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Documentation and samplecode for:

Face Detector Plugin for Solar2D

The Face Detector plugin can analyze an image and detect if there are human faces in it. The plugin returns position data for bounding boxes, eyes and mouths of the faces detected in the image.

Here is a video demo:

This plugin is available for: iOS, Mac OS and the Solar2D Simulator on Mac OS.


faceDetector.track ( filename[, accuracy], listener )

filename Path to the image file to track.

accuracy (optional) Tracking accuracy. Can have the values "high" and "low". Default value is "high". Low accuracy is fast. High accuracy is slower but more accurate.

listener The event dispatched to the listener will be a completion event with the position data of the face(s) features. The position data is relative to the images 0,0 anchor point.

Example face tracking data returned:

  event.faces = 
    { -- 1st face detected
      bounds = {
        height = 354, width = 354,
        x = 272, y = 269
      leftEyePosition = { x = 216, y = 187 },
      mouthPosition = { x = 272, y = 357 },
      rightEyePosition = { x = 341, y = 187 }
    { -- 2nd face detected
      bounds = { 
        height = 246, width = 246,
        x = 782, y = 197
      leftEyePosition = { x = 717, y = 155 },
      mouthPosition = { x = 787, y = 258 },
      rightEyePosition = { x = 833, y = 140 }

Project Settings

To use this plugin, add an entry into the plugins table of build.settings. When added, the build server will integrate the plugin during the build phase.

settings =
    plugins =
        ["plugin.faceDetector"] = { publisherId = "net.shakebrowser" }


  local fd = require "plugin.faceDetector"

  local function listener(event)
  	local faces = event.faces
	print ( "Number of faces detected: "..#faces )
	for i=1, #faces do
	  -- Simply printing mouth positions for this example
	  print("Face "..i.." mouth position "..faces[i].mouthPosition.x..", "..faces[i].mouthPosition.y

  local imagepath = system.pathForFile( "selfie.jpg", system.DocumentsDirectory )
  fd.track(imagepath, listener)