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Documentation ARexxAPI MAILEDIT

Jens Maus edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision


NAME:: MailEdit -- Edit the current message in a new Write window. (V2.0)


FUNCTION:: Opens a new Write window to edit the selected message.

INPUTS:: VAR/K - alternative variable to store the number of the created window instead of RESULT\ STEM/K - base name used for the stem where the returned data will be stored\ QUIET/S - force the window to stay invisible (V2.1)\

RETURNS:: VAR - info returned by the command\ <STEM>WINDOW - number of the created window\

 `RC` is set to 10 if the window cannot be opened, maybe because the
 limit of two Write windows has been reached.

NOTES:: The command works even with email that is NOT intended as "outgoing", like email in the Incoming folder for instance, in which case the [Send now] and Hold buttons in the Write window are disabled. After being edited, the mail is marked as "ready to send" no matter in which folder it is located, and all the old headers are replaced except for "From:" and "To:", which must be manually edited. Special care must be taken to ensure that these remain valid in the resulting message and no "undisclosed-recipients:;" or some such remains there by the time it is again saved. Handle with caution.

EXAMPLE:: {{{#!arexx /* Select the first message in the Outgoing folder */ SETFOLDER Outgoing SETMAIL 0

 /* Edit this message */

 /* Change the subject */
 'WRITESUBJECT "Email address change"'

 /* Put the message again in the queue */




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