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onTrack was created to provide a way for developers to track issues for their projects.


Table of Contents

  1. UX

  2. Features

  3. Technologies Used

  4. Testing

  5. Deployment

  6. Credits



onTrack Goals

The goals of onTrack are to:

  • Provide a way for developers to track bugs/issues for their projects
  • Monetize the platform by offering extra features to paying customers

The target audiences for this website are:

  • Developers who want to manage their projects better

Developer Goals

  • To track issues/bugs in their project
  • To stay on track with project goals

User Stories

Developer User Stories

A developer using onTrack expects to:

  • Be able to register, login, and logout
  • Create, read, update or delete their user profile
  • Create, read, update or delete an issue
  • Easily and securely pay for the extra features

Design Choices


The following wireframes were designed with Balsamiq.

Desktop wireframes

Mobile wireframes

Information Architecture

Database Models

User Model

The User model for this project is the standard User model provided by Django.

Profile Model

Key Validation Field Type
user User, on_delete=models.CASCADE OneToOneField
avatar null=False ImageField
job_title max_length=50, null=False CharField
github max_length=50, null=False CharField

Issue Model

Key Validation Field Type
id null=False, unique=True PrimaryKey
issue null=False TextField
issue_type max_length=50, choices=ISSUE_TYPE_CHOICES CharField
kanban_type max_length=50, choices=KANBAN_TYPE_CHOICES CharField
project max_length=50, null=False ForeignKey
user max_length=50, null=False ForeignKey
created_date auto_now_add=True DateTimeField

Project Model

Key Validation Field Type
id null=False, unique=True PrimaryKey
user max_length=50, null=False ForeignKey
project_name max_length=50, null=False CharField
created_date auto_now_add=True DateTimeField
slug null=False, unique=True SlugField


Existing Features

Sign Up Page
  • Shows a registration form
  • Has a link at the bottom that redirects to the sign in page if the user already has an account
Sign In Page
  • Shows a sign in form
  • Has a link at the bottom to sign up if the user doesn't have an account
  • Has a 'Forgot Password' option
User Profile Page
  • Displays a form with user profile details. The form is autopopulated from their account in the database
  • The user has two options on the page, update their profile or delete their account
Delete Account Page
  • Asks the user if they are sure they want to delete their profile
  • Requires the user to confirm with their email and password

Features Left To Implement

  • Shows current issues
  • Option to create, read, update, or delete an issue
  • Two different views available, Kanban or Scrum
  • A page to upgrade the user account for access to more features
  • The checkout uses webhooks to confirm with Stripe API whether the payment is complete or not

Technologies Used

Programming Languages

  • This project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python.


  • Django as a python web application framework for faster development.
  • Visual Studio Code as the Integrated Development Environment while developing this project.
  • PIP to install the tools needed in this project.
  • Git for version control during the development process.
  • GitHub for a remote repository.
  • CircleCI for Continuous Integration.
  • Balsamiq to build wireframes in the planning stage of development.
  • python-dotenv to make use of environment variables.
  • Pylint-django for improving code analysis when analysing code using Django.
  • Django Crispy Forms to style django forms on the backend.
  • Heroku for hosting and deployment.
  • Whitenoise to allow the web app to serve its own static files.
  • Gunicorn a Python Web Server Gateway Interface HTTP server to aid in deployment of the Django project for heroku deployment.


  • SQlite3 as the database for the development environment, provided by django.
  • PostgreSQL as the database for the deployed site, hosted on Heroku.
  • Psycopg2 as a DB API 2.0 compliant PostgreSQL driver for Python.


  • Pillow adds image processing capabilities to Python.
  • Bootstrap to develop responsive and mobile-first pages more easily.


Continuous Integration

CircleCI was used to test integration of the project. Pylint is run during these test to check for errors and enforces a coding standard in the Python language. All unit tests are run during the CircleCI build.


Validation Tools

These tools were used to test the validity of the code for this project:

Testing Matrix


Local Deployment

Heroku Deployment




  • The default user image is from flaticon

