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Transpile c to ocaml code

  tocaml.exe [input-file] [output-file]

input-file: `-` for stdin
output-file: `-` for stdout

=== flags ===

  [-w]                       . watch mode
  [-build-info]              . print info about this build and exit
  [-version]                 . print the version of this build and exit
  [-help], -?                . print this help text and exit

ocamlformat-lib issues

since this fix is not merged into opam (waiting for a release after 0.26.1), you will need to run

opam pin ocamlformat
opam pin ocamlformat-lib
opam pin ocamlformat-rpc-lib

fswatch issues

We just fixed a bug with fswatch. For now (until it gets merged into opam), run

opam pin

also btw fswatch is very broken. Expect it to fail on your distribution.

alpine, arch, debian, opensuse, oracle, ubuntu (and probably more) users

there is a packaging issue for libfswatch. Here is a fix that works (for debian/ubuntu derived? not sure about rest) (source: from the same issue)

sudo apt install fswatch
echo "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfswatch" > /etc/ && ldconfig
LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfswatch opam pin --no-depexts
# ^ combined with the fswatch fix above

then, prepend LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfswatch to dune build and such

windows users

fswatch requires cygwin. Have not tested this install process.

project submission notes


When dune test is run we compile all source files in source folder and transpile them to actual. Then each file is ran, comparing their output and return code with expected values in the code and in expected folder. You can see the transpiled files in the actual folder.


  • c file to AST
    • file to AST
    • stdin to AST ??
  • translate AST to ocaml code
    • functions
      • parsing parameters
    • statements
      • for-loop
      • if statements
      • switch statements
    • expressions
      • literals
      • binary operators
        • for non-int types
      • others :)
  • format output string
  • print to file
  • watch feature (partially done)

things to implement

  • function declaration
  • conditional statements
  • loops
  • structs
  • arrays
  • enums
  • i/o (to stdin stdout only?) - partially done for print f
Example Execution

if input file is called csample.c, and we want to output ocaml file called, we call the command line as follows:

tocaml.exe csample.c

There is an optional flag of -w so that will continue to be regenerated after every change of csample.c

Ast visualization

go to and copy and paste all funcitons into utop. Running viewAst "filename" will provide ast of entire file, while other functions will help pick out asts of specific functions, structs, or lines within those functions


Transpile c to ocaml code



