"name":"verify","outputs":[{"name":"valid","type":"bool"},{"name":"owner","type":"address"},{"name":"decimals","type":"uint256"},{"name":"mintable","type":"bool"},{"name":"transferable","type":"bool"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"acceptOwnership","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_newOwner","type":"address"}],"name":"transferOwnershipImmediately","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"owner","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"newOwner","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"tokenAddress","type":"address"},{"name":"tokens","type":"uint256"}],"name":"transferAnyERC20Token","outputs":[{"name":"success","type":"bool"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"name":"deployedTokens","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_newOwner","type":"address"}],"name":"transferOwnership","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"payable":true,"stateMutability":"payable","type":"fallback"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"name":"ownerAddress","type":"address"},{"indexed":true,"name":"bttsTokenAddress","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"name":"symbol","type":"string"},{"indexed":false,"name":"name","type":"string"},{"indexed":false,"name":"decimals","type":"uint8"},{"indexed":false,"name":"initialSupply","type":"uint256"},{"indexed":false,"name":"mintable","type":"bool"},{"indexed":false,"name":"transferable","type":"bool"}],"name":"BTTSTokenListing","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"name":"_from","type":"address"},{"indexed":true,"name":"_to","type":"address"}],"name":"OwnershipTransferred","type":"event"}];
var bttsTokenFactoryAddress="0x14AabC5adE82240330e5BE05D8ef350661AEbB8a";
var bttsTokenFactory=eth.contract(bttsTokenFactoryAbi).at(bttsTokenFactoryAddress);

var symbol="MYT";
var name="MyToken";
var decimals=18;
var initialSupply="1000000000000000000000000";
var mintable=false;
var transferable=true;
var fromAccount="{your account}";
var gas=2200000;
var gasPrice=web3.toWei("10", "gwei");
var tx=bttsTokenFactory.deployBTTSTokenContract(symbol, name, decimals, initialSupply, mintable, transferable, {from: fromAccount, gas: gas, gasPrice: gasPrice});

Search for the newly deployed BTTSToken by viewing the last transaction from your account.

BTTS Interface

From contracts/BTTSTokenFactory.sol, ERC20 tokens that implement the following interface should be supported by BTTS Service Providers:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ERC Token Standard #20 Interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
contract ERC20Interface {
    function totalSupply() public view returns (uint);
    function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public view returns (uint balance);
    function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public view returns (uint remaining);
    function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
    function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);

    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens);
    event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BokkyPooBah's Token Teleportation Service Interface v1.10
// Enjoy. (c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2017. The MIT Licence.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
contract BTTSTokenInterface is ERC20Interface {
    uint public constant bttsVersion = 110;

    bytes public constant signingPrefix = "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32";
    bytes4 public constant signedTransferSig = "\x75\x32\xea\xac";
    bytes4 public constant signedApproveSig = "\xe9\xaf\xa7\xa1";
    bytes4 public constant signedTransferFromSig = "\x34\x4b\xcc\x7d";
    bytes4 public constant signedApproveAndCallSig = "\xf1\x6f\x9b\x53";

    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed from, address indexed to);
    event MinterUpdated(address from, address to);
    event Mint(address indexed tokenOwner, uint tokens, bool lockAccount);
    event MintingDisabled();
    event TransfersEnabled();
    event AccountUnlocked(address indexed tokenOwner);

    function approveAndCall(address spender, uint tokens, bytes data) public returns (bool success);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // signed{X} functions
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function signedTransferHash(address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash);
    function signedTransferCheck(address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result);
    function signedTransfer(address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success);

    function signedApproveHash(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash);
    function signedApproveCheck(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result);
    function signedApprove(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success);

    function signedTransferFromHash(address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash);
    function signedTransferFromCheck(address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result);
    function signedTransferFrom(address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success);

    function signedApproveAndCallHash(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes _data, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash);
    function signedApproveAndCallCheck(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes _data, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result);
    function signedApproveAndCall(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes _data, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success);

    function mint(address tokenOwner, uint tokens, bool lockAccount) public returns (bool success);
    function unlockAccount(address tokenOwner) public;
    function disableMinting() public;
    function enableTransfers() public;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // signed{X}Check return status
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    enum CheckResult {
        Success,                           // 0 Success
        NotTransferable,                   // 1 Tokens not transferable yet
        AccountLocked,                     // 2 Account locked
        SignerMismatch,                    // 3 Mismatch in signing account
        InvalidNonce,                      // 4 Invalid nonce
        InsufficientApprovedTokens,        // 5 Insufficient approved tokens
        InsufficientApprovedTokensForFees, // 6 Insufficient approved tokens for fees
        InsufficientTokens,                // 7 Insufficient tokens
        InsufficientTokensForFees,         // 8 Insufficient tokens for fees
        OverflowError                      // 9 Overflow error

Sample BTTS Implementation

From contracts/BTTSTokenFactory.sol the main parts of the BTTS functionality follow:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BokkyPooBah's Token Teleportation Service Library v1.00
// Enjoy. (c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2017. The MIT Licence.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
library BTTSLib {
    struct Data {
        bool initialised;

        // Ownership
        address owner;
        address newOwner;

        // Minting and management
        address minter;
        bool mintable;
        bool transferable;
        mapping(address => bool) accountLocked;

        // Token
        string symbol;
        string name;
        uint8 decimals;
        uint totalSupply;
        mapping(address => uint) balances;
        mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) allowed;
        mapping(address => uint) nextNonce;


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ecrecover from a signature rather than the signature in parts [v, r, s]
    // The signature format is a compact form {bytes32 r}{bytes32 s}{uint8 v}.
    // Compact means, uint8 is not padded to 32 bytes.
    // An invalid signature results in the address(0) being returned, make
    // sure that the returned result is checked to be non-zero for validity
    // Parts from
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function ecrecoverFromSig(bytes32 hash, bytes sig) public pure returns (address recoveredAddress) {
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
        uint8 v;
        if (sig.length != 65) return address(0);
        assembly {
            r := mload(add(sig, 32))
            s := mload(add(sig, 64))
            // Here we are loading the last 32 bytes. We exploit the fact that 'mload' will pad with zeroes if we overread.
            // There is no 'mload8' to do this, but that would be nicer.
            v := byte(0, mload(add(sig, 96)))
        // Albeit non-transactional signatures are not specified by the YP, one would expect it to match the YP range of [27, 28]
        // geth uses [0, 1] and some clients have followed. This might change, see
        if (v < 27) {
          v += 27;
        if (v != 27 && v != 28) return address(0);
        return ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Signed function
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function signedTransferHash(Data storage /*self*/, address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        hash = keccak256(signedTransferSig, address(this), tokenOwner, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
    function signedTransferCheck(Data storage self, address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult result) {
        if (!self.transferable) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.NotTransferable;
        bytes32 hash = signedTransferHash(self, tokenOwner, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
        if (tokenOwner == address(0) || tokenOwner != ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig)) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.SignerMismatch;
        if (self.accountLocked[tokenOwner]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.AccountLocked;
        if (self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] != nonce) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InvalidNonce;
        uint total = safeAdd(tokens, fee);
        if (self.balances[tokenOwner] < tokens) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientTokens;
        if (self.balances[tokenOwner] < total) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientTokensForFees;
        if (self.balances[to] + tokens < self.balances[to]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.OverflowError;
        if (self.balances[feeAccount] + fee < self.balances[feeAccount]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.OverflowError;
        return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.Success;
    function signedTransfer(Data storage self, address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        bytes32 hash = signedTransferHash(self, tokenOwner, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
        require(tokenOwner != address(0) && tokenOwner == ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig));
        require(self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] == nonce);
        self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] = nonce + 1;
        self.balances[tokenOwner] = safeSub(self.balances[tokenOwner], tokens);
        self.balances[to] = safeAdd(self.balances[to], tokens);
        Transfer(tokenOwner, to, tokens);
        self.balances[tokenOwner] = safeSub(self.balances[tokenOwner], fee);
        self.balances[feeAccount] = safeAdd(self.balances[feeAccount], fee);
        Transfer(tokenOwner, feeAccount, fee);
        return true;
    function signedApproveHash(Data storage /*self*/, address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        hash = keccak256(signedApproveSig, address(this), tokenOwner, spender, tokens, fee, nonce);
    function signedApproveCheck(Data storage self, address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult result) {
        if (!self.transferable) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.NotTransferable;
        bytes32 hash = signedApproveHash(self, tokenOwner, spender, tokens, fee, nonce);
        if (tokenOwner == address(0) || tokenOwner != ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig)) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.SignerMismatch;
        if (self.accountLocked[tokenOwner]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.AccountLocked;
        if (self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] != nonce) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InvalidNonce;
        if (self.balances[tokenOwner] < fee) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientTokensForFees;
        if (self.balances[feeAccount] + fee < self.balances[feeAccount]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.OverflowError;
        return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.Success;
    function signedApprove(Data storage self, address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        bytes32 hash = signedApproveHash(self, tokenOwner, spender, tokens, fee, nonce);
        require(tokenOwner != address(0) && tokenOwner == ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig));
        require(self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] == nonce);
        self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] = nonce + 1;
        self.allowed[tokenOwner][spender] = tokens;
        Approval(tokenOwner, spender, tokens);
        self.balances[tokenOwner] = safeSub(self.balances[tokenOwner], fee);
        self.balances[feeAccount] = safeAdd(self.balances[feeAccount], fee);
        Transfer(tokenOwner, feeAccount, fee);
        return true;
    function signedTransferFromHash(Data storage /*self*/, address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        hash = keccak256(signedTransferFromSig, address(this), spender, from, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
    function signedTransferFromCheck(Data storage self, address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult result) {
        if (!self.transferable) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.NotTransferable;
        bytes32 hash = signedTransferFromHash(self, spender, from, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
        if (spender == address(0) || spender != ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig)) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.SignerMismatch;
        if (self.accountLocked[from]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.AccountLocked;
        if (self.nextNonce[spender] != nonce) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InvalidNonce;
        uint total = safeAdd(tokens, fee);
        if (self.allowed[from][spender] < tokens) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientApprovedTokens;
        if (self.allowed[from][spender] < total) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientApprovedTokensForFees;
        if (self.balances[from] < tokens) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientTokens;
        if (self.balances[from] < total) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientTokensForFees;
        if (self.balances[to] + tokens < self.balances[to]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.OverflowError;
        if (self.balances[feeAccount] + fee < self.balances[feeAccount]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.OverflowError;
        return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.Success;
    function signedTransferFrom(Data storage self, address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        bytes32 hash = signedTransferFromHash(self, spender, from, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
        require(spender != address(0) && spender == ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig));
        require(self.nextNonce[spender] == nonce);
        self.nextNonce[spender] = nonce + 1;
        self.balances[from] = safeSub(self.balances[from], tokens);
        self.allowed[from][spender] = safeSub(self.allowed[from][spender], tokens);
        self.balances[to] = safeAdd(self.balances[to], tokens);
        Transfer(from, to, tokens);
        self.balances[from] = safeSub(self.balances[from], fee);
        self.allowed[from][spender] = safeSub(self.allowed[from][spender], fee);
        self.balances[feeAccount] = safeAdd(self.balances[feeAccount], fee);
        Transfer(from, feeAccount, fee);
        return true;
    function signedApproveAndCallHash(Data storage /*self*/, address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes data, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        hash = keccak256(signedApproveAndCallSig, address(this), tokenOwner, spender, tokens, data, fee, nonce);
    function signedApproveAndCallCheck(Data storage self, address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes data, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult result) {
        if (!self.transferable) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.NotTransferable;
        bytes32 hash = signedApproveAndCallHash(self, tokenOwner, spender, tokens, data, fee, nonce);
        if (tokenOwner == address(0) || tokenOwner != ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig)) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.SignerMismatch;
        if (self.accountLocked[tokenOwner]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.AccountLocked;
        if (self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] != nonce) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InvalidNonce;
        if (self.balances[tokenOwner] < fee) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.InsufficientTokensForFees;
        if (self.balances[feeAccount] + fee < self.balances[feeAccount]) return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.OverflowError;
        return BTTSTokenInterface.CheckResult.Success;
    function signedApproveAndCall(Data storage self, address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes data, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        bytes32 hash = signedApproveAndCallHash(self, tokenOwner, spender, tokens, data, fee, nonce);
        require(tokenOwner != address(0) && tokenOwner == ecrecoverFromSig(keccak256(signingPrefix, hash), sig));
        require(self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] == nonce);
        self.nextNonce[tokenOwner] = nonce + 1;
        self.allowed[tokenOwner][spender] = tokens;
        Approval(tokenOwner, spender, tokens);
        self.balances[tokenOwner] = safeSub(self.balances[tokenOwner], fee);
        self.balances[feeAccount] = safeAdd(self.balances[feeAccount], fee);
        Transfer(tokenOwner, feeAccount, fee);
        ApproveAndCallFallBack(spender).receiveApproval(tokenOwner, tokens, address(this), data);
        return true;


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BokkyPooBah's Token Teleportation Service Token Factory v1.00
// Enjoy. (c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2017. The MIT Licence.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
contract BTTSToken is BTTSTokenInterface {
    using BTTSLib for BTTSLib.Data;

    BTTSLib.Data data;


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Signed function
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function signedTransferHash(address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        return data.signedTransferHash(tokenOwner, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
    function signedTransferCheck(address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result) {
        return data.signedTransferCheck(tokenOwner, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
    function signedTransfer(address tokenOwner, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        return data.signedTransfer(tokenOwner, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
    function signedApproveHash(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        return data.signedApproveHash(tokenOwner, spender, tokens, fee, nonce);
    function signedApproveCheck(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result) {
        return data.signedApproveCheck(tokenOwner, spender, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
    function signedApprove(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        return data.signedApprove(tokenOwner, spender, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
    function signedTransferFromHash(address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        return data.signedTransferFromHash(spender, from, to, tokens, fee, nonce);
    function signedTransferFromCheck(address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result) {
        return data.signedTransferFromCheck(spender, from, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
    function signedTransferFrom(address spender, address from, address to, uint tokens, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        return data.signedTransferFrom(spender, from, to, tokens, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
    function signedApproveAndCallHash(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes _data, uint fee, uint nonce) public view returns (bytes32 hash) {
        return data.signedApproveAndCallHash(tokenOwner, spender, tokens, _data, fee, nonce);
    function signedApproveAndCallCheck(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes _data, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public view returns (CheckResult result) {
        return data.signedApproveAndCallCheck(tokenOwner, spender, tokens, _data, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);
    function signedApproveAndCall(address tokenOwner, address spender, uint tokens, bytes _data, uint fee, uint nonce, bytes sig, address feeAccount) public returns (bool success) {
        return data.signedApproveAndCall(tokenOwner, spender, tokens, _data, fee, nonce, sig, feeAccount);


Details of the testing environment can be found in test.

The following functions were tested using the script test/ with the summary results saved in test/test1results.txt and the detailed output saved in test/test1output.txt:

  • Deploy test ApproveAndCallFallBack contract
  • Deploy BTTS library
  • Deploy BTTSTokenFactory contract
  • Deploy BTTSToken contract using BTTSTokenFactory
  • Mint tokens for accounts 3 and 4 with tokens locked
  • Disable minting and enable transfers
  • Unlock tokens for accounts 3 and 4
  • Execute a signedTransfer(...) and check that a duplicate fails
  • Execute a signedApprove(...) and check that a duplicate fails
  • Execute a signedTransferFrom(...) and check that a duplicate fails
  • Execute a signedApproveAndCall(...) and check that a duplicate fails
  • Execute transfer(...)'s
  • Execute a approveAndCall(...)
  • Execute transfer(...) and transferFrom(...) of 0 tokens
  • Execute transfer(...), approve(...) and transferFrom(...) for more tokens that owned, expecting failure
  • Execute approve(...) to change a non-0 allowance

Code Review

  • code-review/
    • contract ERC20Interface
    • contract ApproveAndCallFallBack
    • contract BTTSTokenInterface is ERC20Interface
    • library BTTSLib
    • contract BTTSToken is BTTSTokenInterface
    • contract Owned
    • contract BTTSTokenFactory is Owned

(c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd - Feb 17 2019. The MIT Licence.


BokkyPooBah's Token Teleportation Service Smart Contract







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  • JavaScript 12.4%