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My personal emacs configuration, hopefully in a sharable state.

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I prefer my emacs to make some compromises with the surrounding system environment, which is MacOS in my case. This configuration allows for a fairly natural and aesthetically pleasing out-of-the-box experience on MacOS machines.

After the release of emacs 24.1, I took the time to jettison an enormous quantity of elisp that had accumulated in my dotfiles since 1985. Most of the custom features implemented by that code now have analogues in base emacs or in one of the many packages available via the various ELPA-compatible repositories. This process has made it more practical to share the base layer of my config.


If you would like to test out this configuration, clone this repo and place it in your home directory as the directory .emacs.d.

You will, of course, also need to install emacs itself. I prefer YAMAMOTO Mitsuharu's Mac port, also called the railwaycat version, which I install using homebrew.

$ brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport && brew install emacs-mac --with-imagemagick --with-modern-icon --with-modules

Once this is complete, you should also install Hunspell and whatever dictionaries you need for whichever languages you use. This will be used by Flyspell to offer spell check in any text modes you use.

I also recommend that you install The Silver Searcher, which is required by ag:

$ brew install ag

My favorite free coding font is JetBrains Mono, which will be used if it is installed. Otherwise, emacs will try to load Fira Code, after which it will fall back to Apple's Menlo.

This configuration uses the doom-modeline package to provide an aesthetically and functionally enhanced modeline. In order for it to display properly, you will need to run:

M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts

... to download and install the icon fonts used to decorate the modeline.


If you would like to extend this configuration, create a <username>-local.el file within your .emacs.d/lisp directory and that file will be loaded after this configuration has been initialized. You can create a separate version controlled directory for your personal modifications and symlink to keep those extensions in version control.


One of the goals of this configuration is to avoid the cognitive load of switching keyboard habits between applications. Luckily, many of the default emacs control sequences are also supported by MacOS text editing panels and the major shells (which can be made more comformant via one's .inputrc file).

The usual MacOS command key bindings are mostly supported. Command-S saves, Command-F "finds" (searches forward) and Command-G continues the search, cut and paste, selection, and so on all operate normally. Some commands are modified so that they're the emacs semantic equivalent of their MacOS counterparts. For example, Command-w "kills" (closes) the current buffer rather than the emacs window (which I feel should be either full-screen or split-screen with a browser most of the time).

The emacs notation for key sequences looks like a (press a), C-c (control + c), M-x ("meta ex", where "meta" is the alt/option key when using this configuration on a Mac) or s-a ("super a", where "super" is the command key). So, a sequence like C-x C-f means "hold down the control key while pressing first x then f.


C-x C-f is "find file," which allows one to find files quickly using command completion in the mini-buffer. s-O opens a file, but does so using a pattern-matching "find in project" function, similar to Vim's ctrl-p.

These commands both work with tramp, which is a great feature that provides access to files on remote servers, inside docker containers, and so on. One can open a file on a remote host via sftp by specifying its name like this:


C-x C-b is the command to switch the current frame (like a pane in tmux; basically a subwindow) to another buffer by name. It remembers recently open files, and so makes an easy way to open anything one has been working on without hunting around in the file system.

Split the current frame in two vertically by hitting C-x 2, horizontally by C-x 3. Close the current frame (but not the underlying buffer/file) with C-x 0. Close all but the current frame with C-x 1.

Switching between multiple visible buffers is done using the arrow keys modified by M-s, which is to say that M-s-left will switch focus to the frame to the left of the currently active one. I've set up my browsers and iTerm2 to accept this same shortcut to move between tabs and shells.


The emacs-native navigation keys (C-b, C-f, C-p, C-n for backward character, forward character, previous line, next line) are easy and efficient once internalized, but they predate and differ from every other system one is likely to use. This configuration prefers the arrow keys, but maintains the (IMO) most important aspect of the emacs philosophy of movement: the base movement keys can be amplified with modifier keys. M-left will move one word to the left, M-up arrow will move up one paragraph, and so on. Of particular interest for programming modes, C-M-left arrow will navigate left by one sexp (S-expression in lisp terms, but some other unit of code in other languages).

The usual MacOS bindings for begin/end of line (s-left arrow,s-right arrow) and top/bottom of document (s-up arrow, s-down arrow), page up and page down, and so forth, are also supported.

All of these bindings can be combined with the shift key to select text.


Although the above key combinations provide for rapid navigation, one should generally use them only for short movements, preferring to jump around inside a file using search forward (both of C-s and s-f) or search reverse (C-r). Note that you can continue a search using s-g, and that it will wrap from end of the file to beginning (or vice versa, depending on search direction).

Also, if the target is visible on screen, ace-jump-mode is lovely. It is bound to C-space.

The marvelous visual-regexp is bound to s-r (and visual-query-regexp to s-R). These functions provide regular expression query/replace with a live preview of matches and replacements. The latter 'query' version iterates over the matches, replacing ones where the user presses space and skipping the ones where the user presses delete.

To find everything that matches in the current buffer, check out occur, which is bound to M-s-o. It's worth perusing the occur's documentation, as it's quite powerful and can be made to do interesting things using the universal argument.

For searching across multiple files, ag provides a simple interface that can be invoked with M-x ag.


Like the arrow keys, deletion (called "killing" in emacs) is amplified with modifier keys. delete does what one would expect, M-delete deletes a word at a time, C-M-delete deletes a paragraph at a time. These deletions go into the kill-ring for future yanking (pasting).

fn-delete deletes to the right (as in other MacOS inputs), fn-M-delete deletes to the right one word at a time, and fn-C-M-delete deletes the paragraph to the right.


As in the other programs: Command-z is undo, Shift-Command-Z is redo.


Getting used to the idea that emacs isn't a text editor in the usual sense, but a Lisp environment where a given series of keystrokes are assigned to invoke a particular function is important in learning how to use and customize it.

The collection of functions available in emacs can be explored and invoked by typing M-x and then starting to type a known or probable function name. This will bring up the completion interface in the mini-bar, starting with the most recently executed function. One often does things like M-x re<TAB><RET> to complete and invoke replace-string.

Consider using the apropos function when you know roughly what you want to do, but aren't sure of the exact function that will do it. M-x apropos prompts you to enter a word (or words) related to what you'd like to do, and creates a buffer for you to browse various functions related to your search term.

Emacs has a ubiquitous help system that allows us to find the binding of any key, purpose of any function, and so on. Help commands start with C-h (for help!), then a series of letters to indicate what kind of help is being requested. Two of the most useful forms of help for new users are variations on describe: C-h k (help -> describe keybinding) brings up a prompt that will listen for a series of keystrokes, then report what function is called by that sequence; while C-h f (help -> describe function) will provide a similar service for functions using a completion interface. Function descriptions will also list the shortcuts keys that are bound to that function.

If you have trouble remembering a particular key combination, the which-key package tries to help. If it detects a moment of hesitation after entering an incomplete key combination, it will show you a list of possible completions. For instance, in the previous paragraph we discussed two possible completions for C-h: C-h k to describe a keybinding, and C-h f to describe a function. You can discover other help functions by keying just C-h and reviewing the many possible completions.


Magit is a nice integrated git for emacs. There are others like it, but this one is my favorite.


SLIME, nREPL, run-ruby, run-python, and so on. There's a great deal of power when interacting with external interpretors in emacs, but it's more than I have time to write about just now. TK.

In emacs lisp, scheme and clojure modes, eval-defun (which evaluates the top level of the current lisp form) and eval-last-sexp are bound to s-enter and s-shift-enter respectively. In most cases the evaluated code will flash momentarily to indicate the scope in which the evaluation occurred. Also, short documentation for the current function should be visible in the mini-buffer and C-c C-d d should pop up further docs on the symbol at point.

You can also jump to the definition of the current function or macro using M-. and return from the definition with M-,.


Watch this video on Expand region. This is a feature every code editor should have. In this configuration, it's bound to s-1 and contract-region is bound to s-2, which allows one to press s-1 repeatedly without concern for overshooting the intended selection because it's easy to contract if we go to far.

If one intends to hack clojure, Common Lisp, scheme or elisp, it would be wise to get to know SmartParens, which has been added as a replacement for paredit.


My personal emacs configuration, hopefully in a sharable state.







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