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An innovative experience that blends the thrill of a treasure hunt with the power of storytelling and puzzles to provide a one-of-a-kind soft skills assessment experience.


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Elemental Quests

An innovative experience that blends the thrill of a treasure hunt with the power of storytelling and puzzles to provide a one-of-a-kind soft skills assessment experience.


Listed below are all the feature included in the project

Game Feature

  • 5 stages of game

    1. Octet lock
    2. Odd Drawers
    3. Atomic shell
    4. Quartz Quary
    5. Mindful Molecules
  • 8 soft skills assessed

    1. Critical Thinking
    2. Memory
    3. Patience
    4. Focus
    5. Stress Management
    6. Problem Solving
    7. Eye for Detail
    8. Emotional Intelligence
  • 2 dead ends

    1. First on stage 4: Quartz Quary
    2. Second on stage 5: Mindful Molecules
  • 7 clues

  • User leader board

  • Admin Panel

  • User analytics after game ends

  • Overall and each user's analytical in admin panel

  • 404 page (route not present error)

  • 403 page (insufficient authorization)

  • Ability to review previous stage information if stuck on a certain stage

  • Skip to skip a stage by discarding any points rewarded for that level

  • End game to end the game if done

  • Automated test with selenium to test feature functionality


  • User Sign up
  • User Sign in
  • Forgot Password (reset password via email)
  • admin login


Only logged in users can:

  • Play game
  • Access user leader board
  • Access result analysis
  • Only admin can access Admin Panel

Screen Shots

Login page

signup page

Reset Password

Admin Login Page

Result page

Result page 2

Admin page

Admin page 2


Detailed view of the game

The project has been developed as a way to test soft skills, thus it is only one time play for every user.

Completion of the game

  • The game is meant to test the soft skills, thus keeping user stuck on level forever with no form of rescue is futile.

  • To avoid this Special actions: skip and End Game, are available at each stage so user can skip the stage by discarding the points or end the game if required.

General Instructions for the game are as follows:

  • The purpose of this game set is to evaluate your soft skills

  • We recommend completing all games in one sitting, as the game is designed to be played only once

  • Points are awarded for correct answers and time taken to solve each game

  • The timer will not be visible on screen

  • In the event of an emergency such as a power outage, technical difficulties, or network issues, you may resume the game from where you left off

  • Timer will continue on the server but your progress won't be lost

  • Please be attentive to all information presented in the game

  • If you find yourself at a dead end, you can choose to review the previous stage, which may provide clues to help you progress past the current stage

  • If necessary, you have the option to skip a stage, though this will result in forfeiting any potential points for that stage

  • You may end the game at any time, regardless of what stage you are on and receive results till there

Stage 1: Octet Lock

Soft skills tested: 3

  1. Problem Solving
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Eye For Detail

Dead end: 0

Clues: 3

The mapping follows the pattern 2, 0, 8, 6,4, 6 and repeats. That is the unit digit of atomic number of noble gases.

  1. Name of the stage is "Octet Lock", octet as in the one in chemistry.
  2. Chemists name is Mr. M. J. Noble, Noble for noble gases
  3. Initial pattern is hidden in the story, as numbers that appear, "two product" -> 2, "midnight" is when clock hits -> 0, "minute hand at 8" ->8


You are an aspiring chemist and the faithful assistant of M.J. Noble, a famous chemist and laboratory owner in the city. On a weekend, both of you were manufacturing two products, but when the clock struck midnight, Mr. Noble suggested going out for drinks, appreciating your hard work. He assured you of coming back and completing his part of the work in an hour.

At the bar, after having dinner and few rounds of drinks, Mr. Noble was not sober anymore. He looked at his watch and realized that the minutes hand was about to hit 8. Hurriedly, he rushed you back to the laboratory, where you found the door locked with puzzle that he himself had put in place to prevent him from touching the chemicals while being drunk.

To unlock the door and complete the ongoing processes, you need to solve the puzzle first ! 


Some characters are mapped to another i.e. encrypted to decrypted. Identify the pattern between these mapping and form you own key for the given string.


Beware solution below, click to see? Litmus


This stage aims to establish the story and characteristics of the agents involved. This is base test to assess problem solving and feed user details that will come in handy in later stages that if ignored will lead to possible dead ends.

Stage 2: Odd Drawer

Soft skills tested: 2

  1. Problem Solving
  2. Memory

Dead end: 0

Clues: 2

In the note presented in this stage story, two clues are hidden that are used to set premise of chemist being a recovering alcoholic. Since existence of this note points to this being a recurring event.

Note by chemist:

  1. No experimenting with new formulas tonight!
  2. Don't listen to what you've consumed, you can recover


After unlocking the door, Mr. Noble hurried towards a drawer and disrupted some test tubes containing chemicals. Maintaining the order of chemicals is critical to complete the process.
To prevent your competitors from using the formula, you did not write down the order, but you have a set of instructions saved with you to help you achieve the correct order.

In midst of this chaos, you found a note that Mr. Noble wrote for his himself:

1. Don't touch the chemicals, especially the green one!
2. Remember, the order matters! Don't mess it up
3. No experimenting with new formulas tonight!
4. Don't listen to what you've consumed, you can recover
5. Don't confuse the red and blue beakers, they look similar

Follow the given instructions and figure out the correct order. 


Arrange the test tubes filled with different chemical in the order mentioned in the game section.


Beware solution below, click to see? HNO3,HCl,HBr,H2S,H2O,HI,HF,NaOH,H2SO4


This stage is design to assess memory and deduction skills of the user.

Stage 3: Atomic Shell

Soft skills tested: 2

  1. Patience
  2. Focus

Dead end: 0

Clues: 1

  1. The story mentions a satisfactory score, never a exact number.


While intoxicated, the chemist was frenziedly talking about his favorite game, Atomic Shell. 
He insists that you beat his current high score before he will focus on the task at hand. 
Play the game and achieve a satisfactory score to regain his attention. 


Comprehend the story accurately and make decision about at what score should you leave.


Submitting whenever is fine, early is better.


The story mentions a satisfactory score, never a exact number, thus submitting at any point is okay. This can only be comprehended if user if focused.

Stage 4: Quartz Quary

Soft skills tested: 4

  1. Memory
  2. Stress Management
  3. Focus
  4. Patience

Dead end: 1

  • The value that appears on the face of minerals follows the octet sequence seen in game 1.
  • If user is stuck here, they will have to move back to round one info
  • This action will cost time for the user and thus affect points negatively.

Clues: 0


Having finally beaten the chemist's high score, you successfully persuaded him to refocus on the task at hand. 
The next step requires combining specific minerals to enhance the purity and quality of the resulting product. 


  1. Every appearing mineral has amount/count written on it's face that is the amount of mineral you will gain.
  2. Your current collection amount won't be shown on the screen.
  3. Once you are sure that you have collected the necessary amount, hit Collecting more than given amount will result in incorrect attempt.
  4. When Mining, minerals might stick together, beware !


Focus on collecting one mineral first then move to next


The game is designed to put user under stress and then check their focus and short term memory.

Stage 5: Mindful Molecules

Soft skills tested: 2

  1. Eye for Detail
  2. Emotional Intelligence

Dead end: 1

  • All questions asked here are related to note found in game two.
  • If user is stuck here, they will have to move back to round two info
  • This action will cost time for the user and thus affect points negatively.

Clues: 1

  • As the name suggests "Mindful Molecules", use should be mindful of what they answer


Now that the door is unlocked, chemicals are re-arranged, and minerals are collected, 
it's time to finish what was started.

Facing a dilemma, you need to pause and reflect. 


Answer the Questions to best of your knowledge about chemist.


  • Q1: yes
  • Q2: yes
  • Q3: yes
  • Q4: should be same as 8th answer
  • Q5: should be same as 7th answer
  • Q6: no
  • Q7: should be same as 5th answer
  • Q8: should be same as 4th answer


Q1 to Q3 are there to check users attention, others are to assess Emotional Intelligence.

There are 3 methods to check Emotional Intelligence: "self-reporting, other-reporting, and ability testing".

While conducting this game, Self reporting is the most suitable method to do so.

Initially we ask some obvious Questions that user should be able to answer easily if they paid attention to story.

This sets up the pace for our crucial questions that are in pair (4 and 8) and (5 and 7).

(4 and 8) asks the Question on whether user trusts chemists decisions. Whether they do or not is up to them but a difference in answer suggests users incapacity to understand their emotion about the chemist.

(5 and 7) asks the Question on sincerity of chemist, 5th Qs asks if going for celebration was a good idea, if user agrees on this then their view on chemist's sincerity should not be conflicted for Q7.

With these Qs we attempting to assess Emotional Intelligence of the user.

Tech stack:










Database and Authentication




Project Set-up

Install Node

  • Node installation on Windows

    Just go on official Node.js website and download the installer. Also, be sure to have git available in your PATH, npm might need it (You can find git here).

  • Node installation on Ubuntu

    You can install nodejs and npm easily with apt install, just run the following commands.

    $ sudo apt install nodejs
    $ sudo apt install npm

Install Project

$ git clone
$ cd elementalQuests
$ npm install

Configure Project

This project uses Firebase technology, to configure this project for your self create project on firebase and replace credentials at required locations



An innovative experience that blends the thrill of a treasure hunt with the power of storytelling and puzzles to provide a one-of-a-kind soft skills assessment experience.





